Any ALttP questions? Post them here!
9 years ago
New York, USA

Why is there a WiiVC but not a WiiUVC?

BBoppers likes this
Ohio, USA

For all intents and purposes they are the same thing, consider them one and the same.

BBoppers and lozplyr89 like this
New York, USA

Makes sense I guess, thank you

BBoppers likes this

Question: Whenever I skip ahead and get the Gold Sword (I beat palace 5 and 6 first) when I get to Mothula, after about two hits with the Gold Sword, Mothula (who should be dead) takes no damage (despite where it and I both are positioned). I do not have this issue with either of the other swords, nor any of the other bosses.

BBoppers likes this
Ohio, USA

Correct. Mothula does not take damage from the gold sword, OR from a tempered sword spin.

Damage is dealt in classes. Fighter sword SLASH is damage class 1. Fighter spin and master sword slash are damage class 2, master spin and tempered slash are damage class 3, tempered spin and gold slash/spin are damage class 4. Moth, for whatever reason, is programmed to take 0 damage from damage class 4. The spikes in the room do Damage Class 4 damage, so it was an oversight to prevent Moth from killing himself flying into the spikes.

On a related note, the master sword does half the damage as the fighter sword on Armos, but that only comes up in puzzles or glitched categories.

Welcome to ALTTP, quite a strange game.

BBoppers likes this

You can damage Mothula with Gold pokes still though :-)

Generally speaking pokes do damage of the sword in the class below and spins do damage of the sword in the class above.

BBoppers likes this
California, USA

Question, my friend has the Supa Boy and was wondering if this is considered console or emulator

BBoppers likes this
Ohio, USA

Technically emulator, but for the purposes of leaderboards, console I imagine. No one has ever gotten a remotely competitive time with one of those so the topic has never really come up.

BBoppers likes this

I'm having trouble with a glitch, i'm doing randomizer and i need this glitch to enter to ice palace. The glitch consist on swim as a rabit, but i dont get it, i do all correctly someone knows why i can't do it? I followed all steps Screenshots:

Glitch page:

Someone could help me?:/

Edited by the author 7 years ago
BBoppers likes this
Ohio, USA

This isn't a great forum for that question. I suggest you join the ALTTP discord (there is a thread with the link) and ask in the #randomizer channel.

BBoppers likes this
British Columbia, Canada

Hey there, quick question. I've noticed with the Any% runs under the USA NTSC region that some runners have the japanese text, is that allowed? And if so, are they running the JPN version of the rom or what? Am just curious, thanks!

BBoppers likes this

We prefer to play the Japanese 1.0 version because it includes some more glitches and it has less textboxes (because of the japanese text) so yea on console we use a japanese 1.0 cartridge and on emulator the 1.0 rom :)

BBoppers likes this
Ohio, USA

JP alone saves 59 seconds. JP 1.0 saves even more due to the allowed minor glitches (spin speed, item dashing, mirror block erase, fake flippers.)

BBoppers likes this
British Columbia, Canada

Ok, so if I did a run with the Japanese 1.0 ROM and submit it, do I submit it under the USA NTSC region or JPN region? Cause I've noticed runs under the USA region category have the jp text

BBoppers likes this
Ohio, USA

JP region. Any runs under US region with JP game is miscategorized.

BBoppers likes this
Indiana, USA

Would the emu snex9x ex+ v. 1.5.34 be an acceptable emu? I'd be running it on a Galaxy tab while on business away from home... Wondering if i need to pack the console with me on trips or if this would be acceptable if i showed frame rate and button mapping before the run.

Thanks in Advance Pixie_Styx

Edited by the author 7 years ago
BBoppers likes this
Oklahoma, USA

Hello, new runner here, looking to run Any% Major Glitches (USA version)

I can't seem to get the wallclip after saving and restarting. I'm walking into the wall while being hit. What could I be doing wrong?

BBoppers likes this

Yes that emulator is fine Pixie! And I saw your question already got answered Fragmented :)

BBoppers likes this
Indiana, USA

Does the run recording have to be a web link? Or is there a way to upload a file?

BBoppers likes this

You cannot upload files to this site. Preferred ways are to upload videos to sites like YouTube or Twitch. Then you post the link to your video in the "video link" field when submitting a run. Those sites have the video auto embedded into this site and they make it easy to watch and verify your run. There might be a couple other sites that get auto embedded but those are by far the most popular.

I've seen a few people on other games occasionally upload a video file to a site like Dropbox and submit that link, but that's less ideal and people tend to be advised against doing that with a run submission because I know personally I'd be sketch about downloading a file to verify it.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
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