Thread: The Site
PANICOREPT8 years ago

In regards to WW: No, you need to stop lying. WW only had 8 available characters (Ryu, Ken, Chun, Guile, Blanka, E.Honda, Sim and Gief). What you are referring to is Rom hacks which allows you to play the boss versions of characters not available to the player.

your rules are specific:

they state

All permitted ports including MAME

Mame has this very same WW version with bosses unlocked google it inspector! i did this run with ken and was refused as far as i know ken is not a boss! same goes for the champion edition i am going to redo all the runs again! either you ban me or not, because i am posting this situation to all my forum subscribers because they voted me to play in here and now i will prove them you guys are wrong, and then when that happens you can search all over youtube you wont find shit! thats the reason 11 records i have totaly clean there is no argument justifying why they are not valid in the first place.

YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
PANICOREPT8 years ago

like i said in my post, we didnt had a youtube channel, people downloaded from our website and posted videos on their youtube channels, can someone read what i write? i won 6 major professional tournaments 5 times national champion that isnt something you archieve with Cheats or stolen videos or whatever you guys wanna call it ! or supposed to be competitive playing! Give me a break guys you dont wanna listen and i dont know what else do you want me to do to proove you are wrong! i allready did everything, i even posted a fucking video with mine arcade platform!! are you kidding or what! if token has so many proofs why the other 11 clean records were still removed and there are no proofs or videos for them? i tell you why, because for that 11 records there are no old videos! they were done this month thats why! but for that no one talks!

YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
PANICOREPT8 years ago

i will repost this the videos are no proof agaisnt me because like i said some years ago a lot of people downloaded videos of MINE GAMEPLAYS at sharefactory and our old site

our team name was called FOX - Frenetic Online Xtermination , GOOGLE IT and check the fucking dates and the members innit , this was a clan of our portuguese team for Unreal Tournament, Urban Terror and fighting games! You can A LOT OF people downloaded our videos from our website and posted them on youtube because we never had on that time a youtube channel! I allready esplained this! and i never said some of mine videos are not online with users, BUT THAT VIDEOS DONT BELONG TO THEM! understand this they uploaded them first but it wasnt them who played in the first place! Also the first time when i arrived here i told KombatKing that any of this records were world records because it was US who had this records !

PROOFS http://www.cwlregistration.com/2016/championship-qualifier-na/team/1117754/ check the fucking date of our championships

i was know as m0rtal or panic , in any of this games Street Fighter , Mortal Kombat , urban terror and unreal tournament, because this are the games i played competitively!

We then decided after seing many people uploading our videos to close our fucking site for good because the clan wasnt competing anymore!!!!!!


this was our unique site for the team but its closed since 2011 date when i stopped it!

The videos El Nombre mentions are all mine! Last year i had my youtube blocked for 1 month with michelpf09 strike, because he recognised my nickname and confirmed it was me and was afraid of losing his channel, so he tried to strike mine 3 alpha series videos!!!!! i have proven Youtube all his videos belonged to me, however i decided not to block his channel, because they were old videos! His channel was also temporary blocked because of this situation thats why he doesnt upload videos for months now, because of doing false acusations he got 6 months without being authorised to upload any videos! Youtube even asked me if i wanted to do the same because i was in my right to do it and i said no, because it was us who let this happen in the first place! I allready esplained this situation!!!! i dont know how many times!!!! Esplain to me why there are no videos for other records???? jesus man you guys are really low! If this videos didnt belong to me i wouldnt ever espose myself and the health of my channel this way!!!!!!!!! Amazing how you guys are influenced by people who just wants to have their record, when its clearly a bullshit!!!! in 300.000 players in Injustice esplain to me why am i ranked 17 globaly on MAX modes without cheats!!!! i would like to hear esplanations for all the other stuff! Also, like i allready said, i can even REDO again all my records and do even better and will stream them ! What tha fuck more do you guys want me to prove i am the player, the gameplays are mine, i am legit??? I even did a fucking video with my arcade machine to show you where i was playing!!! what the fuck man, i just hope hocine and El Nombre are happy because they both are friends and this is what they wanted from the very begining, enjoy your underseved and not yours records, because that records arent yours! i also challenge anyone here to play agaisnt me one more time and see if i use cheats!!!! Also token you said you were a competitive player from SF V, why dont you play agaisnt me then? amazing, this 2 guys got what they wanted, but no one loses time to check their videos and see 2 normal hits do 48 damage not to talk about times being incorrect!!! its amazing! Be happy guys really!


