Running The Game On Emulators
5 years ago
Texas, USA
She/Her, They/Them
5 years ago

Okay so I tried attempting the Medium Easy Street run but for some reason my emulator just decided to stop functioning specifically when entering tower 7. But the current person holding the record for that category was using an emulator. How in the world do I run this game? I'm using Project64 am I using the wrong one?

Washington, USA

Good question. We're also not sure on the details. It is known that Iggy does not run well on emulator and will often crash. When I played this on emulator, around 4 years ago, my game worked fine (other than some emu lag) until halfway through world 5. I think I was using Project64, but I don't quite remember. So this means I played Easy Street on Medium on emulator without any problems, so your post just adds to the issue of iggy being a very poorly and inconsistently emulated game.

As far as running this game, honestly getting and N64 and a cart of Iggy is pretty much the only way I know of at the moment. Thankfully both the English and Japanese carts of it are pretty cheap. Otherwise I suppose you could try other emulators, like Mupen, I just don't know how well it's going to do. When looking into the TAS of this game, Iggy is listed as one of the games that says "doesn't emulate properly", so I doubt you'll have much luck there.

Texas, USA

I do know that the emu only allowed me to clear Easy Street. I tried Downtown, but it crashes about 10 mins in. I think it's just a write error that the emu can't process after a certain amount of time running. Idk tho

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