My splits are not working for Stray
2 years ago

My splits work fine for games like RE2 but not for Stray. When going into the Splits Editor > Settings the only thing I see in there is "[DEBUG] Show tracked values in layout"

This button is unticked and it adds some weird stuff to my layout if I tick it. Are people manually splitting until there's a "fix" or am I just doing something awfully wrong? My splits don't pause when I pause the game and they don't split when entering a new chapter.

What am I doing wrong?


Update: Nvm seems like they do work. It's just that the timer doesn't stop when you pause the game and/or during cutscenes.

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Rule Changes

Hey all!

There have been several recent changes to the rulesets. I encourage everyone to review the rules in full, but the main changes are listed below:

IL's now end at the first checkpoint of a future chapter. Please review individual chapter rules for which checkpoints are used.


1 year ago
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