Steam Full-game Kind/Kind notes
Steam Full-game Kind/Kind notes
Updated 7 years ago by mudjoe2

¤Need 100 Monocoins by Chapter 4 Investigation ¤Hold ctrl+S to advance text, NOT just ctrl - this seems to maybe go faster, but removes the text sounds ¤Use ctrl+S for other navigations too; like the student counting scene at the end of chapters, Free Time announcement, Truth Bullet get, etc. to make them much faster ¤This guide assumes KB+M for most of the game, however I like using a 360 controller for most parts of the trials and overworld navigation.

¤Timing starts at hitting Start for Kind/Kind, timing ends when the survivors all hit the shutdown sequence

=======Prologue======= -Beach -Examine Tree -Examine Monitor -Pan left -Examine Ocean -Examine Camera -Exit Beach -GOTO Airport (right) -Talk to Gundham -Exit Airport -GOTO Rocketpunch Market (right) -Talk to Ibuki -Exit Rocketpunch Market -GOTO Hotel (right) -Left poolside -Talk to Fuyuhiko -Talk to Mahiru -Talk to Nekomaru on other poolside -Enter Hotel Lobby -Talk to Peko -Talk to Chiaki -Use stairs -Use map to go to central island bridge -GOTO Ranch (left) -(?)Skip cow scene -Talk to Hiyoko -Talk to Akane -Exit Ranch -GOTO Central Island (right) -GOTO Jabberwock Park (left) -Talk to Byakuya -Use map to go to Central Bridge -GOTO Beach (right) -Talk to Byakuya -Talk to any 3 people (includes monomi) -Leave Beach

=======Chapter 1======= DAY 1 -Enter Hajime's cottage (down and on the right side) -Get hidden Monokuma in top right to leave -Enter Restaurant -Talk to Byakuya -Exit Restaurant -Use map to get to Jabberwock Park -Jabberwock Park -Examine Timer



EVENING -Exit Hajime's Cottage -Use map to get to Jabberwock Park -Talk to Fuyuhiko

DAY 2 -GOTO Restaurant



EVENING -Exit Hajime's Cottage -GOTO Old Building -Old Building -Enter Dining Hall -Examine middle Iron Plate -Examine all tables -Talk to everyone -(?)Don't think you have to talk to Chiaki -Talk to Byakuya -Examine Knife Set -Examine Equipment List -Examine Meat on the bone -Talk to Byakuya -Exit Old Building -Examine Table with lamp

INVESTIGATION START -Examine duralumin case -Talk to Gundham -Talk to Mahiru -Examine air conditioner -Talk to Mikan -Zoom Table -Examine NVG -Examine Knife -Examine Body -Examine Bloodstains on left -Talk to Nagito -Talk to Ibuki -Talk to Sonia -Enter Kitchen -Examine Kitchen equipment list -Examine Meat on the bone -Talk to Teruteru -Exit Kitchen -Enter Storage Room -Examine Irons -Examine Laundry bin -Examine Boxes in the back -Examine Sheets on the right -Exit Storage room -Enter Office by front -Talk to Kazuichi -Talk to Peko -Examine Duralumin case -Examine A/C controller -Examine Circuit Breaker -Exit Office -GOTO Byakuya's Cottage (next to Hajime's) -Examine Envelope on right -Leave Cottage -GOTO Old Building -Talk to Nekomaru in Lobby -Enter Dining Room -Talk to Mikan -Talk to Mahiru -GOTO Monokuma Rock (right) -Touch rock

TRIAL START -Shoot Bloodstain under the table at (Kazuichi) Moved the body

-Present Knife

-Shoot Night Vision Googles at (Peko) Byakuya couldn't see

-Showdown -Advance -Shoot Duralumin case at Brought them

-Select Duct Tape -Present Murder Threat -Select Glowing paint

-Shoot Nekomaru's Account at (Peko) Before the blackout

-Shoot Party Dishes at (Akane) Laxatives

-Shoot Irons in the Storage Room at (Mahiru) Caused a power surge

-Showdown -Advance -Shoot AC Timer at (second statement in total) Irons caused the blackout

