Discord Server?
9 months ago
United States
Deleted by the author
Virginia, USA
He/Him, They/Them
9 months ago

https://discord.gg/mpQkaXqA there’s an official discord now

United States

https://discord.gg/kk4SQwDw4y there's one called "Better Undertale Yellow". Don't click the one above this comment, it's not the official one, cuz the official one is closed.

Edited by the author 5 months ago
United States

Are you self-promiting an unofficial discord server after an official one already exists? Fine I suppose, but just be aware that it may cause confusion. I was in the process of setting up my own on December 13th (only hours before the official one came out) but it's better to use the official one made by a mod, as the others in the Undertale server stated. (A​nd I never apologized for that drama either, but consider this my sincere apology)​

United States

Also you can just click the Discord icon next to the game picture on the main leaderboard to be ​directed directly to the server, just in case you didn't already know. (Zilicon's invite link ​expired, as old invite links do)

United States

Also it's kinda sus ​you joined SRC TODAY

(MB if you're a human and not a bot)

Edited by the author 5 months ago