Video proof required for all runs
2 years ago
Virginia, USA

This leaderboard is currently going through a retime overhaul of all runs. It is now in the rules that you must include a video of your run for it to be accepted. There are currently some image-only runs, specifically in Score%. These runs will be removed. If you wish to submit a video of your run in the stead of your photo after its removal, you can do so as a new submission.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Funado and KingYeti15 like this
New Zealand

Add blindfolded

Connecticut, USA

Do not add blindfolded

Funado likes this
Basque Country

Do yes add blindfolded

wait why this thread lol

Edited by the author 1 year ago
New Zealand

@KingYeti15 why not? Not like you're doing anything else on this game lol. It would be fun and @Voulu is most likely gonna do it. Freeg you.

Virginia, USA

@warthogwillow give reasons as to why we should add blindfolded beyond "the game is boring otherwise" that prove a) it will attract more players to the game and b) it will enhance the gameplay in some way, and KingYeti and I will consider it

Queensland, Australia

How about you give us a challenge of remebering the levels each individual combos. Its not like its a competition to get more players, it seems as if you're just unwilling to consider it and havent changed since I made my own form a year ago. This will provide a challenge that can be resonably completed with a game like this. Just as simple as remebering the order then repeating it in the fastest time. The rules would be:

  1. timer is required
  2. a face cam clearly showing your eyes covered (higher recorded should have monitor of game behind or facing away from the speedruner)
  3. You must show yourself putting the blindfold on

The category would probably bring people who want to challenge themselves with a game easy to play but hard to remeber the combos and timing. Its also not a reason to say "Almost no one would play the category" when softlock exists.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Connecticut, USA

@rokinfroger @warthogwillow I have messaged EXDF to start talking about adding the category. We will let you know what we decide.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Basque Country

that's sounds like that one message a moderator would make for the "stand by" status to leave the thread completly inactive forever while we "wait for a decision"

EXDF_ likes this
Virginia, USA

@KilleDragon yeah it does but he actually messaged me and we added it for now. so run it and it might stay

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Due to popular demand, we have decided to add a blindfolded category. You must use a facecam and a handcam for proof. If there are fewer than three people on the leaderboard in two months, the category will be deleted to not being popular enough. It is on the main board for now to increase exposure,

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