-Select Power cord on the far right -Select The power cord -Select Nagito -Select When he was cleaning -Select Ultimate Lucky Student

-Shoot Mikan's Autopsy Results at (Fuyuhiko) Knife he hid

-Present Ibuki's Account

TRIAL CONTINUED -Select Because there's no blood on Nagito -Present Storage Room Tablecloth

-Hangman's Gambit -Under The Floor

-Select Gundham (right)

-Shoot Chiaki's Account at (Mahiru) No Alibi

-Shoot Kitchen Equipment List at (Akane) Used a light

-Showdown -Advance -Shoot Fire Door at (second orange statment) wouldn't Kazuichi have seen it

-Select Teruteru (left) -Present Knife

-Shoot Gaps in the Floorboard at (Terteru) was in the dining hall

-Present Embarrassing Pose

-Hangman's Gambit -Iron Skewer

-PTA (NO FEVER YET) -Meat On The Bone

-Comic (copied from speedwerd) -A knife glowing in the dark...? P8_1 -Big meat on the bone. P5_2 -Borrowing the tablecloth. P6_2 -Chiaki... P1 -Closing the fire door. P6_1 -Nagito trying to duck under the table. P4_2 -Night-vision goggles equipped! P4_1 -Set at 11:30 PM. P2_2 -Switched on. P5_1 -The air conditioner turned on! P3_1 -The irons turned on P2_1 -The Ultimate Musician has amazing hearing! P10_1

=======Chapter 2======= DAY 1 -GOTO Island 2 -GOTO Ancient Ruins -Ancient Ruins -GOTO Library -Library -Talk to Sonia -Check bookshelf behind Sonia -GOTO Drugstore -Drugstore -Talk to Mikan -GOTO Diner-Front -Diner-Front -Talk to Fuyuhiko -Enter tunnel to Chandler Beach -Chandler Beach -Talk to Ibuki -Enter Beach House -Beach House -Talk to Kazuichi -Talk to Kazuichi -Ancient Ruins -Talk to Chiaki -Zoom Door -Door -Examine Door

DAY 2 -GOTO Restaurant



EVENING -GOTO Jabberwock Park -Examine arcade machine

DAY 3 -GOTO Restaurant -Restaurant -GOTO Old Building -Old Building -Enter Dining Hall



EVENING -GOTO Jabberwock Park -Examine arcade machine

TWILIGHT SYNDROME -Enter Classroom 1-A -Talk to Girl B (first from the left) -Talk to Girl D (second from the right) -Enter Classroom 1-B

DAY 4 -GOTO Restaurant


DAY TIME -GOTO Diner-Front -Diner-Front -Enter Diner -Diner -Talk to Kazuichi -Diner-Front -Enter Diner -Enter tunnel to Chandler Beach -Chandler Beach -Enter Beach House

INVESTIGATION START -Beach House -Investigate Metal Bat -Investigate Mask -(?)Investigate Bloodstain (probably not necessary) -Investigate Mahiru's Body -Investigate Trash Can -(?)Investigate Refrigerator -(?)Talk to Chiaki -Enter Closet -Closet -Investigate Gummy -Investigate Right Shelves -Exit Closet -Beach House -Investigate Shower Door -Enter Shower -Shower -Investigate window -Exit Shower -(?)Beach House -(?)Investigate Refrigerator (may work earlier in above notes) -(?)Talk to Chiaki (may work earlier in above notes) -Investigation done notification -Talk to Chiaki -Jabberwock Park -Talk to Chiaki -(?)Examine arcade machine -Hit down 5 times

TWILIGHT SYNDROME -Run up to floor 2 -Open music room door -Examine body -Examine broken window

INVESTIGATION -GOTO Airport -Airport -Talk to Mikan -Talk to Ibuki -(?)Talk to Hiyoko -GOTO Hotel -Hotel -Enter Mahiru's Cottage (far end, left side) -Mahiru's Cottage -Examine envelope on bed -Exit Cottage -GOTO Chandler Beach -Chandler Beach -Enter Beach House -Beach House -Talk to Sonia -Talk to Mikan -Talk to Nagito -GOTO Monokuma Rock (right 2)

