I can't seem to be able to get control of Tommy during the cutscene. What am I doing wrong here? Up until this point I have done everything correctly, excpet getting to the hotel early enough apparently :^) .
Dear runners,
We as a mod team have decided that emulator runs are from now on hidden by default, because it reduces the lag vs the N64 by a considerable amount. This does NOT mean that emulators are BANNED. It does, however mean that WR is considered the fastest time on console (thus as shown on the default leaderboard), not the fastest time overall.
With regards,
Hey all, can anybody help me with my problem? I can't get my Dazzle setup properly to capture PAL games that run at 60hz. When I run at the PAL-60 setting I get this result which has a weird color filter: When I run at the SECAM B to PAL B method I get this shaky result, but with the right colors (skip to 0:30): Any way to fix either of these?