South Carolina, USAZZKer8 years ago

http://i.imgur.com/vbOD8to.png http://i.imgur.com/BVykUSs.png http://i.imgur.com/8oxdgO1.png There you go! Wish it could be fancier, but I didn't come up with any other ideas :P

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South Carolina, USAZZKer8 years ago

Looking back on it, my asking for cat was unnecessary. I thought at the time the hitboxes were different, but they are not so maybe we should just get rid of the category all together and just let cat be available for any%?

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

Here is an idea for a 1st icon. I tried to make it glow like in the game, but I'm not sure I like the idea as a whole. Opinions are most welcome. Mods, of course, have final say, and I'd love to know their opinions as well.


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South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

Hey everyone! I was submitting a run earlier and noticed that the theme is missing some unique icons, including the logo (speedrun.com). I'm a mod for some other games and have put together images for themes for those games, so this isn't my first time making something. I found the font The Stanley Parable uses, and used it to make a quick logo: http://i.imgur.com/CGXd2gc.png

If the mods like it, feel free to use it for the logo.

And everyone, feel free to let me know what you think!

(also, any ideas on 1st-4th icons would be cool too. I was thinking maybe numbered buttons?)

Bonus joke logo: http://i.imgur.com/zrwL1OQ.png

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South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

Ok, that clears things up for 12 ending without save. I am specifically asking about 12 ending with save (in regard to "When can I reset?") since it's faster to load a save before it reloads the base map rather than after.

I'll upload what I've been working on when I get the route down, and you can tell me if it's good or not then. From there, I can give you feedback on what to put under the rules tab for other runners.

Thread: The Site
South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

Having the video link field be required for all run submissions would not work out that great. It would prevent people from easily listing non-important runs as well as runs with proof otherwise (such as screenshots, which some communities use).

If you have a problem with a specific person/community, you should take it up with them (as in ask SSBXaos politely why they chose to not post videos).

It also looks like SSBXaos is new to the site and could use a little nudging in the right direction. Going to the site forum and posting should be saved as a last resort kinda thing, and even then I would mostly advise against it in most situations.

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

Ok, so I've watched all the individual runs and the 12 ending runs, and I'm gonna use the following ruleset:

-You can only use saves that are made in the run (is pretty cool routing-wise) -You can reset after the individual ending run would normally end (black screen unless stated below): --Freedom is once you set outside --Insane is after "And then she ran" --Death is after narrator stops talking --Happiness Ending is after dying -Timer starts on starting movement in Stanley's office -Timer stops when "The End" appears on the Broken Game ending -12 Endings are Freedom, Countdown, Museum, Coward, Insane, Escape Pod, Confusion, Death, Happiness, Games, Apartment, Broken. -Endings can be done in any order, ending with Broken Game since it plays the credits

I've routed this using these rules, and it's pretty fun. I did run into some weird pause glitches while going through the endings, though I haven't explored them since. I won't be using door glitch since I can't get it to work. (and there is still question on legality as far as I know)

Anyway, I'm having fun with this and hope to have some competition soon :D

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

I want to run the 12 endings with saves category, but there are no runs to get a feel for what it's like, so I have some questions about the full list of rules:

I understand that I can use save states for the run, but when can I consider an ending to be done? is it once I'm back in the office, or is it once I lose control of inputs?

As for the saves, what kind of saves can they be? I assume starting office saves where I haven't moved, but I might as well get confirmation on that.

As well, I guess I should ask, can I only use saves I make in the run, or can I start off using a previous save of the fastest office?

Thanks in advance for answering these questions. I love this game and hope to submit runs soon.

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

I forgot the game had that. :S but yeah, I can't seem to get it with slomo on. Do you happen to know how it works?

EDIT: Still can't get it on lower speeds BUT I did manage to get it twice on x2 speed. Either I'm accustomed to the faster pace, or it is based on sprite movement not being calculated properly or something. Though still unsure how I managed 1 in 5 before.

EDIT 2: Also managed to get it on x3 speed.

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

@Klashik - My computer has an i3-3220 core, 8Gb ram, and an additional GTX 960 graphics card.

@OrangeCrix - I did have V-Sync on, and I'm pretty sure it's a pixel align thing. Slowing down footage of failed attempts that were 1 pixel difference and still jumped on the last possible frame weren't getting enough distance. The alignment with the brick just happens to be in a sweet spot where the player moves just enough to fall off the platform later. Idk, the character movement is weird like it's set amount of spaces. Lining up with the brick makes it so the character is on the platform longer, getting farther out before falling starts, thus giving more space when jumping. So, pixel and frame perfect.

I could be just confused on exactly how the game works, but I'm pretty sure it's just pixel and frame perfect. I will do more tests and see if I can get it with V-Sync off. I don't have slow down tools while actually running (just slowmo playback) so it's a long process of testing for me.

