Misc. / Joke Category Suggestion: Demo%
2 years ago

Goal: Beat the free demo version of the game as quickly as possible

Timer starts when the difficulty is selected for Point of Arrival Timer ends once the video preview of the full game starts playing

All 3 levels must be completed in order (Point of Arrival, then Downtown Grassland, and finally Brawl at the Mall)

Amiibo: Banned 2P: Allowed in Non-Evolved Co-Op and Evolved Co-Op Keyboards: Allowed Difficulty: Runner's Choice


Non-Evolved: Beat the demo as fast as possible solo without using Evolved Copy Abilities

Evolved: Beat the demo as fast as possible solo using Evolved Copy Abilities. (Evolved Copy Abilities are unlocked after beating the demo for the first time)

Non-Evolved Co-Op: Same as Non-Evolved, except you must play in 2P

Evolved Co-Op: Same as Evolved, except you must play in 2P

Emeraldstar, FloxyCola, and SpeedIn like this

Didnt they allready say that Will not be a category

FloxyCola, Chilriie and 2 others like this
United States

We had an unofficial document as a sort of leaderboard for this when the demo released, but before the full game's release. Like with Star Allies before it, though, there's really not much demand for a "Demo%" now that the full game's out, especially two months in. If it showed up at all, it'd likely be as a category extension and even then, it's admittedly really unlikely.

FloxyCola and Karlo2004 like this

Already suggested this to demolition14 his reply "no"

FloxyCola likes this
Östergötland, Sweden

How about a category extensions leaderboard?

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USB Keyboard Ruling Update

So, uh, this was something I meant to post after it was made official and forgot to do in a timely manner. Sorry for that. Anyways, this is something that's already been in effect for just over a week, but in the event it hasn't been seen: The topic came back up and we've decided to allow for USB ke

2 years ago
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