Illinois, USAHuntingTreasure3 years ago

so ideally i want to have splits and chat visible on my screen as well as my video game obviously.

as of right now i use twitches pop out chat and just window capture that.

and i use livesplits.

the problem i have is pop out chat looks god awful if i try and shrink it any. so its taking huge space.

sort of the same with splits. if i just use a default timer its fairly small but if i want to show splits and god forbid comparison times.. it is rather large and also looks terrible if i try and shrink it.

just wondering if there are any alternatives to be able to show chat on screen with less space taken? same with splits.

this is mainly for streaming retro games. as i play modern stuff in full screen.

what is the best looking setup from a streamer you have watched that shows chat/timer.. while still giving the game itself good screen space

Illinois, USAHuntingTreasure3 years ago

what settings do you use on mesen?

i feel like my games feel a little on the laggy side when i use mesen. not sure if there is an "optimal" settings someone has figured out. but would love to see your various settings to see if mine are out of wack some how.

Illinois, USAHuntingTreasure3 years ago

so i am not affiliate so my videos do not last forever

what is the best way to submit a run?

just link to the video of stream it happened in?

do i have to download the video and edit it so its just that specific section that contains only that run i want to submit?

any advice would be great thanks

Illinois, USAHuntingTreasure3 years ago

hi my names James. I am a new variety streamer. currently just laying down some PBs in a few games to see where I stand.

no real goals at the moment. just having fun. If I even place on the leader board I would consider that a win since I know twitch is full of incredible gamers, so to even play at the same level as you guys is good enough for me.

I am currently working on my chip and dale nes PB

babyzeezeeyou gefällt das.
HuntingTreasure Informationen
3 years ago
1 year ago
Gespielte Spiele
Chip 'N Dale: Rescue Rangers
Chip 'N Dale: Rescue Rangers
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