Player categories
1 year ago
United States

Please set the number of players for 1P subcategory to 1 or otherwise reorganize the board to fix this. I have a run I cannot submit because SRC claims I "don't have enough players" even though I am trying to submit for the 1P category.

The run in question:

Also, why are emulator runs hidden by default? A fairly decent number of people are going to be emulating this game on MAME.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 1 year ago
Illinois, USA

Yeah there is some problems when dealing with player subcategory. Also I am very inactive on looking at src website so I'll try to fix it as soon as possible.

EDIT: the last time I fix the leaderboards including this one was years ago so the changes of leaderboards themselves from src was causing these problems (like not enough Player) to happen

EDIT2: It's done. You can try to submit your run and I also made a post about the issue/fix of what happen there

Bearbeitet von der Autor 1 year ago