This was discussed here allready

now youtube has a copyright abuse policy? amazing the arguments you guys get to justify every single crap you say! Congratulations on offering hocine and nombre what they most wanted! this is what they have been looking for; for over a month! i am acused of everything its amazing! and now i also silence people! Sure you tweeted the other guy, who in his perfect mind would ever admit he downloaded videos from a professional team and upload with their youtube accounts? No one obviously, and with your theory i silenced michelpf09! the USFIV run was also rejected because i used Oni, but your second fighter uses the very same Oni and its still there! hocine runs with easy modes high damage and twisted settings are all online! In the end i am the theft, the liar, the noob who steals videos from other people because he cant do the records himself, etc etc etc! Indeed your site and your community is a mexican episode! like i told you, you can ban me, but my conscience sleeps, however no one esplain all the other records besides that videos you found wich that is even more amazing! obviously i steal everything, and all this because nombre said so and token confirmed! fortunaly for me i have a forum with over 900 persons registered who will know the reason why i was banned from here and let them make their own judgements! meanwhile since i cant prove my inocence in here, i will prove it on my youtube channel and i will do every single fighter on every game that you mention to prove my inocence at least to my subscribers! Thats the minimum i can do for them, about your community have it, and keep the "easy mode" players on first place, because thats where they all deserve to be, also you dont need to ban me, you can kill my account, because i was allready tired, and with all this bullshit, i am really off from good from your website! everyone does a judgement but no one goes verify my arguments! you keep saying i am lieng but i bet you didnt even verified hocine runs! ah wait! I am the problem not him! Whatever "competitive" player! The challenge is still up if someone wants to confirm if i indeed cheat or not be my guest to play with me! El nombre super mod, a guy who doesnt even know in mame there are version from champion edition with bosses unlocked, including you Token! i never attacked anyone, i was attacked the first time since i arrived! also i am not going to repeat the same story all over again, as fas as i counted there are 9 more records you dont have any proofs, because you cant have proofs for them its impossible! since i played them this month September 2016 and even that is invalidated runs! Have fun! meanwhile i will prove you are all wrong!

YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
PANICOREPT8 years ago


so you kept ignoring me Token, however i am going to clarify some things here right now before i go completly offline from your crap acusations bullshits and conspiracys, first - the videos are no proof agaisnt me because like i said some years ago a lot of people downloaded videos of MINE GAMEPLAYS at sharefactory and our old site

our team name was called FOX - Frenetic Online Xtermination , GOOGLE IT and check the fucking dates and the members innit , this was a clan of our portuguese team for Unreal Tournament, Urban Terror and fighting games! You can A LOT OF people downloaded our videos from our website and posted them on youtube because we never had on that time a youtube channel! I allready esplained this! and i never said some of mine videos are not online with users, BUT THAT VIDEOS DONT BELONG TO THEM! understand this they uploaded them first but it wasnt them who played in the first place! Also the first time when i arrived here i told KombatKing that any of this records were world records because it was US who had this records !

PROOFS http://www.cwlregistration.com/2016/championship-qualifier-na/team/1117754/ check the fucking date of our championships

i was know as m0rtal or panic , in any of this games Street Fighter , Mortal Kombat , urban terror and unreal tournament, because this are the games i played competitively!

We then decided after seing many people uploading our videos to close our fucking site for good because the clan wasnt competing anymore!!!!!!


this was our unique site for the team but its closed since 2011 date when i stopped it!

