Hat Day: The META
2 years ago
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

There is a definite advantage to some hats. The question now goes to whether skipping certain tasks is available when it comes to keeping the optimal hat. I wanted to get my hands down into speedrunning seriously and try my luck at this. I beat the game in 5 hours and 50 mins. I wasn't recording or anything but more so getting an idea of what to expect. Thankfully certain cutscenes can be skipped. Bosses can be cheesed, and I think this game will definitely have a lot of exploits to be found. I can't wait to make my first post tomorrow. I have a goal to beat this in 3 hours or less for my first submission. If you all would like to post your findings for hats on: -Movement -Combat -Vertatility

Then I am all ears for hearing out ideas. Also looking to test out which Swallow Abilities can be skipped and which would clear objectives quickly to fill minimum needed for an Any% run.

Would love to hear some thoughts.

Happy Speedrunning!!


Languedoc-Roussillon, France

As far as I tested level 3 fire hat is the fastest one, but you'd have to find the bluesheets and upgrade it so maybe it's slower overall. For level 1 hat, wind is the fastest one.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 2 years ago
KaZ_Mods gefällt das.
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

In terms of Combat Spike Hat, dodging is not a priority since it's quick enough to boost you behind the boss's back. After getting the second upgrade you steamroll over most bosses with added projectile given to the hat and BIG damage just from hugging them. You can also clip into tree boss. I plan to do some testing today to find the actual spot you can clip through.

Needle got buffed so hard

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