Thread: The Site
United StatesPinka3 years ago

Strangely enough, some people wanna enjoy the fun of speedrunning games without having their names associated with porn games due to common stigma against erotic content.

P weird imo but understandable I guess.

Ivory, O.D.W., und Walgrey gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
United StatesPinka3 years ago

[quote]The one case I can kinda understand it for, is if you've run something you don't want to admit you've run. I'm shameless in this regard and I'll totally own it, but I get it if you don't want say, HuniePop, on your profile. [/quote]

if people want to run one of the 5 combined eroge that somehow slipped their way onto the site, they deserve the ability to use an alt.

Thread: The Site
United StatesPinka3 years ago

Someone needs to advocate for the obvious troll accounts.

United StatesPinka3 years ago

If you're referring to full game runs, Speedrun mode is functionally Advanced mode without the ability to change difficulties, so I figured it'd be best to allow difficulty to be changed in the Adventure/Quest modes and not segregate them.

If you're referencing ILs, w/ the exception of a handful of levels the difficulties don't make enough of a difference to justify a category split. Relaxed Mode already makes the current Checkpoint vs No Checkpoint split useless, and I'm considering removing the split there too.

Thread: The Site
United StatesPinka3 years ago

Probably depends on what it got denied for the first time. Doubt you'll get in trouble unless you spam the request tho.

Quivico, MrMonsh und 6 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
United StatesPinka3 years ago

A lot of games are still limited to spreadsheets on discords or self-run webpages. Even the sequel to a high profile porn game that was previously allowed on the site.

Ivory gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
United StatesPinka3 years ago

I seriously don't know what to make of this thread anymore. Looks like bait at this point

MrMonsh, 6oliath und 5 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
United StatesPinka3 years ago

I think its a DID thing where people refer to themselves as a collection of their identities, using plural pronouns (We/Us).

Thread: The Site
United StatesPinka3 years ago

To be fair to Elo, the 13 year olds they're legally allowed to collect data on are REALLY into anime porn, which is why they advertise it.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Ivory und 10 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
United StatesPinka3 years ago

Brave makes speedrun.com usable on mobile, because whoever signed off on the ads didn't think about people actually using the website.

Brakshow, Cribley, und KomradeKontroll gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
United StatesPinka3 years ago

Are you sure you're not looking for a cute mom? Could never hurt to have a spare mom.

Ivory, Wrap und 10 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
United StatesPinka3 years ago

It depends on the country for the legality of rom hacks, but sr.c doesn't host commercial game rom distribution so they're legally in the clear.

Thread: The Site
United StatesPinka3 years ago

There's even an entire News section of the site that hasn't been used for anything important in months that would be great for this purpose.

While hunting for bugs/changes in video games is fun, its significantly less fun to do that on a website w/o knowledge anything has changed.

Thread: The Site
United StatesPinka3 years ago

[quote] And generally a lot of the things you guys are asking for are extremely minor. Would following a person on the site be really cool? Absolutely. But wouldn't you rather the site be more functional and available for users and game moderators before we do cosmetic stuff that would be cool but is overall useless in actually keeping a database for speedruns? [/quote]

I mean, "minor features that would be p cool but are useless in actually keeping a database for speedruns" basically defines everything the average end user would notice about the site's changes in the past 9 months (not counting the obvi negative changes). Things like being able to set pronouns, opening up donator perks to all, adding a barebones articles section, etc. aren't really at all required for a speedrunning database.

Brakshow gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
United StatesPinka3 years ago

The mod tools were talked about in detail on the same news post that they started rolling out ads and replacing the stickied forums with the support hub, and there's not been an official site update since (unless you count news related to that banner I wish would go away).

I agree some people are too hard on elo, but at the same time, the ire is 100% earned.

Shiinyu gefällt das.
Thread: Speedrunning
United StatesPinka3 years ago

Turbo aside, I'm not sure how significantly faster having all the buttons on one place makes you when compared to having the L/R buttons on your fingers.

On pc, it p much has no effect since keyboard controls give you the same input style by default. Obvi turbo would ban it in most communities.

Thread: The Site
United StatesPinka3 years ago

It's arbitrary, but it also doesn't affect me so I don't have an opinion lmao.

Thread: The Site
United StatesPinka3 years ago

That fixed the issue.

I assumed variables were required bc I did intend to separate categories by difficulty at one point, and trying to remove the default resulted in a pop up saying that they needed defaults. That's frustrating. Thanks for the help.

Sizzyl gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
United StatesPinka3 years ago

I don't quite know what you're asking there, @hahhah42. Every variable is required to have a default.

Thread: The Site
United StatesPinka3 years ago

Yep, all the variables are filled out on all the runs. Checked those initially, and just double checked them again. The only consistently empty field in the missing runs are the splits i/o links, which are also missing in runs that do show up on the board so I can't imagine that's relevant.

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