5 World 100% with Manic Mode Locker
5 World 100% with Manic Mode Locker
Updated 3 years ago by Reality

For Candle Goals you do NOT have to survive or beat the level! They work like keychains. For some levels collecting all Candles makes finishing the level impossible!

Time Estimate 3:30 with few deaths, 4:00 with Many Deaths

RE: Manic Mode Locker - I would still do the short Cavern levels first then pull out before finishing rest of Cavern - The Crypt is especially long without Manic Mode - There are a couple more levels I would take trips to turn Manic Mode off for --- Mostly the Boulder levels in The Desert - their Candle Areas are meaner than their main areas where I leave it on for Any%.

I Recomend The following Segments

Forest = Wabbit Hunt and Spooky Speedway only at Normal Speed - Leave without doing rest of world Short levels of Cavernous Caves + Spelunking and Spelunking's Secret Level at Normal Speed Activate Manic Mode Locker Long levels of Cavernous Caves* Skip Pumpkin Level and Hotfootin Desert - Skip Tomb Raiding Ice* - Skip Cold Storage / Mold Porridge and boss Forest* Skip Isle of Zombies Turn off Manic Mode Locker Do the 7 Skipped levels Turn on Manic Mode Locker Ice/Forest/Desert Bosses Asylum with Manic Mode on whole time

Note that turning off the Manic Mode locker is actually below normal speed (about 80%) However, the levels you want to turn it off for are "inside" levels and you want to do the 6~ outside levels with manic mode on anyway, so I think it's worth eating the time loss --- Note that the only "bad" outside levels are done BEFORE getting Manic Mode at all (so 100% speed).

Random Hints

Cavernous Caves The Only "Kill All" Secret in the entire world is the Magmazoids in the top right of The Crypt (Shield for the Reddish) Keychains Barbecue Lake =get the shield at the bottom, then walk to behind the Zoids Dr Relaxo - Break Wall to the right of the Moss in the top right Barbecue Lake - Get the Energy Shield then walk to the area above the magmazoids The Crypt - pull the 3 Switches scattered around the level - then look in the 2nd Vertical Tunnel The Garden - Break Wall to the right of the first room Secret Level Entrance Spelunkorama Bottom Left of The Dark Maze

The Other worlds have a lot more Kill All secrets usually tied to a single enemy type on a per level basis - Sometimes it's obvious (the enemy drops candles) Sometimes it's not (Getting the Teal,Brown, etc Keys in desert)

Dusty Desert Overworld Keys - You MUST have the Overworld keys to get the Keychains! Bazaar (Kill all Pygmies) Cactasia ( Kill all Cactus) I Dream of Djinnis (Kill all Lamps) Sweltering (Kill all Beans) Keychain Levels Riddle of the Sphinx (Go to bottom at end) The Basement - the Top Path of the last boulder Tomb of Peptopep - Top Right after pulling the switch The Labyrinth - In bottom Left quadrant, path to it STARTS from the entrance to Top left quadrant Secret Level Entrance The Basement - In the sand area to the right of the start of the boulders Hard Candle Goals Sweltering - Need to let the Scary Scarab live for a while to farm candles Bazaar - Only 1 Hammer, 1 key of each color, Kill EVERYTHING- DO NOT BUY BRAINS The Labyrinth - Kill all Blue Skeletons since they have 1 each Indoor Oasis - Break Wall near start area The Map Room - Step on Bright spot in Ark of Covenant Room

Icy Mountain Keychain Levels Seal Hunt - step on 4 Rocks in each quadrant - Do bottom left last (so don't have to go over ice extra time) Rink After Hours (4th Door in the Top Left Area) Still North Pygmaton - Far Bottom right Cold Storage - In the Brain Room go to the right and break wall Secret Level Entrance (2) I-Did-A-Ride - At the rest stop, get off car and look for a gap in trees to touch igloo Under The Tundra - Bottom RIght breakable wall Hard Candle Goals I-Didn't-Ride - Go to the same place Igloo was to get Snow throwers to make the Snowballs turn and steer them into water... alternatively mash through their giant health Mold Porridge - In the room where you get the hammer there is a switch hidden between the top left tree - It opens the same secret passage as COld Storage (Hammer will not break this one)

Spooky Forest Keychain Levels Isle of Zombies - Glowing Tree on first island Fumigation - Breakable wall Bottom RIght of Basement Hedge Maze - in the dark zone to top left Flashbacks - There is a bunny by a rock that leads to a kind of hedgemaze and then a raft Secret Level Entrance (5) but River Mild secret is is UNNNECESARY Fumigation - Top Right outside house River Mild - Top Left Pygmy Village - Bottom Right Corpse Copse - Hole in trees in the bottom side of level Flashbacks - Same as the Keychain Hard Candle Goals Wabbit Hunt - Swapgun all the way to furthest island Hedge Maze - if you kill the 4 egg sacs in top right, the maze disapears (except for kechaiin area) , which imo is fasater than bothering with the 1 tile hallways.

Asylum Keychain Arboretum - In Mush's Arena it's behind the tree to the top left Graveyard out back - The Tombstone to the Right of one of the hammers is a (shoot) switch that removes a tree blocking keychain The Psycho Ward - It's in the Far Right room with the giant horde of enemies The Boiler Room - fairly obvious dark zone to walk in Secret Level Entrance Absolute Mayhem - Bottom left Hard Candle Goals - Psycho Ward - In the Midget room there is a breakable wall in it's top right Shock Therapy - Have to take enough electricy damage , heal in between >> Escape From the Asylum - Top Right area

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Posted 3 years ago