Pichi11 months ago

hey y'all! i've been picking up this run, but via the wii version rather than the newer one, so i hadn't thought to check here before now.

the RNG manip does indeed make the run significantly faster and significantly different, and though i don't play this version at the moment, i don't personally think it makes sense to combine them. the current manip record on the Wii leaderboards is half the time of the non-manipped single-AI run, and it's just overall an entirely different experience.

i get the concern regarding the different possible ways to run the game, but i think a better way to split things would be to create distinct categories that people are actually likely to run. if you're speedrunning with other people , it makes very little sense to add a third or a fourth person, as they inherently slow the game down. with AI, aside from a single weak CPU, i think the most meaningful contrast in a category would be vs 3 sneaky AI, as a "hard mode" run (although in practice the CPUs still fall apart and become irrelevant after a while anyway).

so a category spread might look like

any% w/ AI: no restrictions | full AI (3 sneaky CPUs)

any% w/o AI: RNG manip | co-op (non-manip)

i can't imagine anybody genuinely doing serious attempts outside of this, and it retains more similarity to the leaderboard setup for the Wii version, as these are all runs that already exist there (except the "full AI" one). but if you were doing casual runs with some other AI configuration or with other people, nothing would really stop you from submitting to the first or last category, respectively.

i realize i'm a little late with this suggestion, but i wanted to add my thoughts if anybody is interested in revisiting this discussion. thanks!

Pichi3 years ago

ah yeah, "new team" was regarding playing basic training in mission runs. if there's no difference for deathmatch then ofc it doesn't matter.

Pichi3 years ago

After the thread about timing, I'm considering updating the timing rules to be on the victory cheer during the last mission or deathmatch round, as it feels a bit more natural. Does anybody have an objection to that?

Additionally, somebody mentioned that due to the 3.8 update allowing for physics and game engine speed to be tweaked, the rules should be shown before runs. As far I can tell, though, changes made to this setting in the multiplayer game options don't affect single-player mode. If it is possible to change the physics within single player modes, please let me know. Otherwise, the rule doesn't seem necessary.

Pichi4 years ago

I originally set the timing in the rules as ending upon the appearance of the results screen, but I'm open to any changes. I'll update runs that are timed incorrectly accordingly, but please post about any other discrepancies that you find as I'm too busy at the moment to scour the videos myself.

Thread: The Site
Pichi4 years ago

I'm currently a moderator for Worms: Armageddon. Requesting to be upgraded to Super Moderator as the only one seems to have not been active on the site for about 4 years. Not too worried whether they stay up or not, but I would like the ability to appoint others.

Pichi4 years ago

this game hasn't gotten activity on SRC for ages and i've been inactive. apparently the other mods have as well since there was a 3 week old submission in the queue. the main worms community is on that wiki, and i don't think they ever ran RTA categories like these. i only ever saw IL runs, although when i last did my runs three years ago, many people in the community stopped by and talked with me.

regarding rules: naturally gamespeed should be set to normal. and yeah, showing the options at the beginning of the run is probably necessary now if that's the case.

Thread: The Site
Pichi4 years ago

y'all do realize that cheating runs isn't the only reason a community may collectively decide to ban somebody, right? y'all want reports for that too? the fuck do SRC mods need to be involved in any community to that degree for? this is bound to be ignored by necessity, if not purely on the fact that it's completely asinine. why not just build in blacklist functionality to the site, and y'all get notified any time a user gets blacklisted, and maintain an internal count? then you can investigate accounts blacklisted x number of times and act to take global action if necessary instead of being an entirely unwanted nuisance. no reason to try to police communities that run perfectly fine on their own.

Klooger, SnowconeJoey und 2 Andere gefällt das.
Pichi6 years ago

Done. Fixed the date, too. Sorry about that.

Pichi6 years ago

I suppose I can.

edit: It's up now. I set the timing rules to time from clicking start to the victory dialogue screen. Korydex's run under this timing is 2:53 52 (rather than :55), going from clicking the start button to the victory dialogue after the Elite match, since start is clicked in the video at :01 and the window appears at 2:53:53.

Pichi6 years ago

Nobody has come here and talked about it, other than mentioning its existence. I would be glad to add one if Korydex wanted to submit that time.

Pichi7 years ago

Nice! I did it once but so much slower than this and laughably bad that I didn't even make a note of it haha.

Pichi7 years ago

Yeah, my first attempts at learning were in 2013, but I stopped for several years and never listed my runs anywhere (by the time SRC came into existence, I had already forgotten about it mostly). I've mostly just been trying for consistency and have only slightly updated my strats since then. I plan on doing so much more when my time isn't so vastly far behind my best segments. I've practiced a lot of difficult stuff offline that just hasn't made it into play yet.

Pichi7 years ago

Yeah, so when you start a new "file" playing the game normally, you have to do basic training. That's the entire point. It may not be labeled a mission, but the game clearly establishes it as a mission requirement. You guys never saw it as one, but you only do individual mission runs timing via turn count/turn time, anyway, so I wonder if the question even came up?

Pichi7 years ago

"I want to make a new category so I can skip 2 and a half minutes of what the game makes me do just so I can reset over mission 1 instead" ok lol

I dunno, y'all. I first did these three years ago because the Worms community only did IL stuff and I went by the conventions used for nearly every game in the regular speedrunning community. It's not confusing to anybody in this community what All Missions likely entails, because any% is implied unless otherwise stated (though I guess I could add it to the category name if necessary). I'm not part of your community and did not set up my runs catering to your conventions. If you want to run a "new game+" category so you can save 2:30 on your resets, then go for it. All of you are way better than I am so I'm sure you'll naturally draw more runners from your community regardless.

Pichi7 years ago

Fresh install?? You have to do the basic training before starting missions with every new team you make regardless of how many times you've done them before. Given that it's mandatory, it's effectively the first mission. RTA any% runs are always done with fresh files. That would be equivalent to a new team here rather than a fresh install. I labeled it "All Missions" just for clarity's sake since completion isn't as well-defined in this game.

Also, I find it a bit dubious to suggest that the training is horrendously boring compared to the missions, since they all primarily revolve around movement optimization and ability to quickly recreate specific shots. The deathmatch ones are more hectic and fun, but a lot of the missions aren't like that at all. Do the Locomotion is literally just walking from one side of the map to the other with one fire punch and using a couple tools. Same with Not Mushroom Out There and roping. Pumpkin Problems, too, although I guess the worms do stuff if you're really slow. Super Sheep to the Rescue, Chateau Assassin and Spectral Recovery are all pure movement optimization.

HexTree gefällt das.
Thread: Donkey Kong
Pichi9 years ago

I just updated all 3 games with every time on the dkc leaderboards, so ignore this :^)

Thread: Donkey Kong
Pichi9 years ago

I skipped some runs when I first put these up because they had no date, video or anything. I also cut off past a certain time because certain categories had a ton of entries from people that ran the game for a week. Feel free to resubmit.

Pac gefällt das.
Pichi10 years ago

Yeah, you wouldn't want to steal anybody's times.

Just tweet at me or what ever you'd like.

Pichi10 years ago

Hippie here. Noticed there were DKC 1 and 2 leaderboards here, but they're hilariously out of date. We have our own leaderboard at bombch.us/iP, but I suppose I could also update this one if allowed.

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