TRIAL START -Select Mikan -Select Girl B -Select Ibuki -Select Mahiru -Select Fuyuhiko -Select He had a little sister -Select High school girl who died at the beginning -Select Because Girl E was the killer

-Shoot Broken Vase at (Nekomaru) Window Shattering

-Shoot Stolen School Swimsuit at (Ibuki) beating her with gravel

-Select Guy F -Present Metal Bat

-Shoot Footprints on the Beach at (Hiyoko) didn't go

-Shoot Letter to Mahiru at (Hiyoko) only on my morning walk

-Select Closet

-Shoot Gummy Bag at (Fuyuhiko) dropped the gummy

-Shoot Mikan's Autopsy Report at (Akane) last ounce of strength

-Showdown - Advance - Shoot Shower Room at Washed it off in the shower

-Select She can't get dressed by herself -Present Letter on Mahiru -Select Both letters

TRIAL CONTINUED -Logic Dive -Before Hiyoko Arrived -After Hiyoko left -Beach house

-Select the closet -Select surfboard container on the right

-Memorize (Chiaki) Other than the shower -Shoot Other than the shower at (Fuyuhiko) would have been impossible

-Select the drinks inside the refrigerator

-Showdown - Advance - Duel - Shoot Trash can at No water bottles

-Select Peko -Select small window in the shower room

-Hangman's Gambit -Bamboo Sword

-PTA -Bamboo Sword Bag

-Comic (copied from speedwerd) -A pretty anime girl mask. P5_1 -Footprints in the sand...? P7_2 -Hiyoko arrives at the Beach House...? P3_1 -Hiyoko wakes up. P7_1 -It seems Hiyoko made a promise with someone. P1_1 -Mahiru arrives at the Beach House...? P4_1 -Plastic water bottle... then what? P6_1 -Tie the bamboo sword to the sword bag... P8_2 -The killer dropped the lemon-flavored gummy! P8_1 -The killer forged two letters. P2_1 -The killer went inside the surfboard case! P6_2

-Select nationality -Select the body discovery announcement -Select Fuyuhiko -Present Ending Prize

=======Chapter 3======= DAY 1 -GOTO Restaurant -Restaurant -Examine Mahiru shrine -GOTO Island 3 -GOTO Hospital -Hospital -Exit -GOTO Titty Typhoon -Enter Titty Typhoon -Titty Typhoon -Exit -GOTO Motel -Motel -Exit -GOTO Electric Ave -Electric Ave -Examine Laptop Corner -Exit -GOTO Movie Theater -Movie Theater -Examine Goods Counter -Exit -Hospital -Enter Hallway -Enter door at the end -Talk to Mikan

DAY 2 -GOTO Restaurant



DAY 3 -GOTO Restaurant



EVENING -GOTO Titty Typhoon -Enter Titty Typhoon -GOTO Beach

DAY 4 -GOTO Restaurant -Restaurant -Talk to Nagito -Talk to Akane -Talk to Hiyoko -Hospital -Talk to Hiyoko -Talk to Mikan -GOTO Hospital Lobby -Examine Pink Surveillance Camera -Examine Bulletin Notice

DAY 5 -Enter Hospital Hallway -Enter Nagito's room (second room) -Enter Hospital Lobby -Enter Hospital Hallway -Enter Nagito's room (second room)

DAY 6 -Enter Hospital Hallway -Enter Nagito's room (second room) -Exit Nagito's room -Examine Pink Surveillance Camera -GOTO Titty Typhoon -Enter Titty Typhoon -Exit Hotel -GOTO Titty Typhoon (left) -Enter Titty Typhoon

