Georgia, USAmeauxdal3 years ago

shoe_ssbm requested the creation of a new category: All spells, Good Ending. You need to learn all 30 spells before killing the final boss. I have no problem adding this. The text that needs to be added to the rules can be posted here.

Georgia, USAmeauxdal3 years ago

It seems there is potentially a little technique you can do with manual transmission. If you shift up at (or near?) the highest RPM for a given gear, it seems to automatically boost you up near the top speed for the next gear without having to accelerate through. This game is not exactly responsive to control inputs, so doing this consistently has been difficult, but I think there's something there. I think you can use this in several places to regain top speed without having to accelerate back to full, but it will likely require precise timing.

Watch the tachometer and speedometer at ~19 seconds for an example of what I mean, though you can get a more dramatic "jump" in speed if executed better:

baldnate gefällt das.
Georgia, USAmeauxdal3 years ago

Here's a useful image from the_androgyne that illustrates the complexity of trying to go fast in Wave Race: Blue Storm

Georgia, USAmeauxdal3 years ago

The two cars I've used the most so far are the Stratos and the Impreza. The Stratos has absurd handling so you can keep full speed through the majority of turns, but the acceleration is very poor. The Impreza has solid acceleration but the handling isn't nearly as good as the Stratos, so you have to slow down more often. I've only dabbled with a few of the other cars so far, but I believe they all have the same top speed.

Here's my best run in Time Attack on Desert from last night, with the Impreza:

I could only manage a 47'93" with the Stratos. While it can maintain 232 KPH in the final turn in Desert, it loses too much to the Impreza's acceleration at the very beginning to keep up. Still, more testing with the other cars is needed.

Manual transmission gives you a max top speed of 232 KPH instead of 229, so is generally preferable.

Unlike the other Sega Rally games, there doesn't really seem to be any kind of drifting or power-sliding in this game. Your car just goes straight ahead at all times. I use first-person mode because it makes it easier to see the track and removes the misleading car model. The car model will show you drifting all over the place, but the tilt of the sprite doesn't actually affect handling at all. Should be preference, though - I haven't seen any concrete advantages for first-person beyond visibility.

I haven't messed around with the car settings enough to say much more than this, but the Steering option is huge. You can gain a lot of turning power by switching this setting to "Quick". It does make the car more sensitive (especially with the already-responsive Stratos), but since this game's physics don't penalize your speed when turning, it's a straight upgrade if you can handle the twitchiness.

Georgia, USAmeauxdal3 years ago

Hey there, this game is great and I've been getting into it lately. I submitted an Any% run and have been doing some ILs. Few things I wanted to mention:

  1. Any% should probably include the fifth cup, "Special Cup". Credits don't roll until you achieve a 3rd place finish or better in Special Cup, so that's the obvious endpoint for an Any% run. Maybe the current Any% can be renamed Legacy Any% if you want to keep it?

  2. Individual Levels should be added. This game is great for time attack! It even has ghosts!

  3. ms (milliseconds) should be enabled on the leaderboards. IGT will already include accurate readings to the cs, so there's no reason not to have this. It will also be necessary for ILs, if those are added. It is also possible to exclude the ms column for real-time so those times will still round down to the second - just leave ms blank for real-time.

  4. Perhaps we can have all 5 cups as individual categories as well?

Let me know your thoughts!

goldenONX und ViperUK gefällt das.
Georgia, USAmeauxdal3 years ago

I realized recently that some of the runs on the boards were not following a rule we set up back in 2017. Runs need to be done in Free Trax, as the existence of varying levels of performance* (i.e. lag) between race modes and Free Trax appears to affect the timer. In order to preserve these runs which violate the rule, the fastest non-obsolete example of each will be linked here.

*This can be seen when playing in first-person view, which will produce times which are comparatively slower when using the in-game timer than third-person runs due to framerate affecting speed.

Runs by @MrZeratheMant

Georgia, USAmeauxdal4 years ago

just documenting a weird launch glitch i got once here in case it turns out to be useful one day (san francisco edition, us disc)

Georgia, USAmeauxdal4 years ago

Collection of material documenting the game before release.