The videos El Nombre mentions are all mine! Last year i had my youtube blocked for 1 month with michelpf09 strike, because he recognised my nickname and confirmed it was me and was afraid of losing his channel, so he tried to strike mine 3 alpha series videos!!!!! i have proven Youtube all his videos belonged to me, however i decided not to block his channel, because they were old videos! His channel was also temporary blocked because of this situation thats why he doesnt upload videos for months now, because of doing false acusations he got 6 months without being authorised to upload any videos! Youtube even asked me if i wanted to do the same because i was in my right to do it and i said no, because it was us who let this happen in the first place! I allready esplained this situation!!!! i dont know how many times!!!! Esplain to me why there are no videos for other records???? jesus man you guys are really low! If this videos didnt belong to me i wouldnt ever espose myself and the health of my channel this way!!!!!!!!! Amazing how you guys are influenced by people who just wants to have their record, when its clearly a bullshit!!!! in 300.000 players in Injustice esplain to me why am i ranked 17 globaly on MAX modes without cheats!!!! i would like to hear esplanations for all the other stuff! Also, like i allready said, i can even REDO again all my records and do even better and will stream them ! What tha fuck more do you guys want me to prove i am the player, the gameplays are mine, i am legit??? I even did a fucking video with my arcade machine to show you where i was playing!!! what the fuck man, i just hope hocine and El Nombre are happy because they both are friends and this is what they wanted from the very begining, enjoy your underseved and not yours records, because that records arent yours! i also challenge anyone here to play agaisnt me one more time and see if i use cheats!!!! Also token you said you were a competitive player from SF V, why dont you play agaisnt me then? amazing, this 2 guys got what they wanted, but no one loses time to check their videos and see 2 normal hits do 48 damage not to talk about times being incorrect!!! its amazing! Be happy guys really!


This was discussed here allready

YUMmy_Bacon5 gefällt das.
PANICOREPT8 years ago

so you kept ignoring me Token, however i am going to clarify some things here right now before i go completly offline from your crap acusations bullshits and conspiracys, first - the videos are no proof agaisnt me because like i said some years ago a lot of people downloaded videos of MINE GAMEPLAYS at sharefactory and our old site

our team name was called FOX - Frenetic Online Xtermination , GOOGLE IT and check the fucking dates and the members innit , this was a clan of our portuguese team for Unreal Tournament, Urban Terror and fighting games! You can A LOT OF people downloaded our videos from our website and posted them on youtube because we never had on that time a youtube channel! I allready esplained this! and i never said some of mine videos are not online with users, BUT THAT VIDEOS DONT BELONG TO THEM! understand this they uploaded them first but it wasnt them who played in the first place! Also the first time when i arrived here i told KombatKing that any of this records were world records because it was US who had this records !

PROOFS http://www.cwlregistration.com/2016/championship-qualifier-na/team/1117754/ check the fucking date of our championships

i was know as m0rtal or panic , in any of this games Street Fighter , Mortal Kombat , urban terror and unreal tournament, because this are the games i played competitively!

We then decided after seing many people uploading our videos to close our fucking site for good because the clan wasnt competing anymore!!!!!!


this was our unique site for the team but its closed since 2011 date when i stopped it!

The videos El Nombre mentions are all mine! Last year i had my youtube blocked for 1 month with michelpf09 strike, because he recognised my nickname and confirmed it was me and was afraid of losing his channel, so he tried to strike mine 3 alpha series videos!!!!! i have proven Youtube all his videos belonged to me, however i decided not to block his channel, because they were old videos! His channel was also temporary blocked because of this situation thats why he doesnt upload videos for months now, because of doing false acusations he got 6 months without being authorised to upload any videos! Youtube even asked me if i wanted to do the same because i was in my right to do it and i said no, because it was us who let this happen in the first place! I allready esplained this situation!!!! i dont know how many times!!!! Esplain to me why there are no videos for other records???? jesus man you guys are really low! If this videos didnt belong to me i wouldnt ever espose myself and the health of my channel this way!!!!!!!!! Amazing how you guys are influenced by people who just wants to have their record, when its clearly a bullshit!!!! in 300.000 players in Injustice esplain to me why am i ranked 17 globaly on MAX modes without cheats!!!! i would like to hear esplanations for all the other stuff! Also, like i allready said, i can even REDO again all my records and do even better and will stream them ! What tha fuck more do you guys want me to prove i am the player, the gameplays are mine, i am legit??? I even did a fucking video with my arcade machine to show you where i was playing!!! what the fuck man, i just hope hocine and El Nombre are happy because they both are friends and this is what they wanted from the very begining, enjoy your underseved and not yours records, because that records arent yours! i also challenge anyone here to play agaisnt me one more time and see if i use cheats!!!! Also token you said you were a competitive player from SF V, why dont you play agaisnt me then? amazing, this 2 guys got what they wanted, but no one loses time to check their videos and see 2 normal hits do 48 damage not to talk about times being incorrect!!! its amazing! Be happy guys really!

