Minnesota, USATheGreenThunder2 years ago

Okay thank you all for the responses!

Minnesota, USATheGreenThunder2 years ago

awesome thank you for the response, can gun sway for mouse and keyboard be turned off or does that have to stay on?

Minnesota, USATheGreenThunder2 years ago

Hi there, hello. I have some questions regarding the Xenia Emulator.

First, Since GoldenEye 007 doesn't have an aiming cursor at all times like Perfect dark is the Dot trick still accepted?

Second, when doing runs can you switch between HD and classic graphics or does it have to be one or the other?

Third, is it possible to use a tool called reshade that allows you to have an onscreen aiming cursor or does that count as a cheat?

Fourth, for mouse and keyboard does gun sway have to be turned on? Or can it be turned off as moving with the mouse can cause guns to de-sync.

Lastly, is there a guideline as to what version of the Xenia Emulator you can use for either Controller or mouse and keyboard? To my knowledge V1.13.4 (most current as of typing) has a game breaking bug when using the Grenade launcher it'll hard crash the emulator. V1.13.3 is the most stable as there's no game breaking crashes; as well as, music cuts and sound cuts.

Any responses would be appreciated


Minnesota, USATheGreenThunder2 years ago

oh absolutely, thank you for bringing that to my attention! I'm truly sorry for my mistake

Minnesota, USATheGreenThunder2 years ago

Hi, JSR_ TheGreenThunder here, You're correct I've made a HUGE mistake, I went back to check the time I got on Alien cheat % and it is NOT 1:04.76 I repeat it is NOT THAT TIME. I retimed it myself and I got 1:08.43.

JSR_ gefällt das.
Minnesota, USATheGreenThunder2 years ago

Hey JSR_, TheGreenThunder here. What I use for individual campaigns is once you hit the fire button the screen goes to black, the second it goes to black is when I hit record. When a campaign is completed the game will fade to black the second it goes to black is when i hit stop.

That's how I've been doing it, I've even talked to GustavoPredador about this, and any potential scrutiny that this approach may cause.

TheGreenThunder Informationen
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