5 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

This game definitely needs some more moderators.

Pennsylvania, USA

I would def like to help too (If you couldn't tell already by me making a thread about moderation) Here's some proof that I completed the game 100%

Georgia, USA

I don't see why getting all perfects in the game casually would make one qualified for being a mod. If anyone should be a new mod I think it should be @Sundex . Although, I'm quite the veteran of the series myself, so I wouldn't mind getting mod status either.

FrankPlanet likes this
Georgia, USA

That's not all of the same knowledge a speedrunner of this game would need, buuuut ok

Georgia, USA

So did I. So why do you get special treatment?

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Michigan, USA

I would like to apply for moderator status. I remember a time in my early days when I completed all the way to remix 8 (but that was back when I played casually). As for present day, I have a grand knowledge of all of the Rhythm Heaven games/how they are set up, even though I myself can only get so far on each of them thanks to the scenarios in which I play the game. I don't have a screenshot of my completion of Rhythm Tengoku, but I believe the information above is enough for you to consider

stoic_rose and FrankPlanet like this
Georgia, USA

apolgies, my man.

FrankPlanet likes this