How to do the wall clipping speedrun glitch?
3 years ago

I have searched the whole internet, all there is how to do wall clipping with a sword, I have seen people do it but there is no tutorial on how to do it without a sword or pegasus boots, please help.

BBoppers likes this
Oregon, USA

Check out this playlist of tutorial videos by superSKUJ:

Particularly the Indoor Clips / One Frame Clips Tutorial as he goes over select buffering vs using the sword or boots.

You can also find some more information on our wiki, this page might be useful:

BBoppers likes this
North Carolina, USA

So you wanna go start a new game and go in the castle, jump off the left ledge and before you touch ground select menu then save and quit, run back to the castle and go up the left stairs into the room without getting hit, punch the guy and hug the wall so he hits you and viola

BBoppers likes this
United States

That's an entirely different thing. What you described is arming exploration glitch, what was being asked is just clipping into walls, a less severe glitch.

BBoppers and LordBhavik like this

I am already doing exploration glitch, now I want to try wall clipping glitch as it is faster(Used in world record).

BBoppers likes this

Greenham's comment is the best advice i can think of, as thise resources go over the core mechanics of whats going on. If there's any specific part of the clips you don't understand, I'd recommend joining the discord as it's more active and usually provides a quicker response.

BBoppers, Link00Zelda and 2 others like this