Wave Race GameCube Tech Demo (Space World 2001): E3 2001 Gamestore VHS Messevideo 1 of 2 Trade Show Video (timestamped, see 2:32:00 to 2:38:40): Wave Race: Blue Storm GameCube Gameplay_2001_05_16 (Jun 23, 2011, 1m45s): Wave Race: Blue Storm GameCube Gameplay_2001_05_19 (May 21, 2011, 48s): Wave Race: Blue Storm GameCube Gameplay_2001_05_29 (May 21, 2011, 1m57s): Wave Race: Blue Storm GameCube Gameplay_2001_06_11 (May 21, 2011, 17s): Wave Race: Blue Storm GameCube Gameplay_2001_06_11_1 (May 21, 2011, 34s): Wave Race: Blue Storm GameCube Gameplay_2001_06_25 (May 21, 2011, 30s): Wave Race: Blue Storm GameCube Gameplay_2001_06_25 (Jun 23, 2011, 12s): Wave Race: Blue Storm GameCube Gameplay_2001_06_27 (May 21, 2011, 44s): Wave Race: Blue Storm GameCube Gameplay_2001_06_27 (Jun 23, 2011, 30s): Wave Race: Blue Storm GameCube Gameplay_2001_07_02 (May 20, 2011, 17s): Wave Race: Blue Storm GameCube Gameplay_2001_07_03 (May 20, 2011, 34s): Wave Race: Blue Storm GameCube Gameplay_2001_08_26 (May 20, 2011, 29s): Wave Race: Blue Storm GameCube Gameplay_2001_08_26_1 (May 20, 2011, 28s): Wave Race: Blue Storm GameCube Gameplay_2001_08_26_2 (May 20, 2011, 28s): Wave Race: Blue Storm GameCube Gameplay_2001_08_26_3 (May 20, 2011, 31s): Wave Race: Blue Storm GameCube Gameplay_2001_08_26_4 (May 20, 2011, 35s): Wave Race: Blue Storm GameCube Gameplay_2001_09_13 (May 20, 2011, 20s): Wave Race: Blue Storm GameCube Gameplay_2001_09_13_1 (May 20, 2011, 21s): Wave Race: Blue Storm GameCube Gameplay_2001_09_13_2 (May 20, 2011, 52s): Wave Race: Blue Storm GameCube Gameplay_2001_09_13_3 (May 20, 2011, 40s): Wave Race: Blue Storm GameCube Gameplay_2001_09_13_4 (May 21, 2011, 58s): Wave Race: Blue Storm GameCube Gameplay_2001_09_17 (May 20, 2011, 40s): Wave Race: Blue Storm GameCube Gameplay_2001_09_17_1 (May 20, 2011, 32s): Wave Race: Blue Storm GameCube Gameplay_2001_09_17_2 (May 20, 2011, 1m43s):

Georgia, USAmeauxdal4 years ago

Please remove GB (as the game wasn't released for Game Boy and won't run on one) and add GBP (Game Boy Player) & GBI (Game Boy Interface). My runs were done on Game Boy Interface - it is an allowable platform option for SRC, but it isn't enabled for this game.

Georgia, USAmeauxdal4 years ago

Update June 2020: Please see the most recent post in this thread for most up-to-date information. This post is outdated.

New game rules:

Emulator is hidden by default due to running the game faster than any legitimate hardware. For emulator submissions, please put emulator version (and core version, if applicable) in description.

SCPH-75000 model and higher PS2s run the game significantly faster than other platforms. Please mark Yes on the SCPH-75K+? variable when submitting on these consoles.

There are more subtle differences between all of the disc-based platforms. For PS1 and PS2 console runs, put the model number of your console in the description (e.g. SCPH-9001, SCPH-30001, SCPH-79001, etc.) so we can keep track of the differences in speed between various console revisions.

It is recommended to note in the description if Fast Disc Speed is used.

Georgia, USAmeauxdal4 years ago

Mods believe this run to be a legit PAL N64 run, but the use of in-game cheats disqualifies the time from being accepted on the leaderboards. I personally felt we should highlight this run, as the time represents a new strategy and is lower than the existing WR.

Henix und AMathMonkey gefällt das.
Georgia, USAmeauxdal4 years ago

I finally found a code which allows you to play the Secret Track. This track is difficult to unlock normally because it requires 2 GBCs and a copy of both this game and Mickey's Racing Adventure. You are intended to use the infrared link function of the GBC to send a letter from MRA to MSUSA, which should unlock the track.

The code is 01018CCE. Once entered and enabled, simply enter any course in Time Trials (the course will appear glitchy when you load in), then pause and select Restart. You'll be taken to Secret Track.

Be careful when scrolling through the menus, as this code causes them to glitch out heavily. If you scroll too far in the track select menu, the game will eventually crash.

As this track is otherwise impossible to unlock on emulator (and highly onerous to unlock on real hardware), this code is fully legal for speedrunning. Additional codes for other levels can be found here:

Track and game crash demonstration:

L810 gefällt das.
Georgia, USAmeauxdal4 years ago

Here's a link to the spreadsheet I've been using for this game. I expect this will eventually become deprecated, but I wanted to link it here for posterity. At any rate, it should show a timestamp indicating when it was last updated.

