Georgia, USADrMaxtermind5 years ago

Which choices are confusing to ya Nevs? Would love to discuss them with you either here or in discord my friend. Just hit me up whenever you want!

Georgia, USADrMaxtermind5 years ago

Hey there Jekoro. Yes I will be the first to admit my faults and I was absent a lot when the drama was happening just due to trying to finish my PhD and the unfortunate news that my job may be ending soon, so a lot of stress with more piled on by the disorder that was occuring. I was asked personally to speak with different people around different communities and SRC staff themselves about the state of the boards and how to move forward and I wanted to take that opportunity to focus on those conversations and how it could be used to help the community as a whole. In the coming months I expect the growth process to not be immediate, but I will never close my ears to any voices that choose to speak up and I make a personal promise to try my damnedest to make this community one of the most welcoming and easy to join on SRC. I look forward to having more conversations with you as well!

witchakorn gefällt das.
Georgia, USADrMaxtermind5 years ago

Hello runners, stream viewers, and moderators I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and the new moderation team.

My name is Max and I have been a part of the RE Speedrunning community for over 3 years now and I love this community more than any other I have been a part of. In my time as a speedrunner this community has been nice enough to help me get set up and learn all of these amazing runs and I am so happy that I get the opportunity to help out another community here on SRC. I know that in the past few months there has been a lot of turmoil and strife within our community and I am here today to hopefully be a mediator for that and lead this community to brighter pastures.

The mods I have selected for these boards are some of the most trustworthy people I know from this community as well as other games in the RE community. They are my friends, but even more than that, they are extremely good at what they do and they understand that community should come first. We even have a few verifiers that have volunteered to help us get out of the backlog that will be getting verified or rejected starting tomorrow.

In addition the rules have been updated just as Hurriboy said they would be on March 3rd, 2019. On that date he asked no more runs be submitted for a while so things could be discussed in that time the leadership changed twice and people continued to submit runs. So due to that I made the executive decision that any run submitted after March 3rd, 2019 will be verified or rejected under the new rule set. As a professor at a University when something is stated and everyone knows about it, and then proceeds to do the opposite the professor gives a zero with no questions asked. Therefore we will do the more lenient thing and instead of instantly rejecting these runs we are giving them a chance under the new rules.

These rules were looked at for days and were found to be the best compromise in a lot of areas including the use of Save States for code generation. These will be no longer allowed and instead the console must be shown on the offline emu runs. A video for the optimal and required setup for recording runs will be added in the resources tab soon for reference. If there are any questions or complaints my discord is on my info panel on SRC and you can reach me there anytime. Work will continue on creating a more active Speedrun Board as well as category extensions that the community wants.

If your run gets rejected I have advised the moderators and verifiers to put the rule number that was violated in order to help you make future submissions better. If you are upset about these changes again please talk to me and express them in a concise tactful manner so that we can have a productive discussion and always remember that a rejected run is never the end of the world. If you did it once I guarantee you can do it again. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope to see you out there on the board.

Much love ❤️

RebeccaRE, witchakorn und 2 Andere gefällt das.
Georgia, USADrMaxtermind5 years ago

Hello runners, stream viewers, and moderators I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and the new moderation team.

My name is Max and I have been a part of the RE Speedrunning community for over 3 years now and I love this community more than any other I have been a part of. In my time as a speedrunner this community has been nice enough to help me get set up and learn all of these amazing runs and I am so happy that I get the opportunity to help out another community here on SRC. I know that in the past few months there has been a lot of turmoil and strife within our community and I am here today to hopefully be a mediator for that and lead this community to brighter pastures.

The mods I have selected for these boards are some of the most trustworthy people I know from this community as well as other games in the RE community. They are my friends, but even more than that, they are extremely good at what they do and they understand that community should come first. We even have a few verifiers that have volunteered to help us get out of the backlog that will be getting verified or rejected starting tomorrow.

In addition the rules have been updated just as Hurriboy said they would be on March 3rd, 2019. On that date he asked no more runs be submitted for a while so things could be discussed in that time the leadership changed twice and people continued to submit runs. So due to that I made the executive decision that any run submitted after March 3rd, 2019 will be verified or rejected under the new rule set. As a professor at a University when something is stated and everyone knows about it, and then proceeds to do the opposite the professor gives a zero with no questions asked. Therefore we will do the more lenient thing and instead of instantly rejecting these runs we are giving them a chance under the new rules.

These rules were looked at for days and were found to be the best compromise in a lot of areas including the use of Save States for code generation. These will be no longer allowed and instead the console must be shown on the offline emu runs. A video for the optimal and required setup for recording runs will be added in the resources tab soon for reference. If there are any questions or complaints my discord is on my info panel on SRC and you can reach me there anytime. Work will continue on creating a more active Speedrun Board as well as category extensions that the community wants.

If your run gets rejected I have advised the moderators and verifiers to put the rule number that was violated in order to help you make future submissions better. If you are upset about these changes again please talk to me and express them in a concise tactful manner so that we can have a productive discussion and always remember that a rejected run is never the end of the world. If you did it once I guarantee you can do it again. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope to see you out there on the board.

