Thread: Drakengard
Texas, USAFamiJack6 years ago

Are you allowing emulation on here or no? Also any chance for an "all endings" category?

AzethK gefällt das.
Texas, USAFamiJack6 years ago

So I want to give this run a crack and had a few questions. Is there a category that covers "All Missions, Both Episodes"? Or is that assumed to be under the "All Missions" category?

Texas, USAFamiJack6 years ago

I'm going to take a shot at Wing Commander 4: The Price Of Freedom. There aren't alot of space based shooters being ran so I figured I would give that a shot.

MelonSlice und NihilistComedyHour gefällt das.
Texas, USAFamiJack6 years ago

Hey all! After some prodding from my buddy after he saw me play the game I decided to sign up here and start doing speedruns. I look forward to interacting and conversing with all of you.

FamiJack Informationen
6 years ago
6 years ago