Georgia, USAmeauxdal4 years ago

Creating a thread here so we can avoid cluttering up the site thread: . @thegamer1185 (someone I know from his impressive submissions in Wave Race GB, another game I moderate on this site) claims he submitted times for all the tracks in this game. You can check his claims from his post history on . No one has any record whatsoever of this; not me, not the site moderators, no one. I have been moderating this board since around 11/14/18 (see for more details) and I have never known of the existence of any of these supposed runs or submissions, nor have I ever seen them on the boards.

A few days ago, I was made aware of thegamer1185's posts in the site forum thread, and dug up some old logs from the Wave Race discord - where I know thegamer1185 from. We'd talked a bit about his submissions in Wave Race GB (with me requesting that he submit edited runs as opposed to links to Twin Galaxies submission pages containing long, unedited videos), and there were a few references to MSUSA GBC. However, as far as I can tell he never claimed to have submitted anything - he just indicated he would. Here are some logs from the #wave-race-gb channel in the Wave Race community speedrunning discord. I have bolded relevant sections. I have edited out irrelevant discussion when possible, but all logs are still available in the discord, which is entirely public.

[quote]THEGAMER1185 11/23/2018 So do I really have to edit my videos down to get them accepted? All the quick info for when a lap/race starts is provided in the link to TG. Highlight the link, open in new tab. Read my submission info on TG which is directly under the video telling you exactly when my run starts. Shouldn't take more than 10 seconds to highlight the link, open it, and read my start time. My messages on TG are very short and to the point. The very first sentence is always when my run begins. I don't have any video editing software is my other issue. Uploading a single video takes forever also. And yes, there is always one track that just irritates the hell out of you. I think it was circuit 4. By the time I was done I said F it. BTW, I crushed all my old times. Embarrassed I even submitted those first times to begin with.

meauxdal 11/23/2018 i don't think it's undue to ask that the videos submitted are just of the run itself if you need help with video editing, we can definitely help there the moderator time is a one-time annoyance, but your times are going to be the ones that people are looking at when they want to see the fastest times set for the courses you've submitted, and it's just annoying to have to load a separate page and scrub through a TG video if it's just a matter of getting the videos edited, there's a piece of software called Avidemux it's free and open-source and easy to use

Doctorfeesh 11/23/2018 avidemux is so good

meauxdal 11/23/2018 btw, your runs are very impressive and i'm glad you joined the discord here @thegamer1185

[snip irrelevant discussion]

THEGAMER1185 11/23/2018 I did find a video editor. Can I upload to youtube and just share that link? I guess I'm used to TG and their "must show everything" rules. Clears all doubt what I used and how I did it. I'll get on all that this weekend. I'm not much of a speed runner. I much prefer high scores and maxing things out. But this game just hooked me. I did a quick run through of Mickey's Speedway USA for the GB a month ago or so. @meauxdal, you are correct, that is a pretty damn good racing game. And it's quick as well. You can restart a race from inside the race....unlike Wave Race. You never realize how amazing that feature is until you don't have it. So fucking annoying, haha.

meauxdal 11/23/2018 hahaha no doubt i have been pushing that game hard lately yeah uploading to youtube is basically the standard practice on (frequently abbreviated SRC here)

THEGAMER1185 11/23/2018 I'll post a few now and see how they do. Should I edit the videos for laps from the time the lap starts, or show the whole race?

meauxdal 11/23/2018 either way is fine with laps i usually just show the lap itself and the end screen for laps but it takes a bit more editing to do it this way: depending on whether or not the lap was the last one in the race but yeah starting from where the lap starts is fine

THEGAMER1185 11/23/2018 I'll cut a few seconds beforehand then. I'm all good with the short and sweet method. I would love to do that at TG because it takes forever to upload a 40 min session that has only one run on it. I maxed out Alleyway for GB a few weeks ago. 6 hours long. Took about 3 days to upload. Sounds good, I'll be sure to start before the lap and show the end results screen.

meauxdal 11/23/2018 wow, that's awesome

[snip irrelevant discussion]

THEGAMER1185 11/23/2018 I've got a ton of NES shooters I need to play but they would take over 15 hours to achieve so those are harder for me to do. Life Force was incredible. WR was 17 hours I think. No doubt I can do it, but I got 4 kids man...Everything I play is from 9 p.m. on when they are in bed. If only I had started recording things 25 years ago when I was 7. But I didn't know about any of these gaming sites until about 2014. Honestly, I never really knew I was this good at them until I started comparing my times. Gives me something to do at night and I don't care what anyone says, with Everdrive carts and the like, my gaming is probably the cheapiest hobby I can find. Your MSUSA times are insane. I watched some of them the other day and said I needed to wait on attempting those again, haha

meauxdal 11/23/2018 i'd love some competition, i bet you could beat some of them @Doctorfeesh has been competing some lately, has really helped me push it to the next level

