RussiaSooslick11 months ago

I see, SCP-008 requirement is kinda controversial, but I still think this requirement is unnecessary. If you want to get decent run time you need a lucky seed with straightforward route between Security room and Electrical center with SCP-008 room along the way (which is equally rare as SCP-008 absence). As for SCP-008 recontainment duration, this action takes less than 10 seconds (for the most of the runs this difference is easily mitigated by unlucky Omni rolls).

RussiaSooslick11 months ago

By suggesting these changes I want to make some things clearer and anticipate some common questions. And to encourage people to find new cool skips and routes indeed!

Rules suggestions:

- Remove SCP-008 requirement from SS / RS Inbounds runs

Since these categories also known as Any% Inbounds, I'd prefer to see as few as possible restrictions. Let's allow people submit any seeds with weird map generator issues!

- Introduce strict definition for "Out of Bounds"

That goes for "The use of the out of bounds glitch is not allowed" rule. As I know, at this moment we have different interpretations for this rule by different moderators, so I'd prefer to see strict definition to have a clear understanding what exactly I can't do in speedruns. I am basically OK with common definition "OoB means places that player can't reach by intended gameplay", but I have some concerns about definition "Player can see the void" because the game is buggy af and simple loading in doorway can send player straight into nothing (so, speedrunning the game as intended has a potential risk to get rejected).

- Explicit autosplitter requirement for LRT estimation

This one is to prevent common rookie mistake to upload first run (with decent run time probably) without using autosplitter, especially with large amount of save/loads. When I uploaded my first run I had no idea, how I should calculate LRT and got kinda frustrated when my run was retimed to RTA. So I think ruleset must contain a paragraph about LRT and autosplitters to prevent those situations.

Categories suggestions:

- Separate categories by difficulty

RS Keter% is growing popularity. Since Keter runs are totally different from Safe runs, I want to see individual leaderboard for Keter difficulty because player can't have both Safe and Keter PBs in one leaderboard.

- New category extension: No SCP-914

This category will be totally different from common speedrun categories. Heavy stamina control, warping to HCZ through sinkhole, using new shla skips and gaining stamina drinks from SCP-294.

As mods say they can add it if enough people are interested. As for me I'm ready to submit my first no SCP-914 run.

- New category extension: Console%

ending b1

Goglol gefällt das.
RussiaSooslick1 year ago

Autosplitter in it's current state is mostly fine but unable to do Gate B split when event is triggered from OoB. The reason is current Gate B split requirement: player Y position must be between 42 and 42.0781, and these values ~approximately correspond to the trigger location on the hallway down. The main problem is OoB: player can spawn in elevator below the floor level, so player's Y position is already less than 42, making autosplit requirement unreachable.

I tried to box trigger by XYZ coordinates, but this solution is suitable only for seeds having Gate B at the same location. I also did not test this requirement in other circumstances (such as SCP-1499 dimension, Gate A and others), so my conclusion: this is improper solution to problem.

I think the only way to make accurate split at the Gate B event to find game variable that stores Gate B event state. When player touches the trigger, event state changes value from 1 to 2, so there definitely is a way to make accurate split.

But I can't find this variable. I lack experience in working with RAM or programs like CheatEngine, so I rely on community help.


  1. Github issue: https://github.com/forxandknives/SCP-Autosplitters/issues/3

  2. Exact change to autosplitter (XYZ-method):

vars.gateBEnding = current.xaxis < 65f && current.zaxis < 3f && current.yaxis > 40f && current.deathTimer == 0 ? true : false; 


  1. Exact line where SCP:CB changes the event state: https://github.com/Regalis11/scpcb/blob/master/UpdateEvents.bb#L9256C28-L9256C28

  2. Demo vid:

RussiaSooslick1 year ago

Omni probabiliy is slightly complex than just 1/N chance. It depends only on two factors: game difficulty and obtained achievements.

Omni chance is defined by formula ((MAXACHIEVEMENTS-1) x difficultyFactor)-((CurrAchvAmount-1) × 3) Where difficulty factors are: SAFE = 3 EUCLID = 4 KETER = 5

For example, I have 31/37 obtained achievements and playing on Keter. So, now I have 1 / 90 chance to get omni from my key card.

I got this formula from source code: https://github.com/Regalis11/scpcb/blob/master/Main.bb#L9722

Sooslick Informationen
Indie game developer and adventurous artist
1 year ago
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