PANICOREPT8 years ago

i allready pmed you, why dont you reply? You can check everything you want! Ofc cheating lol where is the evidence for that claims? claiming i stole videos? That was allready discussed!

PANICOREPT8 years ago

I believe even more now this is a total conspiracy agaisnt my name , i dont see hocine with this , its only me all the time!

PANICOREPT8 years ago

Yes and why all my runs are rejected? Amazing! Another mexican episode! Whats the problem now?

PANICOREPT8 years ago

Hey guys i have seen there are different categories for trials, i would like to ask ir this is to do all of them in 1 go or you can do this individually, or even if you can do a speed run with all of them, and after that cut and submit the videos for each fighter ? Just asking before i do this! Cheers

PANICOREPT8 years ago

Yes i can alpha series he uses high damage and it was him or someone added recently that option to the rules and that doesnt make any sense on easy or default because you can do 47 damage with 2 hits, thats used only on hardest also the videos i posted belong to the respective platform but they are all arcade versions man! So it should ve valid , doesnt make any sense to post 1 video for the platform and a different for arcade when your usina the same port! That will make this even more confusing then what it is allready! The problem here right now and lets talk like adults people here dont have much clue or how the ports work on retro SFS! Cheers man dont take it as provocation its a suggestion

PANICOREPT8 years ago

TheKombatKing dont take me wrong but i am sure el_nombre will have sugestions, for me personally i would like to see hardest in all SF games, thats what i would do! And everyone who does specific runs with rules has to show his console before doing it

PANICOREPT8 years ago

btw whats most important, total video time or in game time? cheers

PANICOREPT8 years ago

I would like to know why hocine records werent removed yet ! He has at least 4 invalid runs from what i noticied! I can do a video showing the differences! And why my runs are still pending! I have 6 different runs pending!

PANICOREPT8 years ago

i also would like to share the cheats and hacks....... and here they are!

Hope it helps, that will for sure help any of you become a cheater and hacker like me!


PANICOREPT8 years ago

Rules Permitted Ports: -Arcade and MAME -Street Fighter Collection (PSX & SegaSaturn)

Special Rules: -defeault difficulty -The timer starts when the character is selected and stops when the final blow is delivered to M. Bison. -Continues are permitted.

his run is not on hardest obviously, before the game he doesnt show his settings, after that in the very first game he goes walking straight to the cpu and cpu does nothing then waiting for him!!!! thats guarantee its not hardest at all, so rules are violated and the run is invalid.

PANICOREPT8 years ago

only in mame there are 31 different versions from Champion edition! like i said some with modified skins and portraits, others with special stages others without! some with bosses others without bosses! now i wanna hear what is your esplanation for that! and not just the comparation of 1 champion edition to world war directly, 1 esplanation about all 31 versions that are there in MAME, if you want we can discuss about it because i know dam well what i am talking about!


YouTube 5 days ago The recent "1st place" video by panicorept doesn't feature Champion Edition. I don't know what the 3rd game is (it looks like some kind of hack of WW) but it's clearly not CE.

since it was you who started this i would like to hear how do you esplain that many versions and different bootlegs for the same game and what the diferences are, you should enlight all of us so we all know the differences, unless you really dont know exactly what you are talking about! theres more runners besides me, and probly they would like to know the differences too, cheers bud

PANICOREPT8 years ago

El_Nombre , esplain this to TheKombatKing


Champion edition rules in the site

Rules Permitted Ports: -Arcade and MAME <------------------------------ -Street Fighter Collection Vol. 2(US) (PSX) -Capcom Generation Vol. 5: Fighters(JP) (PSX & Saturn) -Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 1 (PS2)

Special Rules: -Default settings. -The timer starts when the character is selected and stops when the final blow is delivered to M. Bison. -Continues are permitted.

