Speed run timer for Mac?
7 years ago

Anyone know of any good ones?

California, USA

Apparently the only option that you have for a Mac is Llanfair.


Cant get this to work for some reason, its a jar file, and dosen't open

Edited by the author 7 years ago
California, USA

I have no idea then. Better to wait for someone with a Mac. :D

Zer0z likes this

A jar file is a Java package, you need to run it like so.

If you're not savvy with that kind of stuff, I suggest using LiveSplitOne - a browser version of LiveSplit that is cross platform https://cryze.github.io/LiveSplitOne/

Zer0z likes this

Right, how do I get it to record my time for each individual level as such?


Im not sure I understand your question.

LiveSplitOne, like any split program, keeps track of the splits you tell it to keep track of. You right click on it, and hit "edit splits" and now you can enter whatever splits you want. Once you start the timer, you hit your split key/split button on LiveSplitOne and then you split. So if your game has 9 levels, you create 9 splits (one for each level) and split at the completion of each level.

If you're doing ILs where you aim to complete one level as fast as possible, then you probably don't need splits and you can just start the timer on level start and end it on level completion. In general, you don't want 100 splits and have yourself end up splitting every minute or so, people like to spread their splits out so that they only split every few minutes or at major points in the run.

ItzSweeney likes this
Texas, USA

Llanfair is the only one I've found that works in Unix environments, but you have to jump through several hoops. You need to have a java virtual machine installed (https://www.java.com/en/download/) or your computer won't even know what to do with the .jar extension.

The other big hoop you have to jump through is modifying the security preferences. Macs try to hold your hand through all this stuff, so you have to manually tell it that yes, you know what you're doing. When you've downloaded Llanfair and java, go to the System Preferences and click on the "Security and Privacy" icon. In the "Privacy" tab, go down to the "Accessibility" tab and you'll see all the apps on your computer. You might have to click the little padlock at the bottom to make changes. Look for "Jar Launcher" or "Java" or "JRE" or something along those lines. It should have a coffee mug icon or similar. (If you can't find it, try launching Llanfair and it will crash because of your current security preferences, but this will make it show up, so it's kind of a hack, but whatever works I guess)

Basically, you want to give it universal access. Depending on what version of OS X you have, it might be a bit different. If you have an old computer, it'll be something like "Enable access for assistive devices", but you get the idea.

Even once it's installed, Llanfair sometimes doesn't like showing up or it does this thing where it pops up, but the coordinates are off-screen, which is kinda silly. So if you click Llanfair and it doesn't pop up, but it has focus (The top left says "Llanfair"), click the dropdown menu and select "Show All", and it should bring it to the front. It's not a very big application, so it might even be up and you don't notice it. It will be this ~half inch tall box that will say something like "No Segments" in whatever the default color is.

Texas, USA

The real pain is making audio work in OBS. You have to create a multi-output device that you get one chance to set the volume correcty for (you can't modify the volume once the thing is created), and it's only even useful for OBS.

South Yorkshire, England

I don't think you'll get much response from a banned user

Florida, USA

Do you have the link for llanfair? The Jenaarai website completely shut down and i can't really access it anymore 😑 Also whenever i do try to look it up i get that weird and long name of a village and i get absolutely nowhere 🙃

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Alberta, Canada

how safe is this Llanfair?

Edited by the author 4 years ago
United States

Uhh, safe, or we wouldn't recommend it? It's open-source, so you can look at the code all you want.