Doctorfeesh 11/23/2018 yeah I really like MS USA I don't have enough time to grind out world records

THEGAMER1185 11/23/2018 I'm sure I'll get around to them, don't worry. I am going back and forth with a guy on all the NBA Jam games for the GB. I think I've got the number for awhile. 107 on NBA Jam TE and 108 on College Slam. He hasn't posted for awhile and those scores where way over his last marks. When I start grinding, it's one track and one track only until I get what I want. if it takes 2 days, it takes 2 days. My Slalom runs for the NES are like that. I could improve a few because I would "flip" once, but those are so crazy and random at the end. I figured if it starts taking me more than 3-4 hours to even come within hundreths of second, my score is pretty good until someone shows me it can be beat, haha. Well you guys have a good one. I'll hop on here every now and then.

meauxdal 11/23/2018 hell yeah nice having you aboard keep us in the loop if you get any hot scores or times, i'd love to check them out

THEGAMER1185 11/23/2018 Sure thing. [/quote]

Georgia, USAmeauxdal5 years ago

EDIT May 20, 2020: This post is outdated. See subsequent posts for more information.

Emulator is currently both allowed and integrated with the console leaderboard for this game (Mednafen PSX, Beetle (non-HW) PSX, and BizHawk are the allowed emulators). Even with these (currently most-accurate) emulators, emulation in general seems to clearly perform better than console. The amount of time to be potentially saved is not known and is difficult to test. Notably, the difference between console and emulator seems to be far less dramatic in this game than in the first King's Field game released in the US, for which emulator is still hidden by default.

The principal difference between console and emulator occurs when performance dips. In places where console would drop frames, emulator performs better and drops fewer frames. One example: opening the sealed door to Verdite Castle in the Hill of Prayer causes the game to chug on console, and while emulators do drop frames here as well, the performance hit is less pronounced and thus time is saved over console.

Currently, this game is not big enough to justify any sort of split in the leaderboards between emulator and console. This is something that may be considered in the future as the differences become more concrete and documented, and as the runs become more optimized. Ideally the accuracy of emulators in recreating console performance will improve over time as well.

Given the above, we recommend players submit runs performed on console whenever possible. That said, we do not want to discourage anyone from attempting to run this game, so please feel free to play on emulator and submit runs!

Georgia, USAmeauxdal5 years ago

Here's a run I did of KF3 Pilot Style, which was a short prequel demo given out at a trade show and as a giveaway from a Japanese gaming magazine.

You can find a link to an English-patched copy here:

Try and beat my time (1:58)! I used Retroarch's Beetle PSX core.

dizzyjpeg gefällt das.
Georgia, USAmeauxdal5 years ago

szrk's "use-glitch" run is here: There is a comment on the video that reads as follows:

"This is not a glitch. (I think developers done this intentionally. May be to replay KINGS FIELD 2 US version like Diablo games). Both versions (US version and Jap version) have this trick. You need just load your game from previous gameplay in the end of the game and then you need just sell all items that you want to Ed Edmund (Ed Edmund - that NPC that sells items in this video) and kill character without having Dragon crystals. For example: if you sell to Ed Edmund Ichrius crown and broken moonlight sword or any other item\equipment and then if you kill yours character without having any Dragon crystal, then game will be started from begining with character at level 1 and 0 exp, and Ed Edmund will sell same items that you sell him before, in the same quantity. Because of this trick it is possible to have 99 crystal flasks or even 99 Excellectors."

My disc should be arriving in the post soon and I will do some testing on this so we can get the categories squared away. I plan on running this game relatively soon.

Georgia, USAmeauxdal5 years ago

Moderation has taken a vote and a change will be made to the rules beginning July 1, 2019. Starting 12 midnight EDT 7/1/19, all top 10 runs will require captured video (captured from a capture card). This affects all runs including RTA and individual levels. Additionally, all benchmark times* will require video proof. The new benchmark rules apply only to individual level runs.

*Benchmark means full race times with the same to-the-second reading as the 3rd place run (or better), or lap times with the same half-second reading as the 3rd place run (or better). Examples: race times faster than 1'04"000 and lap times faster than 20"500 on Sunny Beach (forward) will require video proof after July 1, 2019.

Note: Benchmark times outside the top 10 can still be phone or webcam videos under this ruleset, as long as they are legible and meet the rest of the rules. Benchmarks can and do change depending on new submissions.

Shibbypod, AzaleaAkari, und Game gefällt das.
Georgia, USAmeauxdal5 years ago

These can be ignored (left blank) for full-game runs, but are absolutely required for accurate ranking of individual level runs. Please add this functionality! Thank you!

meauxdal Informationen
7 years ago
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