Thread: The Site
Ontario, CanadaPatJK7 years ago

Hi, could I have my name changed to PatJK please?

Ontario, CanadaPatJK8 years ago

what noname said. a bunch of the runs were done back when etd was just a joke. now that people take it seriously, due to the fact that dolphin is nowhere near accurate and many things on console dont work on it due to the fact that it can't properly emulate lag and other specifics, resulted in it being banned.

it's not the only thing thats banned btw. you can't play the game from a usb or sd card on a modded wii. you need to be using a legitimate or burned disc so each run has consistent timings, or at least as consistent as etd lets them be.

Caitelady gefällt das.
Ontario, CanadaPatJK8 years ago

Something I've noticed (and can't really test due to not having disc version) is that the PSN version of ToD doesn't give the discount. Despite having game data AND save data, I have never received the discount in ACiT. It's convenient, because deleting the game data of the PSN ToD would require I need to redownload the game anytime I wanted to play it instead of ACiT providing it had the discounts.

In regards to doing runs with the discount, I don't think runs with the discount enabled should be disqualified, but I think active use of the discount should be disallowed. As long as the people buy the weapons at the same time as people without the discount, and have enough, or at least close enough bolt count to the intended amount, the runs should be allowed. This way people don't need to deal with the hassle of reinstalling ToD, but they don't need to worry about having the discount in ACiT.

TL;DR: Runs with the discount enabled should be allowed providing the runner pretends the discount isn't applied.

Thread: Spyro
Ontario, CanadaPatJK8 years ago

Just gonna say that the goal of PS1 emus are to emulate the PS1, not PS2. FDS is a PS2 feature, therefore emu loads should be close to PS2 SDS or PS1 since that's what they are trying to be. If you want faster loads use a console. Using an inaccurate emulator to try to be equal when the emulator is so inaccurate that it's loads are nowhere near the console it's trying to be like is a terrible idea because if loads are bad, what else is?

I don't have experience with PSXfin, but I do have experience with a lot of PS1 emulators. Generally if they have fast loads they have a lot of other issues. Hell, even if the loads are slow they can still be inaccurate as crap. PCSX-R loads are generally slower than ePSXe but the hitboxes are super messed up and it makes some things easier. ePSXe is pretty much the standard emulator everybody (not just speedrunners) use so it's easier to just use that to standardize the runs. It's a good trade off between accuracy and performance.

The only emulator I've tried focused on actual accuracy is Mednafen, and while it does take a beeefyish PC to run and stream it at the same time, its loads and performance is essentially exactly how a PS1 runs.

YW1 und Kollin7 gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
Ontario, CanadaPatJK8 years ago

Hey Teddy, I'd just like to know, how are you able to call someone out on being racist? Someone who I have never witnessed being racist ever, while you have used racial stereotypes as evidenced in one of the stupid messages you've said on Twitch shown here. http://i.imgur.com/y9cnIWT.png

I've never seen you say anything logical in Twitch chat, or really anywhere, what the hell makes you think you can dictate who is an isn't mod? You're in no place to speak.

YUMmy_Bacon5, YW1 und 13 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: Spyro
Ontario, CanadaPatJK9 years ago

Don't worry Evan, we're hoping that we can get every Spyro game, including the not as popular ones. There are some people who would be up for meme races of the not so popular games for the marathon if runners don't feel like doing them, so even if nobody steps up for them, they may still be in, just not done really fast.

Thread: Spyro
Ontario, CanadaPatJK9 years ago

So, because no Spyro games got into SGDQ, a few of us began planning Spyrothon. We would like to do a marathon that shows off every Spyro game, every category, and maybe even some meme categories. We're planning for it to be in the summer, so far August seems to be a month everyone agrees on. No actual dates yet though.

Races are definitely allowed, just know that only 2-4 racers will likely be featured on the Spyrothon stream, although this would depend on the bandwidth and cpu of whoever is restreaming at the time.

Here's a list of the games, categories, and runners: http://goo.gl/otl3Yl If you'd like to sign up you can contact Zomggames or myself on Skype or post in this thread. Same goes for suggestions and what not.

jeremythompson, Zombiemaster916 und 8 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: Spyro
Ontario, CanadaPatJK9 years ago

Seriously, why the fuck do you want to see a 240p 4:3 game stretched to 16:9? It won't look good at all. Plus, anyone who gives a crap will run on console anyway since emulator runs are pig disgusting. Stop spamming this everywhere.

Thread: Spyro
Ontario, CanadaPatJK9 years ago

If it's faster and ends with 100% completion, I say go for it.

Sure, the end of the run may now be anticlimactic as hell, but who cares. You still get 100%. If you don't like Ripto early then don't do it. It's that simple.

Like, we're speedrunners. Going fast should be our priority. Yeah changes suck especially when they make the end of the run really boring, but if it's faster we shouldn't complain.

