Igt Script PC version
7 years ago
São Paulo, Brazil

Hi, I do not find the .als file or other file to start Livesplit, if you can give a tip on how to do the configuration I would be very grateful.


state("Dino2") { uint tickcount : "Dino2.exe", 0x47EEB8; }

isLoading { return true; }

start { return false; }

gameTime { return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(current.tickcount / 60.0); }

reset { return false; }

split { return false; }

Liv and andykingspeedo like this

Copy, Paste in a text document. save as DinoCrysis2.asl

Edited by the author 6 years ago
andykingspeedo likes this

works like the timer in RE2, as far as i remember.