Basics to begin with Assisted NG+(and the speedrun of RE3R in general)
Basics to begin with Assisted NG+(and the speedrun of RE3R in general)
Aktualisiert 4 years ago von Tequils

Hi everyone , i'm running the game on NG+ assisted with infinite launcher and i want to share some tips with you that also partly work on other categories. (PB is 50:43 with sum of best 49:35)

1 - Items : Since it's NG+ we will empty our inventory at the first box and grab the 2 "quest" items in slot 1 and 2 (to win a bit of time using them) then the rocket launcher and one of each piece (i'm currently experiencing with this and it seems that in the end we will take 2 pieces of attack and maybe one healing to be safe because you shouldn't be hit except for the last Nemesis form) and lastly the chris redfild guide to make dodge easier (i don't think you really need it since it's assisted mode but never tried without it).

2 - Route : You have to think about what to do next before it's happening so you don't lose time trying to remember or worse , opening the map. You also need to know where are ennemies since it's very consistent , they never change place and trying 20 times the same route around them will end up with 20 times the same result. You'll also need to avoid things that aren't on your route like inventory extensions, only the last one should be grabbed (the one before the 3 fuses) I can only advise you to try few attempts to learn zombies placement and who you can avoid with a dodge, and who you have to kill with launcher.

3 - Some tips (I keep this part updated) : - Like RE2 remake, i believe pressing breifly the aiming button on stairs gives you a little boost.

- Pressing the sprint button after a succesfull dodge gives you a little boost aswell

- Having a radio conversation freezes the in-game time , so use it to your advantage and walk as far as the conversation last.

- After shooting with the laser gun against the Last boss, you can re-plug all 3 generators at once. To do so you have to face the boss and head to the left generator, once close you have to shoot the 2 weak points of the boss so it falls. Plug the first one , then do the one on the back right, and finish with the last on front right. As it succesfully plugs, the boss would either hit you or have a charged attack , just dodge it and head to the laser gun for the final blast.

- Don't combine key items in your inventory, wait to press "action" on the spot you need the combined item, it saves a little bit of time.

- Only one inventory extension is needed for Jill and you can grab it on your route to Nikolai (on saving room before the 3 fuses map).

- Try to aim far from you with launcher so your character doesn't play the blast cover animation. You will really feel the difference if you never get interrupt once by the blast

- Near the end, when you're force to walk with Tyrell, you can actually reach the end of the corridor by using the dodge button.

     - After the scripted walk on the subway with Carlos (when you first meet him) , he can boost you to the subway cinematic. To do so you have to run and hug the crate on the left, you'll see Carlos pushing you ahead but you have to go a little bit to the right so he doesn't push you to his left and make you lose time. Let's call it "Carlos Surfing"

     - You can use multiple dodge to get a speed boost as long as the recovery is canceled by a cinematic or a radio call (credit : Lazyan ["Bowszer" on youtube])


Maybe a lot of you already know all of this and probably more, but it can help people that just began with Speedrunning RE3R. Good luck for your runs and have a nice day.