New ZealandNerf2 years ago

yeah, come back when you have 49

New ZealandNerf5 years ago

Not quite sure what you mean, do you have any more clarification or maybe a video?

m13 und KoolAidanMan gefällt das.
Thread: Spyro
New ZealandNerf6 years ago

You can't, sorry, generally it isn't the greatest/most accurate for the majority of games, including non-spyro ones.

New ZealandNerf6 years ago

I think generally for SD capture people go with gv-usb2 now, but it probably has it's pros and cons compared to other things that i'm not aware of.

If you want you can join the spyro speedrunning discord for an answer from someone who might know more on the subject, https://discord.gg/GDYcVjg

New ZealandNerf6 years ago

Also from that previous thread with the discord link, it's still the pinned one and is seemingly working, linked it to someone 2 days ago and didn't have any issues, https://discord.gg/GDYcVjg

If it still isn't working i can try message someone in there who can create a new temporary one

New ZealandNerf6 years ago

Probably going to be hard to mention something that isn't already in a tutorial, might need to be more specific with what's going wrong, also could post a video of your attempt(s)?

New ZealandNerf7 years ago

Usually if you're popping out when trying to clip it's because you're either not correctly aligned with the wall or you're being too aggressive with the taps into the wall. I'd try to give you a rundown of how I go about doing it but it's 5am and my method is slightly different to most people so i'm not sure explaining it would work out too well.

There's a couple tutorials out there, they're by good runners of the game, but that's my only vouch for their usefulness as I haven't watched them personally -

Heres a link to the spyro speedrunning discord aswell if you want some real-time help from people: https://discord.gg/GDYcVjg

crystalfos gefällt das.
New ZealandNerf7 years ago

Pretty much what dact said, everything run related on the boards will be removed if cheating is involved.

Thread: Spyro
New ZealandNerf7 years ago

"I'd also add that the misc. category shouldn't align too closely with any official categories, either- noodles% was rendered obsolete by the Sorceress skip slashing the run down to any% two hubs, go to Fireworks."

I guess it was implied but I edited the post to show that it shouldn't be close to main ones either, although I wouldn't mind having noodles up as an exception personally since it's just a part of history at this point.

Either way it's just for fun so not going to be hard about most things.

f1 gefällt das.
Thread: Spyro
New ZealandNerf7 years ago

Since there's been demand for it, if you're interested in having a misc. category on the boards that isn't already there, feel free to message a mod of that game with the category/rules that associate with it and it'll most likely get added.

Although the point of miscellaneous is to add competition to the more arbitrary/fun aspects of a game, It is advised that a category shouldn't be too similar to other misc. runs/main categories to avoid clutter on the boards.

Also, feel free to submit times to the boards for runs you've done in the past, i'll list categories that have been added since this post.

Spyro 1 -Cheat% -80 Dragons -Vortex%

Spyro 2 -64 Orb

Spyro 3 -149 Egg

Walkers, m13 und 4 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: Speedrunning
New ZealandNerf8 years ago


m13, Yarumasi und 5 Andere gefällt das.
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