Pacifist category?
7 years ago

Was wondering if people would be interested in speedrunning this game killing as few NPCs as possible?

From the top of my head only the bosses need to be killed but I could be wrong as I don't run it.

Probably adds very little to the run but I thought it could be a nice idea. Thoughts?

Hamburg, Germany

I think you can kill next to no NPCs in this game and still beat it. Anyways, I´d like to see a new miscellaneous category.


It would mean a few revisions to the current world record route, at any rate.

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Changes to the leaderboard

Hello there,

There's been a bunch of changes to the leaderboard. We've added an Any% Category for Rayman on PS1 since that version is now beatable with the use of a Memory Card Manipulation. Essentially being able to warp to Mr. Dark's Dare, skipping the need for collecting all the cages.

All the

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