PANICOREPT8 years ago

ok! i will submit my full run later then; meanwhile i am still getting my aim fixed for godlike lol

PANICOREPT8 years ago

TheKombatKing , it is the same concept like, Mortal Kombat 9 and Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition! same games different smells and a bit of extras and fighters nerfed or buffed, with Street Fighter series the very same happens! from my experience there is actually from everything i know 30 or more different Champion editions from SF2! i am not even going to talk about World War because that is even bigger! we are talking about, versions with fights only, versions with arcade and special stages, games, versions without any of special stages; editions with the very same skins and portraits! others with complete diferent stages and coulours! the big difences are there. For example El_nombre knows 2 or 3 versions from Champion Edition, and for him for example they must have the right skins, the right coulours, etc! but there are Champion editions versions with World War skins! for me that doesnt mean its not Champion edition, for example in my runs i did there is a diference of 25 seconds if you compare both of them, but in reality its due to the fact i used a different fighter that i am not so used to play with! in my first champion edition run i used a SF2 - CE but with modified skins from WW but its the very same game and same edition! thats why even when the game boots it has everything like CE. There is no special reason for that, it was the first version of the game i got, now in my second run i used a total orginal version of CE so i would like to hear whats coming next as controversy! lol , what most people probly think when they see me around here is this!

  • so this new guy i do not know from no were shows up here breaks records! He is a crap, he cheats, he steals videos, he is acused from everything, but in the end i ask, what did i do wrong? I signed up, to play and give some challenge and have some challenge and fun, never had any intention to come here and start non sense wars or insult anyone, thats not mine objective here, but since i arrived it looks like i have to justify every single stuff i submit or do! in the past 2 weeks i have never been so much bad treated like in here! it was a surprise for me! its the first time since i have my youtube video that i have the very same 3, 4 persons going to my runs and dislike everything i post! and now i ask, if i did nothing wrong to anyone and it was actually people who belong to the community who did the first blood and started atacking me in the first place, what is the problem them for this persons? hocinehocine invalidated runs with non sense and incredible excuses, he submits runs with twisted rules to get a better time, El nombre had his suspicious about Champion Edition, and now i ask, if someone really wanted to use cheats and so crazy stuff or even do videos while testing cheats, that same person would submit runs on a site like speedrun.com with a big comunity and when that videos are acessible to any person who takes a look at the record? come on guys grow up! For me this is all about, i cant stand the idea of 1 guy being 1 man army and destroying all the records alone! that is the problem that has been bothering many people! Last example , i did a CTF run on Unreal Tournament! no one knew me from anywhere! people verified my video my run and saw i was legit, no acusations no crap, no rage, no nothing! No excuses! if you guys hate me so much and wanna beat me so bad you can allways play agaisnt me in 1V1, i let you choose the Street Fighter edition! and then you can see how i play! theres too many bad losers around this small group of SF fighters here thats my feeling! i am not talking generaly, but some people around here make me feel that! The reason i havent stopped playing yet, first i came with 1 objective and i will finish it no matter what people says or think! and second TheKombatKing in the middle of this is the only guy who actually shows some respect and tries to hear both sides of story! so for that he deserves my respect and i think i have been allways correct! Anyway it bores me to have this very same persons coming every day with a new excuse, a new method of play a new crap to feel themselves good or something, while i am doing this just for fun! Theres people acusing me of cheating and for them i just have one thing to say! Theres records around SF here, that i could do a lot better if i really wanted! if you guys allready acuse me of cheating, i will wanna see when i start showing some runs on Hard and giving perfects after perfects like i used to do when i practise the game, today i only need 12 hours of practise on Alpha 3 to do a run with all perfect! i also redone champion edition and i just finished with SF2 turbo hyper fighting! if anyone is up for the challenge be my guest! but now acusing me without proofs of your acusations or allways searching a ridiculuos excuse to justify you cant keep up, then sorry but that isnt my problem! do the same as me, go to the lab and figure out your gameplay! thats what pros do, thats what i did when i was playing professionaly! if that bothers someone i cant do anything for them, but get your facts straight before you talk non sense crap and with who you dont know from no where! Thats just my opinion! Instead of trying to get crap excuses go practise and play; because thats the only way to be better and become better! Cheers people stay cool to all even the haters and i hope you guys start being more chill and show a litle more of respect to a person who did nothing wrong to any of you! Good luck with your runs! later

I also would like to hear a esplanation ( this in the Champion edition ) from someone who can tell me what diferences there is in the champion edition since there are 31 diferent versions from the same game this only on mame! not talking about other booters!


i want someone who can discuss this with me because i know them all! now esplain me that! because i really wanna hear!

PANICOREPT8 years ago

and i confirm what el nombre said his CE run is legit , but the alphas arent, he cant trick most of the people with the high damage, its really easy to detect he does 47% damage with 2 hits with Sodom and thats impossible without high damage , and easy mode

PANICOREPT Informationen
8 years ago
7 years ago