Überprüfung abgelehnt

Für dieses Spiel müssen Läufe überprüft werden und ein Moderator hat diesen Lauf abgelehnt.
Grund: Unfortunately Video must be complete
Spyro the Dragon in 1h 17m 06s by

After completing Icy Flight I charge into the Dream Weaver's fireworks box but screw up flying down to Lofty. I therefore level select back to Icy Flight in order to exit level and get back up onto the platform. At this point, whilst exiting from Icy Flight, my WiFi unfortunately went down and I recieved a notification that my broadcast had stopped. Upon exiting the Icy Flight portal I immediately paused the game and did not resume play for around five minutes, in the hopes that my WiFi would come back. However it did not, and since I was on a good pace for a PB I made the decision to continue playing without broadcasting and to save the clip of the remaining gameplay to my PS4.

The stream footage cuts off at 1:36:26, just before completing Icy Flight (it stops at this point due to stream latency I suppose). And the gameplay footage begins back up again whilst I'm paused outside of Icy Flight. I've spliced these two parts together in order to have a single video to link, but links to the seperate videos on my channel are below. The missing footage in-between these two videos involve me finishing up the last 4-5 seconds of Icy Flight and exiting level, charging into the Dream Weavers fireworks box before realising I'm falling into the void, warping back to Icy Flight, and then exiting Icy Flight again and pausing the game when back in Dream Weavers. I estimate the unrecorded time to be approximately 1 min 37 seconds, with the majority of this being loading screens.

Annoyingly I did go on to PB this run...

If this footage is not acceptable for the leaderboard then I completely understand. It's quite annoying since this improvement comes after many many attempts, but it doesn't actually move me up in leaderboard position, so it's no huge loss - and I would still consider it my PB regardless as I'm really proud of it :)

Stream (pt.1): www.youtube.com/live/5gt6uj82pF8?feature=shared

Saved clip (pt.2):

Spyro the Dragon
Spyro 1 Categories
Hard Drive Type
In-Game Time
1h 17m 06s
6 months ago
6 months ago
6 months ago
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