INVESTIGATION START -Examine Broken Machine -Zoom to Stage -Stage -Examine Candle -Examine Hemp Bag(?) -Examine Rope -Examine Stepladder -Examine stage curtain -Examine Ibuki's body -Examine Hiyoko's body -Examine A/C Control Panel on the right -Examine Baton Lighting Control Panel on the right -Talk to Chiaki -Zoom out Stage -Enter Storage Room -Storage Room -Examine Shelves -Examine full length mirror -Talk to Nagito -Exit Storage Room -Talk to Mikan -Talk to Fuyuhiko -Talk to Mikan -Exit Titty Typhoon -GOTO Movie Theater -Movie Theater -Investigate Goods Corner -Enter Theater -Exit Movie Theater -GOTO Motel (left) -Talk to Gundham -(?)Talk to Fuyuhiko -Enter Hiyoko's room -Hiyoko's room -Talk to Sonia -Examine sink -(?)Exit -Examine bed -(?)Exit -Talk to Fuyuhiko? -Exit Motel -GOTO Hospital -Hospital -Examine Pink Surveillance Camera -(?)Talk to Kazuichi -(?)Talk to Chiaki -Enter Hallway -(?)Talk to Akane -Enter 2nd floor -Enter Conference Room -Conference Room -Talk to Chiaki -(?)Exit -(?)Enter and exit staff room -(?)Talk to Akane -GOTO Monokuma Rock (left)

TRIAL START -Shoot Movie Ticket at (Nagito) imitating the movie

-Shoot Semitransparent Glob at (Fuyuhiko) lock from the inside

-Select Glue

-Hangman's Gambit -Wallpaper

-Logic Dive -It was hidden -The wallpaper -They covered the pillar

-Select To mix up the killing order

-Shoot Bloody Soles at (Sonia) sign she stepped in something

-Showdown -Shoot Smudges on the floor at No blood

-Shoot Mikan's Account at (Sonia) No one has an alibi

TRIAL CONTINUED -Shoot Hotel Room Key at (Sonia) Of her own free will

-Showdown -Advance -Duel -Advance -Shoot Sonia's Account at (second orange statement) Fought with the killer

-Present stepladder -Select the side of the stepladder without blood

-Hangman's Gambit -Filming Location

-Logic Dive -The camera -The music venue -They took it with them

-Select Destroyed it

-Hangman's Gambit -Conference Room

-Shoot Music Venue Curtain at (Kazuichi, 2nd) Make the music room look like the conference room

-Present candle -Select The Ibuki in the conference room -Select Mikan Tsumiki

-Shoot Rope used for Hanging at (Kazuichi) Fall for someone's lie

-Memorize Killer's Mistake (Chiaki) at the very end -Shoot Killer's Mistake at (Mikan) Camera Angle

-PTA -Theater Bonus Prize

-Comic (copied from speedwerd) -The killer ripped off the music venue's wallpaper! P4_1 -The ripped piece on the baton lighting. P4_2 -The video of the broadcasted hanging. P1_1 -Threw off the hemp, Monomi's tote bag...! P2_1 -What are you spreading? Glue? P5_2 -What's left of the surveillance camera unit... P5_1

=======Chapter 4======= DAY 1 -GOTO Island 4 -GOTO Horror House -Horror House -Examine door -Exit -GOTO Nezumi Castle -Examine door -Talk to Nekomaru -Exit -GOTO Rollercoaster -Exit Rollercoaster -GOTO Funhouse -Funhouse -Examine train -Exit if possible, otherwise talk to Nagito -GOTO Rollercoaster -Examine Train

-Exit to 3rd floor -Enter 2nd floor -Enter lounge in center of guestrooms -Strawberry Lounge -Examine telephone -Exit -Enter 1st floor -Examine Final Dead Room -Examine elevator -Examine Strawberry Hall door -Tower -Examine Grape door -Exit Tower -Go to Elevator -Talk to Monokuma

-Examine Grape Hall door -Tower -Examine Strawberry door -Talk to Chiaki -Talk to Gundham -Talk to Fuyuhiko -Talk to Nagito -Examine elevator -Examine Strawberry Hall door -Enter Grape Crummy Room next to the Lounge