Much love ❤️

Liv, Voxgizer und 4 Andere gefällt das.
Georgia, USADrMaxtermind5 years ago

Not to add fuel to an unnecessary fire here, but I will step in on some people's behalf. Hurri cannot respond now because the man is asleep and should be allowed to rest from time to time. For Silver, they were asking a simple question because this came out of nowhere yet the response was one of disdain saying that people are ignoring others and no one is helping to resolve the issues. This is not a school playground and such claims should not be thrown around lightly is all I would say. The people that were made mod were done so because we have been running the game at length (for several years now) and knew a lot of the ins and outs of the game. The reason why trance wasn't asked at the time, and there is no definitive proof he wasn't asked without him saying it himself, of course was again the man was probably busy with other life situations. In this situation it is a little different though as all of the current mods are active and trying to have conversations with Site Mods (You can ask Liv yourself on that one if you don't believe me) to get things settled. In addition we literally just had a conversation about transparency and then something shady like this happens is bound to bring up more discussion.

I will say this once and only once because I refuse to get into an argument with anyone on this forum, if you want to have a discussion like adults about something I am always down to talk. We are taking our time verifying runs in order to make sure that it is done the correct way and that runs do not get verified that shouldn't and vice verse. If you can't handle that then you need to return to a time when we all learned that patience is a virtue. In addition, I think Unicoy has raised a lot of good points, but the way it has been done leaves a lot to be desired. There is no tact in your statements and you come across as an entitled immature child unfortunately. I deal with people like that everyday as a professor in Uni and unfortunately one has to realize at some point in their life that not everything goes their way. I have defended you in the past but I think you really need to think before you type a response in this forum because otherwise it will be increasingly difficult to work with you. If you would like to have a discussion with me as an adult you can find me in discord as I am part of the RE server.

TheNevs und WitchRain gefällt das.
Georgia, USADrMaxtermind5 years ago

Hey everyone I have gone ahead and read everything in the forums so far and besides some of the things that were said that were very disheartening to read as a community member, as they were just immature jabs for no reason, I can see that there is room for us to improve. Liv raises some good points and I am going to be a third set of eyes on the rules document as well that Silver and Hurri have looked at and see what I can offer to make them more clear overall. Let's try to put petty discourse behind us though and get this thing up and running. If anyone has any questions they can always reach out to me on discord as I am in several of the RE discords for running and modding. Have a great rest of the day!!

Voxgizer gefällt das.
Georgia, USADrMaxtermind5 years ago

Here are the links for the 1st and 2nd weekend of necessary seeding/qualifiers for the RE1 tournament, please mark all the times that you would be available over those two weekends Thanks!!

First Weekend Times http://whenisgood.net/chkyyc8/

Second Weekend Times http://whenisgood.net/cedwnwb

StevenMayte, clix_gaming, und WitchRain gefällt das.
Georgia, USADrMaxtermind5 years ago

This all sounds awesome to me and the rules seem easily understandable fam!! I agree with Vox, need a bit more specifics on the audio and visual quality options (def needs to be higher than mobile quality to be able to see things clearly). For the melee category I agree throwables that do not come from melee items like sticks or breakable items should not be included. Wrenches are a bit of an interesting issue since that is character specific and doesn't really come from a breakable item, but I am fine with the majority ruling on that one. I assume for Thanatos you are talking about the electrical switch for collecting Blood right? I got confused for a second there. I like the clarification for character only as well because I actually hadn't seen the extensions in detail yet so that was cool. It is my hope that once all is said and done this is an awesome step in the right direction for the community!! <3

Voxgizer gefällt das.
Georgia, USADrMaxtermind6 years ago

I have always started my timer on first action and ended on final character action. Hopefully that is the correct method

Georgia, USADrMaxtermind6 years ago

Yea I don't mind helping with retiming as well, just to take the load off of the other runners and mods. I didn't realize there were so many, I had just noticed a few recently

Georgia, USADrMaxtermind6 years ago

I would be down to running it as well sounds like a lot of fun

Georgia, USADrMaxtermind6 years ago

I mean it was just a place to have a discussion on the topic because the emulators are obviously different as seen through the testing the runners and mods have done. No need to get so defensive about the topic, discussion is what the forums are for. A decision should be made though and pretty soon so that everyone can be on the same page.

Georgia, USADrMaxtermind6 years ago

When I did the testing for ePSXe I feel like I had decently mirrored runs and that was the discrepancy that I saw, but as Becks said it can also depend on setup. There are always a lot of variables with this kind of thing so trying to hammer one down at a time seems the most efficient. I don't think the boards necessarily need to be wiped, because those runners have already put in the time and grind to get decent times, just have a consistent rule set for future runners.