EDIT: And we do have a common point to end the run. 100% completion. Yeah stopping when you grab a gem or orb or tali is weird, but that is the common point. 100%. No matter how you do the run, Ripto early or not, you finish when you achieve 100%.

ikkatosh23 und Jumpyluff gefällt das.
Ontario, CanadaPatJK10 years ago

i'm assuming everyone knows this at this point but if you pause the game during/right before the all gems/dragonflies/level complete notifications and open the atlas, the notifications will continue and make the game think you're controlling spyro on the atlas screen.

you can still use the atlas, but you're also still controlling spyro so if you're near a ledge or something you may fall and die.

this isn't a useful trick or anything, just something to keep in mind for new people who maybe havent experienced it before. be careful if your atlas gets weird because you can die

Caitelady gefällt das.
Ontario, CanadaPatJK10 years ago

It seems like some slowdown from Spyro 2 was also fixed with the EXE provided to me by a PCSXR developer that solved an issue in Spyro 3.

I'm going to open an issue on their site to report this. Using the EXE that fixed the Bianca issue in Spyro 3, timing it like your video, it is 12 seconds faster than PS2 SDS.

Video showing with fixed EXE (only compared to ps2 sds):

If anyone is interested in this fixed EXE, here's a link. It works with any version of the emulator. just overwrite the exe. https://mega.co.nz/#!FscVzaIa!GLfpiK1uITM8Teywb3_ZK-YBuvRRYySS-naxrZvY30o

Also, I know what you said. I recorded the PS3 because I was curious as to how slow it actually was. Also, the reason later PS3s are shitty for PS1 games is because they don't have the PS1/2 hardware that earlier generations have. It has nothing to do with FDS or SDS. Even if those were options it would still be slower due to lag because the PS3 can't handle emulation that well.

Ontario, CanadaPatJK10 years ago

Nice video.

One problem I noticed was that your PCSXR looked like it was lagging. Using the 2 videos I recorded and breakingu's videos, I made my own comparison video. It's nowhere near as good as yours, I made it to get a general idea of the differences. But when timing PCSXR the way you did in your video, PCSXR got 8:31.

here's the little comparison thing I made:

Ontario, CanadaPatJK10 years ago

For PCSXR, don't use the latest stable version. It's very outdated and the devlopers always recommend a recent SVN release. Some issues fixed since the stable release are whirlwinds actually appearing properly. You can get SVN builds for Windows here: http://www.emucr.com/search/label/PCSX-Reloaded

Mac SVN builds here: http://consoleemu.com/emulator/pcsx-reloaded

EDIT: I can record the comparison video for PCSXR.

EDIT 2: here's the PCSXR video: https://mega.co.nz/#!AskDRBzI!AyL6CTlFswc3rA_E_fRPrJBE8F-LRHwMf3jN-grkUlc

sorry if my mic made sounds. didn't realize until after i recorded the video that my mic wasn't muted.

EDIT 3: if anyone wants to see a ps3 video here's one i made: https://mega.co.nz/#!R4FRhKBZ!8K-WR3-go248-IJRU9H_LlFTNrbR8oTOfeL6sxvuJT4 approximate times for comparison: 8:40 (pcsxr) vs 9:01 (ps3)

i know you aren't interested in PS3 time but I was bored and had nothing else to time.

Thread: Spyro
Ontario, CanadaPatJK10 years ago

I didn't see this before I posted a thread here: http://www.speedrunrecords.com/Spyro_2_Riptos_Rage/thread/kyfa7

what I said pretty much was that Mednafen should be accepted as it is focused on accuracy, and runs pretty much identically to PS1 hardware. RetroArch would also be acceptable as it simply uses Mednafen as it's core for PS1 emulation. PCSXR is constantly being updated, but the developers are quick on issues. There was a problem where Bianca's rainbow on Spyro 3 was really slow, but after reporting it a developer fixed it up and it's now the same speed as console. doing a comparison of loading screens between ps3/pcsxr/epsxe 1.9/retroarch/mednafen i found that all of the listed emulators had the same loading times.

In my opinion it would be wiser to list unacceptable emulators, pSX being one I can think of due to poor accuracy.

Edit: Also, by only accepting ePSXe 1.9 it limits Mac and Linux users. Yes, ePSXe has a Linux version but it is a very poor port. Allowing PCSXR (which runs at the same speed as ePSXe) would allow all players regardless of OS or method of playing to submit runs.

Ontario, CanadaPatJK10 years ago

Retroarch uses Mednafen as its core, so its PSX emulation is exactly the same as Mednafen.

about PCSXR, the devs are very helpful in fixing any issues. there was a problem on spyro 3 where bianca's rainbow moved slowly, but after reporting the issue a developer fixed it and provided me with a new exe. after timing bianca's rainbow it was then the same speed as console.

I did various timing comparisons using PS3, epsxe 1.9, PCSXR svn and RetroArch/Mednafen and loading times were all the same.

Ontario, CanadaPatJK10 years ago

I see that epsxe is the only acceptable emulator according to the rules. I suggest modifying this rule.

RetroArch and Mednafen are focused on accuracy, and run pretty much identical to PS1 hardware. PCSXR should also be an acceptable emulator. It has the same accuracy and speed as epsxe.

just thought i'd add some feedback since I have done a bit of research on PSX emulators.

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