literally just a single question
7 years ago

So i love watching speed runs. GDQ every year twice a year etc. The glitches and exploits are cool and all but I would love to see game played really really fast/well but as INTENDED. No glitches, no exploits, just old fashioned finding the most efficient way to play the game NORMALLY to get the best time without changing the way the game is MEANT to be played.

Is there a category name for that? or does it depend on the game?

He/Him, It/Its
7 years ago

[quote] Is there a category name for that? [/quote] Yes, Glitchless.

coolestto and omegablue8392 like this

Not all games has glitchless categories Keep in mind that while unintended mechanics are banned, intended mechanics can still be abused in these categories. For example, in a Zelda game, where you throw down a bomb, and the explosion of the bomb makes you jump further than normal to reach a place you couldn't go to before normally.

This differs per game however.

South Yorkshire, England

Let's Play


[QUOTE]Let's Play[/QUOTE]

Zachoholic, HowDenKing and 3 others like this
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

Glitchless speedruns. Aka ResidentSleeper

Texas, USA

Japanese keyboards are weird. Is that a carat ¤and¤ a big carat? And a button for the yen symbol? And the words are in English! I'm glad I don't have to learn Japanese to use an English keyboard. Is that weird to anyone else? No. Okay, just me that's weird? Yeah, you're probably right...

coolestto likes this
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

Many Japanese games, especially in past eras, contained English text. Words like "SCORE" or "HEALTH" or "LIVES" usually appear in English.