Georgia, USADrMaxtermind6 years ago

Sorry I just saw this when I got back to the office. First to address Ben's post, I completely agree with deciding on an emulator to run this game for a few different reasons that I have seen through testing, but also proposing one more test just to check something that I have been thinking about. I have been approached by a few people as well that want to run the game and their first question is which emulator should I run on. Through the testing that I have done, I have found the following (feel free to say otherwise if anyone has found anything out differently), for the 3 emus commonly used by the community:

PSXfin - The game runs incredibly smooth on this emulator and doesn't have some of the darkness issues of the original console version (PS). No FPS drops randomly, but the in game timer always seems to be above the real timer by at least 20 seconds. Compared to the other emulators, it is similar to PSXjin and slower by about 45-60 seconds compared to ePSXe

PSXjin - Almost the same points I would make with PSXfin but I have not tested this one nearly enough.

ePSXe - The game is beautiful here with enhanced features and brightness. However, with all the enhancements there are also a lot of FPS drops, which directly affect the in game timer. Therefore, what I have noticed overall if that an in game timer will mostly be below the real timer in this case and for decently similar runs on my end, it runs about 45 seconds or so faster than the other two emulators.

What I propose is, and I know a few runners have copies, that a run be completed on original console and then mirrored on the three emus (I don't mind trying to mirror the run since I run the game multiple times a week on and offline) and whichever emu is closest to the original may be the best option here.

To answer Zooball's questions: All questions are welcomed and are very helpful to discuss the issues, so don't feel they are less important coming from a newer runner to the leader boards my friend. You are correct in your assessment of the IGT versus RTA issues with the emulators, but I have never seen a cap that large interestingly enough. The problem comes in with the frame drops that can happen with certain emulators. When the frame rate drops significantly, often times the IGT can also slow down in those sections basically equating to the character moving extremely fast through a section with good lines and dodges. This has also come up in other communities, like FF7, where frame limiters are used to make sure the playing field is level. Personally, I have seen the difference in survivor when I did some ePSXe testing, but also in games like Outbreak, where I have accidentally turned off the frame limiter and had super speed Yoko, but because of this the IGT was crazy bad.

My personal vote would be for PSXfin or jin depending on the outcome from the original hardware test, but I am willing to use what the community votes for.

Bobochet und Beckski93 gefällt das.
Georgia, USADrMaxtermind7 years ago

This is awesome information maybe we could all have a discussion runners, lovers of the game, and mods on the issue and just hammer it out to be consistent. New runners ask me about this game almost every day so I think we can make it into an awesome community!!

Bobochet gefällt das.
Georgia, USADrMaxtermind7 years ago

All I did was collect all the weapons in one save file but be very careful if you overwrite thay save at any point you will lose the rocket launcher.

As I side note I also run S rank so you might have to have that on the same save as well but i don't thank so. Also keep in mind that any online source for S rank requirements is wrong. I have been doing testing for weeks for that category and I can confirm they are wrong.

All of those conditions are codependent i believe meaning that if you accuracy is amazing you may have to kill less enemies/even gain the ability to use a fas and still get S rank. I hope that helps if you have any other questions let me know, would be happy to help

Georgia, USADrMaxtermind7 years ago

Well I have continued to test easy for the past few weeks and I was hoodwinked a bit in the sense that the RNG pattern does change, but not in the way I described above. The Probability distribution shifts towards dogs, in 25 attempts it was dogs 23 times and Hunters 2 times. I still got Lickers in first Umbrella every time. One Hunter 24 times and Two Hunters once. Same with the zombie room it shifts the distribution over quite a bit.

Beckski93 gefällt das.
Georgia, USADrMaxtermind7 years ago

Yea the only way to know for sure would be to play on console and time it and see which emulator for a decently mirrored run is most accurate if we did choose one or the other. I don't know if epsxe is better, I just know it does something different with the frame rate because the fps will randomly drop in certain parts. The situation that arises is that if the community runs on psxfin for most if not all the categories and then someone comes with epsxe and demolishes the boards. That's not a problem with me per say because it can encourage more competition, just wanted to bring up that the problem does exist.

Bobochet gefällt das.
Georgia, USADrMaxtermind7 years ago

So in testing and looking at other runs, I have noticed major differences between how certain emulators run the game. For me personally: The IGT from psxfin is always longer than RTA as opposed to epsxe where it is the exact opposite. In addition, I tried to replicate an exact run as best I could on both emulators and notices that epsxe runs about a minute faster than psxfin, probably due to the random fps dropping that causes lag spikes throughout the game. Is this anything to be concerned about given that it looks like some of the runs on the boards do look like they use psxfin and others appear to be epsxe with all the enhancements. Of course, I can provide all of my testing data for whoever needs it, just wanted to put this forward since I have been testing quite a bit lately with the new categories. Thanks Everyone!!

Bobochet gefällt das.
Georgia, USADrMaxtermind7 years ago

After further testing I discovered quite a few differences between the two difficulties as well. Enemies seem to have less hp, Ark takes less damage from all Enemies, He starts with two fas, the rng in many areas does change: Always dogs in prison courtyard, lickers in first umbrella, one hunter at cable car, room full of zombies at second umbrella. Just a few differences that I've found to be consistent through testing.

Beckski93 und zenix gefällt das.
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