Florida, USACursedToast4 years ago

Not sure on the claims of racism, but my immediate thoughts when looking at the mod list is they're all moderators of more recent playstyle Resident Evil leaderboards. Basically things post-2000 era.

I don't think this has anything to do with "only mods from USA!" - just active mods of non-classic RE games. Most of them respectable runners at that.

This thread seems like it's just trying to stir the pot from some apparent previous drama and start problems where there isn't any to be had, really.

MaterialBurst, maxylobes, und zgl gefällt das.
Florida, USACursedToast5 years ago

Autosplitter has been updated to work with the 4/23 update.

AltK, LeviTheRelentless und 2 Andere gefällt das.
Florida, USACursedToast5 years ago

Yup, it's because you have a pirated version of the game. I can't guarantee the splitter will work with it, as the memory values probably changed when they stripped the DRM. Sorry about that.

Nofik gefällt das.
Florida, USACursedToast5 years ago

Please read the instructions in the first post of this thread @Charlie1906 You don't even need to download the ASL file manually.

If you're still having any problems afterward, let me know.

Florida, USACursedToast5 years ago

Holy shit, back up.

Going to make this quick, as I have a million things to do IRL today. Every runner can have an opinion, whether they run the category currently or not. I'll be honest, I value the input of those that run the category more seriously, as it affects them the most right now. And even more so, I value speedruners that have times on the boards for any game at all previously more than people that aren't familiar with speedrunning.

@SephJul your opinion is not invalid because you don't run this category. I mean you do jump in a lot on stuff you don't run and then things get spicy, I'm gonna admit, and all the drama is getting annoying.

@666Deadhunter I'm kinda tired of the "maxy and his friends, and then there's ZeC" argument. That's just simply not true. I was invited onto the team by Liv and Steven(?) originally. Maxy is probably the mod I'm least familiar with on a personal level.Everyone on the team, whether they're a verifier or a mod, is working hard on this game, and cares about a healthy set of rules.

So everyone just calm the heck down, and we'll get this sorted. Things turning into a shitstorm whenever there's any disagreement with anyone, is not the way to go.

With that said, I think a variable for this is best right now. Once the categories start to fill up and stop becoming absolutely empty, I'm down with separating things by "Old Patch%" and "1.03+" or something like that, if the activity justifies it. It just seems silly to me right now to break things up when there's just no activity right now. That's my personal opinion and holds no more water than anyone else's, so I'm not coming in saying "this is the way it's going to be".

StevenMayte und SephJul gefällt das.
Florida, USACursedToast5 years ago

I agree that 2nd campaigns should have access to both, for the same reason. If we allowed upgrades, then I think we should disallow using the JMB Hp3 to keep balance. Otherwise, if we banned them, it would be a lot more fair to allow Claire access to it (though this would give her an advantage over Leon).

We could also:

  • Allow upgrades to the Mitilda
  • Allow upgrades to the SLS 60 -- except for the frame upgrade (to become magnum)
  • Allow Claire to use the JMB Hp3 to be more on par with the upgraded Mitilda (but then this gives Leon a slight advantage over Claire - )

Lots to discuss and sort out, haha.

bear, have you by chance tried running any of the campaigns on Hardcore? Is it even feasible to make it a category option?

Florida, USACursedToast5 years ago

Thread's been posted for about 20 minutes.

Florida, USACursedToast5 years ago

Hi all,

We've been taking requests for ideas on growing our CE boards:


The two most popular suggestions have been:

  • Handgun only
  • Knifeless

I've collected some feedback on Handgun Only on Discord previously, here's some ideas that were thrown out there:

  • Only the default handgun (upgrades allowed)
  • Only the default handgun - no upgrades (mainly seeing how Claire's SLS becomes a magnum)
  • Allowing any regular handgun (no magnums) - disallowing upgrades.

I know @bearlol has been routing this, and someone on Discord mentioned attempting to run this on Hardcore previously to no success.

With that said, we would like to gather community feedback on this.

Would you like either of these two categories? If yes, what are your suggestions on rules?

I would personally lean towards allowing the two base handguns in 2nd scenario, and allowing Claire's JMB Hp3 -- simply because I feel like the 5 shot SLS only would kill a lot of interest in running Claire if it wasn't allowed.

In addition to these two categories, please let us know if you have any fun ideas for any other CE categories!

Florida, USACursedToast5 years ago

We're not "shooing people that are interested in running something off to the side". I'm not really sure how else to state this to you that we're simply prioritizing time. You're mostly coming across as "I wanted this a week ago and so it should already be here". You claim you're understanding, but then the point just seems to go over your head based on the rest of what you've said in this thread.

