Item Text Skipping
5 years ago
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Hey everyone.

Made a video explaining a trick to get through item text boxes faster since a lot of people don't know about it and just mash X instinctively when it's not the fastest way to mash. The video might not show the greatest examples of it but if you try it out for yourselves, you'll notice how much faster it is.

Basically it's like this, on an Xbox One/360 pad press X ---> A ---> X to get past the text. The game will recognize those inputs faster than if you were to just mash X.

On a keyboard and mouse, the equivalent is E ---> Enter ---> E.

adrihime, BlueRunsFast and 8 others like this
Hesse, Germany

Thanks for that information^^

United Arab Emirates

Hello Mike,

Thank you so much for the guide, and the explanation. I got a lot of messages regarding my Item pick up recently, but it's very hard for me to explain since I'm not English.

The way I do it is just like you mentioned, but the deference is I time the A button input. so what I do is mash X as fast as possible right when the text appears for taking the item I press the A button, while still mashing X, If you do it at the right time you can skip the text box very fast. It also can be used to skip any other text box faster.

Its very hard to get used to, but once you get it down in your brain it becomes second nature, I hope my explanation is understandable though, and good luck to all the runners

Democritus3, MikeWave and 2 others like this
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