DAY 2 -Enter Grape Lounge

FREE TIME -Enter Grape Crummy Room next to the Lounge -Sleep

FREE TIME -Enter Grape Crummy Room next to the Lounge -Sleep

FREE TIME -Enter Grape Crummy Room next to the Lounge -Sleep

Evening -Enter Grape Crummy Room next to the Lounge

DAY 3 -Enter 1st floor -Enter Grape Tower



DAY TIME -Enter 1st floor elevator -Enter Final Dead Room

DAY 4 -Enter 1st floor -Enter Grape Tower

INVESTIGATION START -Examine Hammer -Examine Broken Pillar with oil -Examine Strawberry Door -Zoom Nekomaru's Body -Nekomaru's Body -Examine oil by head -Examine head -Examine wire at foot -(?)Examine chestplate -Zoom out -Talk to Chiaki -Talk to Akane -(?)Talk to Sonia -Enter 2nd floor -Enter lounge -Pick up Strawberry Phone

INVESTIGATION CONTINUED -Talk to Kazuichi -Talk to Fuyuhiko -Enter 1st floor -Investigate elevator -Investigate Strawberry Hall door -Enter Final Dead Room [NEED 100 MONOCOINS BY THIS POINT] -Final Dead Room -Examine bars above the gun door -Pay 100 Monocoins -Investigate window -Investigate weapons -Investigate hatch(?) -Investigate refrigerator(?) -Talk to Nagito -Talk to Nagito -Enter 1st Floor -Enter Grape Tower -Talk to Kazuichi -Zoom Nekomaru's Body -Nekomaru's Body -Examine chestplate -Zoom out -Talk to Nagito -Exit Grape Tower -Enter elevator -Enter Strawberry Tower -Examine Grape Door

TRIAL START -Shoot New Looking Hammer at (Kazuichi) Beat the crap out of -Select The broken pillar -Shoot Pillar Fragments at (Sonia) Tipping the pillar over -Shoot Strange Feeling in Tower at (Sonia) Same place

-Showdown -Advance -Shoot Oil on the floor at (second orange statement) Everything

-Select The Life-Threatening Game -Select treetops to the right of the tower -Select bottom left part of the tiles below the "1st floor"

-Logic Dive -They exist -They're the same building -Vertically

-Select The floors above Grape House

-Shoot Strange Feeling in Tower at (Kazuichi) dummy

-Hangman's Gambit -Elevator

-Select They were all on the floor -Select Only the floor moves

-Shoot Kazuichi's Account at (Gundham) Vertically

-Select An eight-sided shape -Select top of third floor (top of 3rd floor of Grape House)


-Shoot Good Night Button at (Kazuichi) Moving object inside

-Shoot Wire at (Fuyuhiko) Doorknob on the floor

-Showdown -Advance -Shoot Alarm Clock Timer at (second orange statement) Still been in sleep mode

-Select He collided with the pillar

-Shoot Radio Clock at (Akane) tampered with the clock inside his chest

-Logic Dive -The time in the building -The building's clocks -Both houses

-Shoot Akane's account at (Sonia) heard the sound when he fell

-Select Two hours -Select Monokuma Tai Chi -Select Nagito

-Hangman's Gambit -Deluxe Rooms

-Select Gundham

-Memorize (Akane) Secret Passageway -Shoot Secret Passageway at (Gundham) The only means of travel between the two houses

-Select Nagito

-Showdown -Advance - this shit is dumb -Shoot Wire at maelstrom of confusion

-PTA -The Four Dark Devas

-Comic (copied from speedwerd) -Alarm set for 5:30 AM. It's 2:40 AM right now... (P1_1) -Alarm set for 5:30 AM. It's 5:00 AM right now... (P2_2) -Fuyuhiko can't sleep... (P2_1) -Hung the loop onto the doorknob. (P5_1) -I woke up at... (P10_1) -Meet up because of the lounge clock alarm. (P8_1) -The door knob came off!? (P9_1) -The door to Strawberry Hall got destroyed. (P6_1) -The hamster pressed it!!! (P4_1) -There's a huge hammer. (P7_1)

