Chapter 1 guide
Chapter 1 guide
Updated 1 year ago by StealthySceptile

Cutscene Track Down the Aipom Press A when button lines up, mash A, mash A Investigation: Ask girl on right about Aipom, get Detective Pikachu’s signal, ask guy in blue shirt about Aipom, click on Detective Pikachu, ask Furfrou about Aipom, ask Diggersby about Aipom, click on Detective Pikachu when he sends a signal, Collect Ketchup and Paint tail print, ask Diggersby about the Ketchup, click on Detective Pikachu when he sends a signal Figure out where Aipom went! Paint tail print on right, Ketchup tail mark on top Diggersby testimony Aipom ran away to the park Cutscene Examine Aipom, check Leaves, Berry, Newspaper, Empty Can, Aipom’s belly which will reveal the Black Feather Find the necklace! Black Feather, A Pokémon with feathers Go left, ask Migthyena about Poochyena Go right back to the fountain area to find Poochyena in the bushes Go to tree where Poochyena was and wait for Aipom Show the Black Feather to Aipom, ask about fighting with Murkrow, ask about Murkrow’s nest Go to Murkrow’s nest Investigate the Murkrow’s nest! Press A when the button lines up(repeat 2 times), purposefully fail to catch pikachu Interrogate Murkrow Go back to Fountain area, go to the tree with the Burmy Ask about the fight with Aipom, ask lady cleaning up trash about the Burmy that disappeared, ask About what’s been on her mind, ask the man with the missing pen about the Burmy that disappeared, ask about the man’s actions, ask the boy with the football about the ball Go to the tree with the burmy and wormadam Ask Wormadam about the Burmy that disappeared, ask Old man about Burmy Click on Detective Pikachu’s signal, he should tell you to go to the man with the missing pen, go to the man with the missing pen, ask about the time it was lost Cutscene Why did it become Trash Cloak form? Leaves ->The trash was gone Cutscene The leaves are proof the cloak changed Cutscene Go out the door of the Baker Agency End of chapter

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