BlueCoin% category?
1 year ago

I was thinking, since roughly every level has a hidden Blue Coin in it (even 4-5...), it would probably be cool to have a BlueCoin% category: Get all hidden Blue Coins as fast as possible. (This can maybe include the ones found in coin piles? Although I remember there being one of those in, for example, Morpho Knight Sword Treasure Road... It's up to any of you to include Treasure Roads or not.)

The only thing I see stopping this though, is the fact that people may have not found every Blue Coin in the game yet. I wouldn't blame them, this game is full of hidden secrets...

ItsMeChair und BOBtheJEFF12345 gefällt das.

Maybe good category extention than good main category

IrisDescent gefällt das.
Östergötland, Sweden

yeah, we need a category extensions leaderboard

BOBtheJEFF12345 und Karlo2004 gefällt das.
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