=======Chapter 5======= DAY 1 -(?)GOTO Vendor Street -GOTO Factory -Factory -Examine Factory door -Factory Inner -Examine Basket -(?)Examine Construction Machinery -Exit Factory Inner -Examine Goods Warehouse Door (right) -Goods Warehouse -Examine Monokuma Panel -Exit Factory -GOTO Military Base -(?)Examine Tank -(?)Examine Helicopter -(?)Talk to Akane -Talk to Sonia -Exit -GOTO Sea King Industries -Sea King Industries -Examine right machine -Examine left machine -Talk to Kazuichi -GOTO Vendor Street -Vendor Street -Talk to Nagito -Hotel -Enter Hajime's Cottage (left)

DAY 2 -GOTO Restaurant -GOTO Hotel Lobby -Hotel Lobby -Talk to Sonia -GOTO 2nd Island -GOTO Ancient Ruins (right) -Zoom door -Door -Examine panel -(?)Examine door



EVENING -Talk to Nagito -GOTO Hotel Lobby

DAY 3 -GOTO Restaurant -Restaurant -Talk to Nagito -GOTO Island 4 -GOTO Nezumi Castle (right) -Enter hole in the wall -Castle inner - Examine floor tile

DAY 4 -GOTO Restaurant -Restaurant - Talk to Nagito -GOTO Horror House -Horror House -Enter Usami House -Usami House -Examine multiple monitors -(?)Examine Monomi spares -Talk to Monomi -GOTO Nezumi Castle -Nezumi Castle -Examine hole in the wall -Exit -GOTO Rollercoaster -Examine rollercoaster -Exit -GOTO Central Island (through bridge) -GOTO Jabberwock Park (right) -GOTO 3rd Island (left) -GOTO Titty Typhoon (right) -Talk to Chiaki (outside on the overworld, left of Titty Typhoon) -GOTO Central Island (left) -GOTO 5th Island (left) -GOTO Military Base (left) -Military Base -Talk to Sonia -GOTO Factory (left) -Factory Inner -Examine Truck -Examine Laptop on the right -Exit Factory Inner -Examine Break Room door -Select red fire grenades on top -Enter Goods Warehouse -Goods Warehouse -Zoom Back of Warehouse

INVESTIGATION START -Examine Monokuma Plushie -Examine Lighter by fire grenades -(?)Examine Fire grenades -Zoom Nagito's body -Nagito's body -Examine Feet -Examine Burnt rope on the knife hand -Examine Knife -Examine Left Hand -Examine Spear -Examine Face -Zoom out -Talk to Chiaki -(?)Talk to Kazuichi -(?)Talk to Sonia -(?)Talk to Fuyuhiko -Talk to Akane -Zoom out -Examine Monokuma Panel dominos -Examine mp3 player -Talk to Sonia -(?)Talk to everyone -Exit room -Enter Factory Inner -Factory Inner -Examine laptop -Talk to Sonia -Exit Factory Inner -Exit Factory -GOTO Military Base (right) -Military Base -Examine truck by Kazuichi -Examine leftmost truck -Exit Military Base -GOTO Nezumi Castle (right) -Enter hole in the wall -Nezumi Castle Inner -Examine spear rack -GOTO Cottage Front/Nagito's Cottage (2 left) -Talk to Monokuma -Examine Treasure Box -Examine Bed -Examine Refrigerator -Examine Bookshelf (must go last) -GOTO Monokuma Rock (right)

TRIAL START -Shoot Duct Tape at (Kazuichi) Torturing him

-Showdown -Advance -Shoot Duct Tape at (second orange statment) After they killed him

-Shoot Monokuma Panels at (Sonia) Opening the door

-Present mp3 player -Select The killer couldn't have left -Select Nagito

-Shoot Burned Rope at (Fuyuhiko) Tied up your own arms and legs

-Select His right sleeve

-Shoot Monokuma Plushie at (Chiaki) Propped it up somehow

-Shoot Blood on left hand at (Kazuichi) Rules out his left hand

-Select Gripping -Select Cord

-Logic Dive -Above Nagito -A ceiling Girder -The spear's cord

-Present Monokuma File

-Hangman's Gambit - this shit sucks -Cause of Death

TRIAL CONTINUED -Shoot Monokuma's Special Poison at (Sonia) Something that cannot be seen

