Derbyshire, EnglandXandervile7 years ago

Smashing Start: Wait on top of the rocket as the dog, and bark in a specific position so that the jet roasts a sheep that walks past (I hate this, too much RNG and it's such a small area you have to stand in...)

HaND: Enter the Doghouse as the Mouse and race the dog.

Honeymoon Lagoon: Collect all the stars, then glide to the door in the cliffside as the sheep, then jump up the platforms

The Battery Farm: Enter the house via the roof using the ramp as Rocket Dog

The Engine Room: Destroy all the Computers as Rocket Dog, get the Rat and enter the smallest door at the bottom of the corridor room.

Fat Bear Mountain: In the room with the bear at the far left before water is added

Stinky Sewers: In the first room with the rat. The thin wall has no collision.

Rat-o-Matic: Blow up the barbeque in the outside section where the 2nd fox is found with the Rat mines

Snow Joke: Near the exit, jump to it as Rabbit

Ice 'n' Easy: Get Walrus, it's in a hole that is misleading as it doesn't look like a hole

Penguin Playpen: Get Seagull, go back to first room, drop the rock on the fish

Pinball Blizzard: Hit Record before playing the tune

Hoppa Choppa: Go back to first room as HeliRabbit, kill the rabbit

Something Fishy: get the Skeleton Key from the igloo, then enter the chest and swim around

Jungle Japes: Spawns after pushing the rock as elephant, go up the lift as Hyena and follow the high path

Jungle Doldrums: In the tree near the exit

Swamp of Eternal Stench: Jump onto or miss the first moving lift as gorilla, spawns near where you get back up

Weight For It: DOES exist in bounds but no known way to spawn it

Jungle Jumps: Doesn't spawn in bounds, no known way to spawn it

Fun in the Sun: Kill all the Desert Foxes

Hot Cross Buns: Take the Scorpion corpse to the pool at the top of the level

Sting in the Tail: Kill all the Scorpions

Borassic Park: Punch all the teeth of the skull as Kangaroo

Whirlwind Tour: Enter the tall tower that has a power cell on it as the Vulture, then follow the path around (seems exactly the same as the tower that has the exit)

Shifting Sands: Jump on the 2 twin blue poles 5 times each

Hope that helps for All Trophy runs.

Derbyshire, EnglandXandervile8 years ago

Just gonna throw a collection of differences between ESA and SSSV that I noticed here as they are sometimes interesting.

  1. Fat Bear Mountain Ram Skip is harder to do the setup for in ESA yet the ground is more uneven somehow so you don't have to do it right to kill the dog as the mouse. Hype.

  2. Rocky Hard Place you don't even have to do that Fox part correctly, you can for some reason just go under the electric on a side as I learnt. Duno if it's true for all sides but definitely true for the one that faces AWAY from the teleport.

  3. Absence of Leap of Fox makes me sad.

  4. GaDaB is way more brutal... You can't tell which dog you damaged on animations alone.

  5. Penguin Playpen sucks, BUT the switch doesn't reject the seagull corpse when you leave it at all, which was nicer.

  6. Pinball Wizard has the worst hitbox ever on that keyboard. I hate my life.

  7. No Hoppa Choppa clips, so sad.

  8. Walrace is garbage, the Walrus is Garbage, everything about this game is garbage.

  9. Jungle Japes just showed me how UGLY elephants can look ; ; AND WTF DID THEY DO TO THE HIPPO

  10. Swamp of Eternal Stench made me ragequit. I hate that stage.

Derbyshire, EnglandXandervile8 years ago

I've been trying to do the Fortress of Wind Big Key Skip and can't seem to get the whole thing down, so I was just curious if there was a way of thinking about it that makes it slightly easier?

Derbyshire, EnglandXandervile8 years ago

We need our Glitchless meme category so that I can actually be the only one to run something!

Seriously though I would run it...

Derbyshire, EnglandXandervile8 years ago

Bubsy the Bobcat has been on Steam now for a few months, just wondering if it counts as an emulator or it's own thing as it seems to be the SNES version on the companies own emulator thing.

Derbyshire, EnglandXandervile8 years ago

Any glitches for the game, post them here, and I'll update this post with them as they are found/talked about.

Animation Cancelling: As any animal that has an A or a B interaction, holding down on the d-pad at the same time as pressing the button "cancels" the animation. One example is as the fox - holding down on the d-pad and pressing B allows for rapid attacking that isn't possible otherwise, and doing the same but for A instead of B results in a dash that doesn't have the starting animation. Animation cancelling can also apply to hopping/flying animals if you hold Up (or down) whilst jumping/flying in a direction then release left/right, you keep going in that direction. You an also release A (or stop spamming it for hopping animals) and you glide along the floor as if you are a walking animal. You can even go up/down slopes depending on if you are holding Up/Down.

Cutscene Skips: There are 3 (I think?) cutscene skips that all act differently. Technically there are more but the extra one isn't worth doing in runs:

  • Honeymoon Lagoon: Exit the mouse the same time you press the last button on the machine. To undo cutscene skip you have to move blind (or using Pause buffering as the camera centers on you when you Pause) to another one of the switches. Handy to get the last button if anyone likes torture, or to reposition to a better switch mid cutscene.
  • Rocky Hard Place: Press Left the first frame you hit the switch. Cancels the cutscene but it still play so you get the objective. Very good but frame perfect/2 frames trick.
  • Borassic Park: Exit the animal before hitting the 2nd camera, then reenter the animal as you enter the cutscene. Really not worth that much except maybe in TAS if you do it perfect?

Multi-dash: If you get a message box in the bottom, the animation of it going up/down overrides your health and energy, meaning that you can spam abilities again and again when the Teleporter Active message disappears. Handy in Engine Room and Rat-o-Matic where you are the Fox with it's dash as you can go long distances quickly to get to the teleporter faster.

Vulture: The vulture is broken. If you hold an animal and try to hold another one, the first one will go in whatever direction you were moving (left or right) until it hits a wall. If it goes up a slope it will follow the path but will not decrease altitude, meaning it will fly right for example. Really useful in Hot Cross Buns. Also the vulture can drop the animal if you hit the right ledge/wall. The animal bounces in the direction it was travelling but DOES obey physics. I don't know how to make it go up optional slopes, sometimes it works, sometimes not. Again useful in Hot Cross Buns, and Penguin Playpen.

Have a Nice Day skip: The sheep pen doesn't require sheep. Put any animal on the gate, exit it, jump at the switch as Evo, and it fills with sheep. A good run does 2 jumps, normal runs 3.

Momentum Storage: This is an extension of Animation Cancelling. When you are an animal that hops/flies, it conserves your momentum so you never lose speed. When you hit an electric fence as the spring ram, for example, whilst in this state, you get flung away but you don't decrease speed, meaning you go very quickly in the opposite direction. VERY useful for Rocky Hard Place. There is a TAS of this level that uses it to great effect, and as it was found after WR and I've not taken this game seriously yet, it isn't on this site as of yet.

Derbyshire, EnglandXandervile8 years ago

Just thought seeing as sometimes we do races and stuff, I was just wondering if anyone uses Discord and if we should have a channel for SSSV. Juuuuust curiousity, totally haven't made one already...

Derbyshire, EnglandXandervile8 years ago

Temporary thread about the GBC SSSV game and runs and stuff until it gets a part of its own (I applied for one so hype). The best thing about this version is that it's EU only, so finally PAL users like me have the last laugh.

Reference for runs will be qqwrefs, even though he claims he ain't a runner:

at least until I get some idea how to improve and stuff.

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