"?INT?settings" issues in menu after down-patch
7 years ago

After down-patching the game you may have these issues :

  • Every parameters are written with "?INT?settings" before the actual name and it makes it difficult to change it
  • The characters won't talk but instead will just write the file name that it tries to launch.

The problem is there is a language issue. The down-patch files are for the English version of the game, so it will try to load sound files that you haven't yet downloaded.

Change the language of the game before down-patching by : Right-click the game in Steam -> Properties -> Language -> English

Wait for the download to be finished and yep, you're done.

Rhône-Alpes, France

Je te remercie encore une fois mec, c'était tellement simple et logique que j'y ai même pas pensé >< Paix et amour sur toi et les tiens, tu m'as sauvé <3