I don't care how long it takes to setup a board. I want to give the community time to suggest ideas/strats/rules. There's enough to manage on our plate in our free time right now, and I'm sorry someone just simply hasn't gotten to it. I'll go ahead and make the thread now.

FYI, we watch all runs that are top 10 (this is an internal mod rule), many of us watch top 20 times. All the way through. 50-100 submissions a day. Many of those fit the criteria. I get you modded REV 2, but let's not compare apples and oranges. Thanks dude!

Florida, USACursedToast5 years ago

I'm happy to make a thread over here, but please keep in mind we've been pretty busy with

  • The 120 split (here and on the CE boards)
  • 50-100+ submissions a day (consistently at that, and I know Rev 2 hasn't come close to hitting that)

Sorry gauging feedback on this/deciding rules hasn't been top priority - I know you're eager for this, and I would love to run a category like this too. As you said, most people don't even know CE is a thing (or just don't care for anything besides mains) :)

As for the mod activity, there's not really anything for us to do on that forum if there's no activity from other community members either. It's not really our job to keep things alive in terms of discussions over in a place most people don't know/care about. Our job is to prioritize serving the community, and right now most of that is in the very very active queue. Not worrying about a CE category we're not getting much demand for -- compared to knife only etc It really boils down to prioritizing our time, and right now most of that is keeping up with runs.

Florida, USACursedToast5 years ago

There's that pinned thread in Category Extensions on suggestions and it hasn't received much feedback, so I'm open to making one here instead. Honestly, with the workload bearlol, these sort of things haven't been the highest priority unless we have a large amount of people asking for it.

Florida, USACursedToast5 years ago

I hate the idea of splitting this up even more. Glitched isn't even popular. I don't think a single category for it even has 10 runners, several of them only having one to three (even more with Z-E-R-O), and you guys want to split it up even further now? Let's split several individual categories each up into two. Categories with no runners in the first place. monkaHmm

"It's harder" doesn't mean "it's impossible". Either filter it, allow any patch (it's the wild west category, after all) or kill it, due to the patching and general inactivity. Either of the first two allow the category time to grow -- but I have a feeling it's going to just be a wasteland a year from now, even if we split it. Just my personal opinion.

MikeWave, Psarthex und 3 Andere gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
Florida, USACursedToast5 years ago

I have no problems personally with someone that legit did a run 20 days beforehand. It's just causing an organization mess when runs are popping in and out.

I don't want to enforce incorrect dates either. I guess we'll continue working on a solution. Hopefully this is something that can be added in the future -- would definitely be handy!

Imaproshaman gefällt das.
Florida, USACursedToast5 years ago

We will verify your run when we get to it. There's about 100 runs before yours.

Florida, USACursedToast5 years ago

I'm really sorry about this, kibowman. I'll make sure someone looks at your run ASAP.

kibowman gefällt das.
Florida, USACursedToast5 years ago

Okay, so we don't have the option to actually see runs by submission date.

I've made a post to see if this is a feature we can get:


Otherwise as it sits right now, the current system really messes things up for a queue so active as this game.

kibowman gefällt das.
Thread: The Site
Florida, USACursedToast5 years ago

Is there any option to sort runs by date submitted in the verification queue?

We have a very active game with 50-100+ submissions a day right now. We're trying to keep things fair and verify in order by date of submission, but we can only see runs by date of the run being played.

So someone can come along and submit a run today, claim it was played 20 days ago, and based on our system, this would technically prioritize their run. It adds an extra layer of work to the moderators in "keeping it fair".

We actually technically missed a run as far back as the 19th, because the person kept editing their submission with their new PB, which changed the date and pushed them "back" in the queue. I've suggested to the user to not do that for now.

If this isn't an option now, what would it take to make this a feature for the really active games with a heavy amount of submissions?

One would argue that editing your run should push it back, but it shouldn't be an option for someone to sneakily prioritize their run by claiming its 3 days old and sandwiching it in towards where the "priority" is in the queue. Pretty broken when a game gets this active.

Imaproshaman, 404UNFX und 10 Andere gefällt das.
Florida, USACursedToast5 years ago

Okay yup, I see that one.

So the queue is sorted by "played date" -- we generally verify runs by the date run oldest. Apparently, there's not a way for us to submit by actual submission date. Very weird.

I would suggest not editing your submissions in the future, and just submit a new one. One will overwrite the other on verification

Florida, USACursedToast5 years ago

I see two runs from you in the queue. One was from two days ago, and one is from today. At least according to the "played on" dates and submission dates. Do you have a link to the run from 2/19?

Florida, USACursedToast5 years ago

I don't think editing affects your position in the queue, but I'm not 100% sure, honestly. This isn't information that we just have access to on hand, unfortunately.

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