any advices for newbie like me?
5 years ago

I started to speedrun this game and want to ask you some advices for newbies. Thanks for help)

RudieCantFail likes this
United Kingdom

don"t cheat and always look at the rules before uploading a run and all ways have a demo file or have a use zdoom or gzdoom is a lot better hear is the download for the doom.wad and zdoom zdoom doom.wad doom2.wad gzdoom32bit gzdoom64bit hope this helped you! : ) ps plz frend me on discord i sent you a reqwest jion my chat discord

Edited by the author 5 years ago
woarman likes this
Texas, USA

Blue armor is actually better QUALITY armor than green armor, something like 1/2 damage compared to 1/3 damage! Keep that in mind before you grab a green armor and you are less than 100% blue armor. I don't really think about it unless I'm down to around 15% blue armor. I didn't know this until it was revealed to me in a dream, possibly by Satan. Creepy stuff. This is why I quote bible verses on my videos. In any case, Blue > Green.

The direction you are traveling or turning matters. You can fake out enemies into going where you want them to go and then dodging around them. Especially useful with pinky demons in wide hallways. Dodge around them.

Don't shoot a pinky demon unless you plan to kill it, or need it to follow you for some other purpose.

Some enemies dispense variable damage (e.g. barons). Sometimes you can lose a lot of health at once.

Zombiemen do less damage to you than standing in nukage, unless in large groups.

Certain enemies can be prodded forward (humans, cacodemons... cyberdemons... but I wouldn't recommend trying), but some will stop you in your tracks (imp, pinky, barons). Doors with health and teeth, sometimes guns and plasma balls. Basically anything with a melee attack will stop you in your tracks.

Learn about SR40 and SR50. SR50 is needed for some jumps, and requires 4 buttons/keys to be held (turn, forward, strafe, strafe on). Cyberdemon531 made a good tutorial on that.

The likelihood of someone trying to cheat using turbo values higher than 100 is pretty high and fairly hard to detect, so I'd shy away from any source port that can't record demos. If there is ever a crackdown, having that demo file proof may keep your hard earned record in the clear. That's my personal opinion, but I've seen it play out before on other games, and it isn't pretty.

ITYTD is identical to HNTR, but has 2 differences: the ammo bonus, and enemies do half damage. Similarly NM is the same as UV, but enemies are faster, and you get a double ammo bonus. So if you run NM, use more rockets and chaingun than UV.

Practice in as many different categories and wads as you can (there are more than exist on this site). It will sharpen your skill set. I would also suggest running in ALL skill levels, since they are all different from each other in some way.

Edit: Don't bump the walls. That will kill your momentum.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
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I was made a moderator for the Classic Doom's here on SRC, and there's going to be changes.

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