-Logic Dive -Gas -Through his nose

-Select The sprinklers -Select The container

-Hangman's Gambit -Fire grenade

-Present Piece of blue paper -Select When we all threw the grenades -Select Nagito -Select Nagito -Select To make someone throw the poison

-Comic (copied from speedwerd) -I'll grab the spear cord with my left hand. (P6_1) -I'll just put this oil lighter here. (P4_1) -I'll tie the burned rope to my right hand. (P5_1) -Let's remove the lid. (P2_1) -Monokuma's Special Poison is here. (P1_1) -Nagito's video message was... (P9_1) -Oops, I let go of the cord... (P12_1) -Putting the duct tape over my mouth! (P7_1) -The plushie is ready! (P8_1) -The poison from the shattered grenade iiiiis... (P11_1) -There's a lot of fire grenades. (P3_1)

-Select His talent -Select The traitor -Select Chiaki

-PTA -Mono mi's Note Book

-Select Final Dead Room

-Shoot Sonia's Account at (Sonia) Me

-Showdown -Advance -Shoot Monokuma's Account at (second orange statement) That it was fake beforehand

-Select Chiaki

-GOTO Restaurant -Exit Restaurant -GOTO Ancient Ruin (right)

=======Chapter 0======= -simply epic

=======Chapter 6======= -GOTO Gymnasium

INVESTIGATION START -Exit Gymnasium -Enter Dojo -Dojo -Examine Book -Exit Dojo -Enter Classroom 5-A -Classroom 5-A -Examine Book -Exit Classroom -Enter Bio Lab -Bio Lab -Examine Book -Exit Bio Lab -Enter Classroom 5-B -Classroom 5-B -(?)Talk to Fuyuhiko -Talk to Monokuma -Talk to Fuyuhiko -Exit Classroom -Enter Music Room -Music Room -Examine Monument -Examine Hologram -Exit Music Room -Enter Teacher's Office -Teacher's Office -Examine Hologram -Zoom Blackboard -Examine Newspaper -Examine Portrait -Exit Teacher's Office -Enter Rec Room -Rec Room -Examine File on table -Examine Hologram -Exit Rec Room -Enter Library -Library -Examine Hologram -Exit Library -Enter Classroom 2-B -Classroom 2-B -Examine Tablet PC -Exit Classroom -Enter Classroom 1-B -Classroom 1-B -Examine Big Object -Exit Classroom -Enter Red Door

TRIAL START -Hangman's Gambit -Virtual

-Select Our school memories

-Shoot List of Subjects at (Monokuma) Lived that life

-Select Fuyuhiko

-Shoot Neo World Program at (Akane) Killing game

-Select Observer -Select Chiaki Nanami

-Logic Dive -Hajime and the others -Hajime and the others -To recover from despair

-Hangman's Gambit -Kill us all

-Shoot Vision of Nagito at (Makoto) Destroyed your own bodies

-Select ...

-Shoot Email to Makoto Naegi at (Makoto) Defy

-PTA -1 10 3 7

-Select Junko Enoshima -Select Jabberwock Park -Select Press Graduate -Select The school trip's rules -Select The Reserve Course students -Present Shutdown Sequence -Select Not enough people -Select Revert to Ultimate Despairs

-Logic Dive -The Future Foundation -The killings -Surveillance Cameras

-Select Teacher's Final Decision -Select The founder of the academy

-Shoot Hope Cultivation Plan at (Makoto) Created Hope

-Select Choose Graduate

-Loop through until (Chiaki) "Part of the game" is available at the end -Memorize Part of the game -Shoot Part of the game at (Chiaki) Eternal game utopia

-Loop if needed, memorize (Chiaki) "Create the future" -Shoot Create the future at all of Izuru's statements

-Hold and release A for "Future"

-Showdown -Advance -Cut

-PTA -That's Wrong!

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