fire stormy
3 years ago

why is stormy still a moderator here? it has become increasingly clear that they don’t give a shit about this page. all they do is make stupid changes and gatekeeps the hell out of this. they make changes without a word to anyone. i don’t care how long they have been a moderator here but they clearly don’t care anymore. Zooms should have not just dropped and let stormy take over completely. he should have left it with someone who actually runs the damn game still. this page will remain a hellhole of a mess if stormy remains moderator here as it has been the past few years. he has always sucked this. has anyone noticed the shitload of changes this page has went through in the past year and how many were reverted already because of how bad they were? i wont put much more here but i know a few will know what i am talking about.

i will wait for supreme overlord stormy to remove this thread

United States

ong cuss words banned!!!1 ong ####### ####### ########## #

also, I'm fairly sure since stormy runs this thing we can't fire him

United States

also, you don't have any runs on this game... or any game... and this is your first post... thinking emoji moment

Noraanata and Hevyboi like this
Ottawa, ON, Canada
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Yeah exactly you dont even run so what do you know? :Thonk:

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Victoria, Australia

Eh I mean it has gone through a lot of changes, but that's not just stormy's fault, the game itself has had updates, but if mod applications are open I would be happy to take one lol.

Ottawa, ON, Canada
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Also he does give a shit hes been making changes to nake the community better ;-;

Edited by the author 3 years ago

clearly it’s a burner because i know stormy will try to get my main banned im not stupid enough to do that.

the changes were SOOOOO necessary like fps and continually removing the categories WITHOUT EVEN asking the community

Ottawa, ON, Canada
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

What categories where removed? Because i dont remember any categories being removed and the fps unlocker being banned was to make all platforms equal... The fps unlocker gives an advantage which is unfair. The only reason it was removed is because they couldnt verify whether or not you used it

Edited by the author 3 years ago

full-game multiple times, glitches (while there are still glitches in game that can be used), etc

Ottawa, ON, Canada
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

And he doesn't need to ask us for permission to make something fair

Noraanata and bluwrd like this

afaik the only change that was reverted was the ban of using fps unlockers, which in theory the ban sounded like a good move to balance the playing field for all platforms. People disliked the change, so it was reverted.

Late flood was removed because of how annoying it was for both the runner and the verifier. Name one runner who actually enjoyed doing late flood runs and not just to snag a world record. The only reason this rule ever existed was to remove time wasted from waiting at the spawn of a map for a door to open (notably sinking ship). This was only ever useful for a couple of maps.

I don't see problems with the rest of the changes. Crazyblox has been making questionable updates that affect speedrunners a fair bit, with map voting and the intensity system, but that's out of our control.

The multiplayer category was replaced with duos only. Threads are made for every change, including a reason of why they were made. To quote from the thread found here: "We did this because presenting more and more players on an unlimited scale for one level is unfair. It gives people with more players in a category an unfair advantage over a duo pair. It is also important to note that trio+ was not the popular choice for multiplayer, anyway. 95% of multiplayer runs were done as a duo."

A bunch of maps were reverted due to the new mechanics. Some maps definitely were not changed as much as others, so I'll say some maps shouldn't've been reverted, even though it would've been at least a tiny bit harder to compete with runs made before it.

Zooms left because he had been inactive for a very long time, and from what I heard he was unable to verify runs too for some reason. I don't see why anyone would think that's a bad move.

Would like to hear how this community is "gatekeeped" though!

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Ottawa, ON, Canada
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Glitches was a bad category anyways

gate keeping as he has made changes without discussing with the COMMUNITY and not just one person. the rules on this site say that the page is owned and represented by the community and not just stormy. he does not talk with the community at all before changes which why half the time the community is unsatisfied with things to happen here. today was probably the only positive change here. but other than that he doesn’t even know what is happening half the time and you can tell just by the way he handles things


Bro what are you saying. Stormy is trying to make spdrunning fair and i'm thankful for him. So I don't know why you are saying that Stormy is not a good mod, look at the wider picture and stop being a child.

Noraanata and bluwrd like this

Just Please don't put other people down for your expense. It doesn't make them feel good about themselves either, We want this community together not to be town Torn apart, as Small as this community is I still really like.

Noraanata and bluwrd like this

Just stfu bitch where your runs at 🤔🧐... exactly nowhere dumbass so stfu 🤡🤡🤡🤡🥱🥱

Victoria, Australia

I think it's an alt account lmaoooooo


Cheese, you haven't done jack shit yet you're complaining? I dare you to do something useful for once in your damn life.

Orlando, FL, USA


I don't know who you are but if you want to say something next time don't hide behind an alt and just DM me or something. :)

Snyvie7, bluwrd and 2 others like this
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Velocity Display

Henlo this is your local FE2 speedrunning mod Nolyswag and I'd just like to recommend for people to use velocity display during runs to maximize the odds of your run being verified (it just helps confirm that your run is legit).

Signing out, Nolyswagger the 1st

3 months ago
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