ItalyANSIA8 years ago

This thread is old and people have ran this more recently

So, what has been decided for framerates?

Can I find anywhere the script which unlocks the framerate for the offline version? If its a thing. Should I run the game on the online version?

ItalyANSIA8 years ago

I may do some ILs and I'd like to know which is "Star 1", "Star 2" ecc... on the last three stages (which imply secret stars).

Maybe replacing "Star 1" with the official name of the secret stage would be nice i my opinion.

ItalyANSIA8 years ago

@Trirunnerrr Didn't want to discourage you in any way. Go ahead and give it a try. And yes, all the infos you give about your run are very appreciated.

@LightOfEon Splits are nice and always better than nothing but a minimal knowledge of the game is enough to make up splits from nowhere. Sound seems way harder to be "make up" from nothing and be coerent with time and splits given.

I may be caring too much about how NSMB's community looks from "the outside".

ItalyANSIA8 years ago

Run standards are generally different in each community, people decide it. Having a 1st place run which don't have a video proof is not really nice. I do believe you (and many people would). But the same standard has to apply among all the community, even if you have more credibility, at least to mantain some kind of order in it.

We kept Lachy3923's low% opening time, I did specify that his time could be removed but it got beaten pretty quickly, no 'issue' came up. I just would like to keep leaderboards clean.

I'd really like to hear others' opinions : ))

Also, if you want more credibility to your run (I'd definitely put this on leaderboards at this point, it's just not all up to me), record in-game sound with an external device w/o interruptions (possibly). In this game, sound could possibly lead to an halfay between video-proofs and just splits/no video-proofs at all.

ItalyANSIA8 years ago

I vote Low% as a main category.

ItalyANSIA8 years ago

Rules have been modified!

Feel free to suggest clearer/better definitions (even in terms of spaces between sentences ecc..)

ItalyANSIA8 years ago

Found that vertical jumps are more likely if you press the jump button and the key of the opposite direction mario faces before touching the wall at the same frame (I believe). Still, it's very hard and needs momentum, so we can't do multiple vertical jumps in a row sadly :'

ItalyANSIA8 years ago

In this "route" we pick time-free star coins to unlock alternative levels in W5 (5A; 5B-5C) and in W6 (6B). Also to unlock a toadhouse (the first one) on W2 for the shell, useful at the beginning of W3. On 3-1 you're supposed to use the blue shell you have on reserve (and keep until 3-Fortress, blue shell saves a lot lf time) and pick another BS on the light blue block at mid-3-1, usefull lately on 8-2/8-3. The timing is not really easy, you'd like to keep in mind that you can get another BS on 3-Ghost House on the last room on the left, always with a light blue block, this time easier. Here's a list of time free star coins: 1-1: 1st 1-3: 3rd 1-5: 1st-2nd 2-1: all 2-6: all 3-1: 2nd-3rd 3-2: 2nd-3rd 5-A: 3rd (not sure) 5-1: 2nd-3rd 5-T: all 5-5: all

Total -> 24/25 Needed -> 20 There are also other star coins which cost very little time.

ItalyANSIA8 years ago

If you do manage to get a land cancel landing from the triple jump, you don't get "stopped" and you can countinue your streak. This also doesn't happen anyways if you press the key on the D-Pad in the direction you're going before and during landing. As mega mario it's not a problem.

Nice thing is that you can double and triple jump on slopes doing this land cancel losing 0 momentum.

ItalyANSIA8 years ago

I'm almost done with times, this didn't have to take this long, I'm sorry

There's a problem with runs without video proof, they can't be accurate as we don't know where the runner probably died. For future runs I'd propose people have to tell where they did something extra things compared to top three runs and/or providing s o u n d p r o o f.

Also, I'm not able to calculate ms, my PC is dead. Once it'll work again, I'll give at all the runs a look, so that we can have at least a second accuracy, slowly.

Any help is appreciated and thanks to people who already helped!

ItalyANSIA8 years ago

Ground pounding on a slope and jumping once you land gives you momentum pretty fast, it's just that the ground pound takes too much time generally to be faster and since this given momentum doesn't exceed the normal running speed, it's useless to land cancel. Mega Mushroom is a special case since the momenum does exceed the normal running speed and it's worth to try land cancelling in levels like 7-6 where you 'd use the mega, while you have that extra momentum mid-air you don't even need to press the run button.

Don't know how momentum works on SMB3, hope I made my point clearr.

ItalyANSIA8 years ago

It's fine, haven't started yet.

Also, for everyone wanting to help, just post your w/o loadings any% time here without submitting your run again.

I'd like to calculate all the times first and then adjust leaderboards later so that they don't look messed up all the time.

And yes, in case I have some issues I'll post my problem here.

ItalyANSIA8 years ago

Yes, that helps me thank you

ItalyANSIA8 years ago


Once the any% column thing is done, all the requests will be taken into consideration.

ItalyANSIA8 years ago

The interesting thing about land cancelling is that you can keep even higher amount of momentum you'd normally get with a normal running speed.

The only condition I know is this one (minute 1:40)

Also, I meant the first castle and the trick is here (an easier not-TAS version)

Sorry, for going out of topic, thought we would have listed and talked (??) about all the precise things of his game as they're related to the framerate and mechanics of the game.

ItalyANSIA8 years ago

All of this will be up within 48/72 hours. Column and any% run edited.

It's fine to me to do all the stuff, but I'd check eventual mistakes in personal runs.

Also, video-proofless runs may be inaccurate w/o loading times. I'll proceed with all the rest :^)

ItalyANSIA8 years ago

Once I get my PC working again (within a week pls), I'll make this no loading times column. If anyone doesn't agree with this big changement, argue here

Scott315 gefällt das.
ItalyANSIA8 years ago

8-1 8-2 ...

This is the level list

ItalyANSIA8 years ago

Acebentura has beaten his PB with a time of 51:35 that's probably faster than his old 50:39 on EMU. In case he has a video proof, it'll be put on the leaderboard.

ItalyANSIA8 years ago

Glad you started racing, I can't currently race but I will one day for sure

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