SwedenDtchow6 years ago

Yes you could allow it. I see no reason to banning it.

This changes absolutely nothing for newer runners and will only be meaningful for top times. ( This could ofc change if new and interesting things gets found)

Like said in the main post its nothing new for games to allow pre newgame manips and i dont see why it should be different here for FF8.

SwedenDtchow7 years ago

Hello, Quick update:

got a new pb in FF8 at 8:43:34 ( Run is not highlighted as it was only a 54sec improvement.)

The run can however still save 5 minutes on Final Boss alone with just having better luck with Final party. 6 runs at final boss and only Irvine first in 1 of them.

Been learning the manipulation for party though and getting it consistent enough to do in a run now. ^^

SwedenDtchow7 years ago


Got a new PB in FF8 Any% at 8:44:32. Lost 3.5minutes to Final boss because not obtaining Irvine in final party. Lost 3minutes to the 2x Minigames in the game which was just pure stupid.

As for the Estimate i set for FF8. Due to the nature of the run if it could be set at 8:50:00 instead. I am confident i will have a Sub 8:37 run in the next week or so though.

SwedenDtchow8 years ago

I can take pictures and tweet to ya, Seeing the venue and shit behind the scenes is always fun. I am a sucker for those kind of things. :D

SerSanju gefällt das.
SwedenDtchow8 years ago

Sent... And letting you all kno.. it's time to duel \o/

SwedenDtchow8 years ago

Question: If i would want to use the masshousing but have already paid for a ticket, How do i actually pay for it now? :o

SwedenDtchow8 years ago

My Spyro 14 talisman PB have now improved to 32:17 thus a new PB by roughly a 1:20.

However. 2minutes ahead before entering gulp so i should be seeing a high 30:¤¤ pretty soon i hope \o/

SwedenDtchow8 years ago


I am pretty sure if you read the leaderboards they say you can do Normal and higher. I am pretty confident in my google/translate capabilities.


Thats what google says it say on the Wiki page, :>

SwedenDtchow9 years ago

Sphere. if you book through SJ.se they have a option to book a ticket which you can change the time on, possibly even date not entirely sure. It costs a litle bit more but it is possible, I am not sure how it works if your without connection though but it should be possible to do it at the station, ( I am not sure it works if you missed your time though, thats something that some1 could look up.) :)

SwedenDtchow9 years ago

Makes me kinda sad to see Spyro 2 vanish from the list. :(

SwedenDtchow9 years ago

You can stay for 1 night on some1s property out in the forest etc aslong you pick up after you and dont destroy things around you, . however. In a park or the like putting up tents and the like is actually illegal.

FingersTehHand gefällt das.
SwedenDtchow9 years ago

I would have no problem helping moderating the chat as i will be at the venue for the entire event. So if you need help just let me know

SwedenDtchow9 years ago

Paid the remaining amount.

SwedenDtchow9 years ago

Just realized after looking on my submission that my PB is 7:47 in the video.. That is since i believe a couple of months old by now with a new PB at 7:38.

The WR was around the time 7:35:59 that is since then improved to 7:29 because of some new intreseting findings for the PC version specificly and also a new step-counter,

SwedenDtchow9 years ago

As of Card Rng and Other sillyness in FFVIII i have not yet managed to improve my PC time since the new strats became a thing, However, 7:50 to 8hours would be an estimated time for FFVIII PC still.

Reason 8hours was put is simply because of how long it could potentially to get Cards. hence why the no Zell card route will be used in a marathon run.

SwedenDtchow9 years ago

I paid the deposit for now through paypal, I did leave my name as a Message on there, but if you need my e-mail adress let me know. =)

Dtchow Informationen
9 years ago
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