Englandmelancoliax10 months ago

big props for getting this! yea, I think there is a small margin still with current route. gonna hop on for a bit and look for some potential improvments

Englandmelancoliax10 months ago

congrats mate! I'm glad we both got the sub 26. you really pushed me to grind it out haha

I think it'll be hard for us to beat these times without changing something up, I'm happy with my time for now at least. I want to take a break and maybe look at some options for adjusting the route if it's possible. I mean surely we're not at the end game of the level already right?

laborane gefällt das.
Englandmelancoliax10 months ago

I got there on the perfect line.. one for the ages

Monochrome90 und laborane gefällt das.
Englandmelancoliax10 months ago

so top route seems to save around a half second with some degree of error

I'm assuming you mean bottom route here and it was a mistype, yea you could be saving a little bit of time with that for sure. I'm gonna go for a 25.x, though it might take a while lol, good luck on your runs.

Englandmelancoliax10 months ago

a curse upon the developer of this stage, for reducing my productivity to 0 while i'm stunlocked grinding this T_T

my notes:

I do not think the top route to get to checkpoint 2 is faster, i'm doing a slightly altered bottom route where I jump into the arrow release which might just be a placebo, but as far as I can tell it's faster. (i'm getting to the checkpoint at 14:50 consistently, high 50 on a good pace whereas the top route I can't get better than just barely getting there at 50)

Monochrome90's altered route before the double wall climb is a lot faster, it's annoying to get consistently but if you loose the arrow and start charging another before it hits you're saving years of time. Not having to wait on an arrow charge makes the [red item > stairs > upward arrow] speed actually matter, so be swift for some nice time save there.

still a lot of optimisation to go, and maybe even route alterations(?) but so far this has been pretty fun. Here's my current best run, 26.1:

Monochrome90, Stratus_ und 2 Andere gefällt das.
Englandmelancoliax6 years ago

If you're running it on Wii then submit it as a Wii run. If you're using vWii on WiiU then I don't really know tbh. I'd still submit it as Wii personally but I'm not 100% sure.

Englandmelancoliax6 years ago

Nintendont is essentially the same as running the original game on the system so it's classed as the game running on original hardware. Even if loading times were to differ slightly we use IGT so it makes no difference.

Englandmelancoliax6 years ago

I think this would be a terrible category, created only because it can exist and not because there is any reason that it should. Adding categories like this to the main leaderboard would only open the floodgates for other arbitrary meme categories, so I am against it becoming a legit one.

Just create a 'category extension' like the mirror's edge one if you want to do stuff like that.

Englandmelancoliax6 years ago

Speedrun.com doesn't host the video files themselves. You're gonna have to upload your video to a website like Youtube or Twitch and paste the link in the 'Video link' field when submitting a run.

SuperWardBros, slippy318, und Faulheit gefällt das.
Englandmelancoliax6 years ago

I personally think c-stick use should be allowed. The fact that it's disabled in 1p mode makes playing the modes feel clunky and it requires you to forget about the muscle memory gained from playing the main competitive game. I think banning its use will reduce interest in actually competing for times in these categories (mainly classic/adventure/allstar).

I'll be transparent and let you know that my classic times were achieved using the c-stick to smash/aerial.

UntarLaManteca gefällt das.
Englandmelancoliax7 years ago

Yea, they're allowed. We switched to using in-game time for the actual rankings, so emulators have no advantage over console.

Englandmelancoliax7 years ago

Thanks for making this topic, it really clears up any confusion I was having in regards to the IGT calculation. Luckily I was doing it right, so my runs aren't void. Hopefully you'll see a few more records from me soon <3

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cnk world record holder goat of the game
7 years ago
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