you guys are DUMB!
3 years ago
Meath, Ireland

under the category "highscore hill drive" you verified a run based on its time instead of its score.

diggity likes this
Somerset, England

There's no need to be so rude. Maybe link the run? In the Discord there's a #needs-a-review channel btw

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Gaming_64 and ZedBot like this
Meath, Ireland

seen it as banter. didn't know you'd take it so personally.

diggity likes this
Minnesota, USA

Why would you expect someone to not take being called dumb personally?

Edited by the author 3 years ago
MinecraftGaming likes this

Calling someone dumb is offensive, they didnt even notice and was probably tired/exhausted when they accepted the run, and also theres only 5 moderators, and they all probably have different timezones, so of course there will be a mess up, you dont have to be so rude.

Wrap and Otterstone_Gamer like this
Meath, Ireland

offensive would be continuing being an ass after the title. i really thought it was obvious with the way i spelled it that it was a joke and im sorry.

Otterstone_Gamer likes this
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