Rules that NEED to be Addressed
1 year ago
United States

In this season, you can craft hearts at the table (Cormond's Workbench), which requires materials that can be farmed previously to the speedrun. These hearts can give massive advantages and is a problem for this season's speedruns.

These rules are being discussed on the D4 Speedrunning Discord. The community has had various requests for seasonal start, use of obols, and more that are only being heard by half of the moderators here. If you're moderating any game on I think you should have a vested interest. Without communication we do not know the reasoning behind the current ruleset. We also have no knowledge of your involvement other than verifying runs, and without any submitted runs or interest in this game, why are you making the rules?

United States

Feel free to share your thoughts here, I think most of the mods that actively play have been engrossed in the new season. We try to keep things up to date the best we can, maybe we could use another mod ;)

Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

I put in "you can use all season mechanics" as a rule in accordance of the mindset of all D2 Mods that you should be allowed to upgrade items even with prefarmed mats. so why now should that mindset be a problem. because Hanou and I got told "stop banning stuff". thats my take to that rule discussion.

United States

Yea, this was part of the discussion we had over including the campaign rule "8. You are not allowed to allocate any paragon points." I think that phrase was thrown around a few times, hah, because this rule has no inherent meaning to it and some active runners have been pinging me about why we have that rule.

Does everyone agree with adding the rule "You can use all season mechanics"? If we want to allow using pre-farmed mats, then maybe add short phrase like "including pre-farmed Malignant materials."

FYI - it looks like you have to complete the first season quest to unlock the bench, and then it's a gamble which heart you get. Materials do not look particularly easy to farm, so it might turn into a significant bottleneck for those who like to grind out speedruns, especially if you're fishing for a specific heart.

Let us know. We tried crafting the eternal realm rules we thought would be popular with the most amount of speedrunners, but ultimately the community owns these categories and the most popular category ruleset should be front and center on this site. Also please discuss if you want another category that mimics a season start, that one has been discussed quite a bit recently on the D4 Speedrunning discord.

United States

For speedruns we already have to farm out extra gallowvine, biteberry, and silver ore. I don't think adding in farming more materials for speedruns is going to incentivize players to want to do speedruns, so I think the table for crafting the hearts should be banned. As far as upgrading potion, crafting elixirs, upgrading gear, it would be impossible for the runner and the verifier to keep track of the materials for upgrading, but the heart materials are not very common. For example: I have had a level 100 Druid for a week and I can craft like 15 of each heart.

Edited by the author 1 year ago