"Best" category to start out running the game
6 months ago
Lower Saxony, Germany


I think I want to start running this game too in the future. What do u you think is the easiest way to get into running Dread?

Regarding Glitches, I run Links Awakening for switch which includes a bunch of hard glitches, so I am not scared of practicing a lot :D

Looking forward for your opinions :)

Indiana, USA

Hi - glad to see someone interested in picking up this game :)

Starting out I would probably recommend a few categories depending on what your preferences are like run time, easy-to-remember routes, etc.

Any% No Major Glitches (NMG) probably takes around 1.5 to 2 hours starting out (my first run was around a 1:45). The necessary glitches tend to be fairly simple to execute with a little bit of practice. Both of the current routes have a very precise trick halfway through the run which may require a little patience to get the hang of. Doing this category for a bit also provides a good head start when branching out into categories like 100% NMG or Any% Unrestricted.

100% NMG likely takes between 2.5 to 3 hours starting out (my first run was around a 2:30 after running Any% NMG for a bit). Some runners prefer categories that experience more of the game, like SM64's 120 Star - if you are one of those runners then I think this might be the category for you! The biggest obstacle to overcome with 100% would be remembering all of the item locations, however you can use a map to start out and slowly commit the route to memory. In some regards I like 100% better because I don't have to hinge on a very precise trick to maintain a good pace, like the ones I mentioned earlier for Any% NMG.

If you are interested in the heavier glitches in this game I would also add Any% Unrestricted - with a caveat. The current WR route and the one before it are not that great for beginners in my opinion. However, Any% UR has a few outdated routes that are much more approachable. You can start with one of them and add more tools to your kit as you improve! If this interests you I would recommend looking into the "Storm Skip" route - it's around an hour long and the major glitches are very accessible.


How familiar are you with the game, have you messed around with any tricks yet or anything? I don't know what the tricks in Links Awakening require but in Dread most tricks are close to frame-perfect, so require very good timing and muscle memory, others need fairly quick inputs and precise inputs - or you can use pause buffers for most tricks.

If you haven't touched the game yet, I want to suggest the Any% NMG Space Pseudo route to get more familiar with movement. This is several minutes slower than the WR route but it's a lot easier to learn. The faster route (SASB - Screw Attack Short Boost) has a very difficult trick that I would recommend not learning first.

The tricks you learn in the Space Pseudo route are not suuuper difficult yet but are important for pretty much any route and will still require a lot of practice. I believe this will give you good preparation for other more difficult routes / tricks.

As labmember said, if you still want to go ahead and try your hand at the much harder tricks look no further than Any% Unrestricted.

Whatever you choose to do check out the Discord as you'll probably find more resources to help you get started!

Buffalo, NY, USA

I started practicing Any% NMG at the beginning of February. I have never speedrun a game before this one. Any% NMG seemed the best to get used to some of easier glitches and how Samus moves.

Dread is super fun to run though no matter what!

Lower Saxony, Germany

Thanks for the answers :)

I just finished the game casual one time but really like How metroidvania speedruns play. So I can imagine that metroid itself should be massive fun!

As to glitches in LINKS awakening: there are a few frame perfect skips but in General the Timings are rather forgiving.

I think I will have a Look at nmg first and May change he category later If I notice that I am getting more consistent with the controls and stuff.

At the Moment I have two games to run which are about an hour in lenght, so it would be Nice to have a longer run which I can pull off every Now and then.

Edited by the author 5 months ago