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

Hey everyone! I seem to have stumbled upon a possible Hollow King Skip setup. That is to say, that skip that we currently have labeled as an "Only lag% thing" may be possible without lag. I got it randomly without any background programs running. I then recreated it, studied it a bit, and found that it is extremely precise. However, I think I found a setup.

skip to 1:26 in the video for exact placement

On Covert Operators, jump up to the top stair. Face the pit, and align the back of your front foot with the back edge of the brick on the top stair. If you are not facing the pit when you align, then this shouldn't work. Move left towards the pit and jump at the last possible moment (3 frames after walking off the edge; this is based on my footage @~30fps, which may not be what the game runs at natively). Hold jump and left, and you will make it to the other side of the pit.

I jumped over the pit after doing this setup 25 times and made it 5 times (included jumps where I was obviously too early or late to be more accurate to actual attempts). If you are good at timing jumps, this should be considerably easier for you.

Let me know how it goes for you. If you can't figure it out, slow down the footage (thanks Youtube!) and see how the jump works.

OrangeCrix und stoot gefällt das.
South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

No splits are posted on the site, also asked this like forever ago, also not a straight answer, but it's ok. Now that each ending has a category, it's pretty easy to figure out what a run consists of.

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

Ok. No one has commented on this for over 2 weeks, and most comments here suggest the trick is not good to have around since it requires set-up outside of the run itself. I've talked to some of the mods through IM and made the decision to keep this trick as a banned thing from runs. OrangeCrix also told me that it was banned back in the days before Speedrun.com, so keeping it as such would be consistent.

Sorry to @Nerd_Squared for the long time in coming to this decision. I wanted to make sure if people had something to say, they would have time to do so. Good luck in getting a run without the trick you found. We might make a category for such tricks in the future, though that's another discussion entirely.

tl;dr: Password Storage is banned in You Have to Win the Game (Steam); similar to console history being banned in the non-Steam version.

stoot gefällt das.
South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

@Vytheros, that's not what I meant. I meant like they don't count towards percentage. sorry I worded that wrong.

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

Ok, did some testing and this is what I came up with:

You can go to your "../Documents/my games/You Have to Win the Game/Saves" folder and find a file called "Autosave.vsg". You can rename this save to anything else and the game will completely ignore it even if it is in the folder. However, if you delete the Autosave.vsg file and then rename a file to Autosave.vsg while in the main menu and hit "Continue", it will load up that save. What this means is you can have saves of all the places you want to practice as well as a save with the password already entered, make a copy of it and call it Autosave.vsg while in the main menu and continue that save while not leaving the game (though this does mean you have to be in windowed mode or alt+tab every time you want to load a save).

On top of that, I forgot that you keep your powers after winning the game, so getting back to the final bell before the password only takes like a minute.

With this knowledge, I'm ok to say that doing this glitch is super easy and viable and not as much a waste of time as previously thought. This also opens the door for making practice saves to share for new and old players alike.

Opinions are obviously still wanted on this though.

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

@Vytheros I don't believe they are. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure those screens aren't counted. Every other screen is about 1/3 of a %, but getting those 3 screens doesn't give any extra %. I'm pretty sure it's because of how it was ported over to Steam. Though, I could also be completely wrong.

@MarioBataliJr yeah, cutting down on categories would be nice. Unlike Hollow King skip, anyone can easily do Password Storage without the need to try and destroy their computer in the process, so an extra category would be kinda silly.

@Klashik you mean like save and exit on the screen before the password, then copy the save to another file and then copy it over again before trying a new run? If loading a save can be done without exiting the game, then I'm all for doing that.

-- So just thinking about categories and such, if we do allow Password Storage, then we could do a thing where the current any% becomes a legacy category "any% no PS" or something similar so that current runs don't get automatically "ruined" with Password Storage being allowed in a new any% category. Maybe transfer old runs over or something after a while... idk. Just kinda throwing ideas out there, though thinking about how speedrun.com works, I'm not sure that's the best way to go about it.

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

Heads up, OrangeCrix approved this run. However, I think a little more talking about the glitch (referred after this as "Password Storage") is in order, not just between mods but also the community at large.

This glitch requires:

  • Pre-game (and pre-timing) set up
  • Pre-game set up after every run that finishes

The first isn't a terrible thing, as many other games have glitches like this. However, most of those other games are also much longer (hours) than this game (minutes). The second makes each run twice as long, as doing the password storage requires the player to run the game through twice.

The pros of using the glitch:

  • The game can be beaten faster
  • Don't have to worry about the password screens which aren't even counted towards % anyway

The cons of using the glitch:

  • Attempts become twice as long, as setting up storage requires practically already beating the game
  • Because stuff has to be set up before the game, there is gameplay that isn't being timed.

So, in conclusion, it comes down to whether or not you want to beat the game faster, or attempt speedruns faster. I personally prefer the later, but also love the idea of using such a glitch and would be ok if others are fine with it being in.

tl;dr: Should "Password Storage" be allowed? Everyone is encouraged to leave a comment.

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

yeah, that could be cool maybe. I was thinking about gold, silver, and bronze bags to fit more with the way the site themes things, but not exactly sure what the best route is. I could always make a few swatches and we could vote or something on them. Might be the best idea, to be honest.

South Carolina, USAZZKer9 years ago

Your wish is my command ;)

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