Run rejected for absolutely no good reason.
3 years ago

Alright, here we go.

  • PC version, everbody.
  • The autosplitter is mandatory.
  • I download the autosplitter as it is.
  • The splits for each room somehow mess up my sum of best, forcing me to remove them, keep only my old splits, making them being recognized by the autosplitter and removing the single room splits from the autosplitter code. Still using the autosplitter regularly.
  • I keep splitting manually on a few specific splits that, not occuring on the player entering a room, cannot be tracked by the autosplitter. The autosplitter still handles the final split, so that the time will always be nice and accurate, but I split manually during the run on some occasions to keep my times consistent. Still using the autosplitter.
  • I get contacted by @If_And_While because he is worried that I'm not using the autosplitter and I'm going to invalidate my runs. I explain him the situation, highlighting the fact that I do use the autosplitter very correctly and not making a secret of my manual splits within the run, since they are legal and not affecting the final time in any way.
  • I get a world record with the autosplitter set this way.
  • My world record gets rejected by @If_And_While. Official reason is I didn't use the autosplitter.
  • I used the autosplitter.

I'm pretty sure there was an unfortunate misunderstanding, so I will sit here and wait for my run to be rightly approved as there is no reason to reject it.

Kaladere, Vendettavic, and xtra2Ez like this

Since the start and the end are accurate i see no reason for rejection. I think there has to be a misunderstanding. Also, i was there (in the stream, watching the run) and i saw no reason for rejection.

Nazzareno likes this

For me the question that needs to be asked to the community is: why do we want the autosplitters in the first place?

My interpretation is that autosplitters are typically requested to give a tool to Moderators to recognise spliced runs, and specifically in this case a door to door autosplitter makes a run impossible to be spliced. A unique for everyone autosplitter makes the submissions consistent for everyone, verify runs is easier and equal for everyone and RTA is always correct.

The loose interpretation of Nazzareno is that autosplitters are only useful to have a correct to the milliseconds start time and end time to give an accurate final RTA. All the splits in the middle are decided by the single runner depending on their taste. In this logic what he did was totally legit.

Personally I believe that with Nazzareno logic autosplitters lose almost all their logic and meaning, and it makes life of a Moderator impossible and makes it impossible to understand if the autosplitter is really being used or not.

The way I would personally solve this issue is with an agreement of the community to godfather the Nazzareno run because legit in the sense of no cheating. It was live-streamed and there are no real reasons to believe the run was spliced, however at the same time the community should agree once and for all that the one and only autosplitter file is the one provided in Resources section which cannot be changed. Making this run the last on PC either without autosplitter or using a custom made one. I hope this makes everyone happy.

Vendettavic likes this
  • The autosplitter is meant to time the whole run properly.
  • I've never heard of any other leaderboard using autosplitters imposing an unchangeable list of splits.
  • Again, I have very practical reasons for keeping some manual splits. I just don't want to lose my times, since it took a year to get them.
  • I don't feel like I did anything wrong against anyone and I don't feel like I'm making it more difficult for the mods to verify my runs, even if splicing would be harder with a complete room per room autosplitter.
xtra2Ez, Kaladere, and Vendettavic like this

@Nazzareno Let's agree to disagree on this one.

I can see the run was verified at the end. All's well that ends well!

United Kingdom

@RapixOnGaming I use the auto splitter to see where am gaining/losing time and I'm too lazy to split myself but making the auto splitter mandatory was a weird one just let people use what they want as long u start and end the timer where it should I don't see why doing it manually would be not allowed. Also GG on the run @Nazzareno insane my man! Edit: None of this will matter soon when IGT gets fixed lol

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Rei_Leo and Kaladere like this

I also think MANDATORY auto-splitter is bullshit.

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