Locations of All Treasures - Level 05 - Palawan Lagoon (N64)
Locations of All Treasures - Level 05 - Palawan Lagoon (N64)
Aktualisiert 2 years ago von the_kovic

This guide will show you all the treasure locations with a short written commentary on how to reach them. It will also show a difficulty rating which expresses how hard it is to find/reach the treasure without hints. Treasures are presented in the order in which it is believed to be fastest to collect them.

Treasure 1 - Silver Coins


Commentary: This first treasure is barely hidden. You can see it right from the entrance to the cave! The medkit might be hidden better. Anyway, look to the right side of the box with the machete in front of it and you will find some Silver Coins.

Difficulty rating: x

Treasure 2 - Blue Gem


Commentary: There's a small cave to the right of the starting beach area. This is likely the first cave blocked by cobwebs you will find. Inside the cave, there's a cracked bit of wall to the right which you can blow open with the Urgon's Part. Behind it, you will find a Blue Gem.

Difficulty rating: x

Treasure 3 - Silver Idol


Commentary: This treasure is located on the same plateau as the small cave with the shovel, ehm, I mean Entrenching Tool inside. You can notice a bit of grassless dirt near a rock (Indy will even commentate on it). Use the shovel on it to dig out a Silver Idol.

Difficulty rating: x

Treasure 4 - Gold Idol


Commentary: This one is very sneaky. Deep in the water to the left of the starting beach area, hidden behind a large rock, there's an entrance to an underwater cave. Swim through this cave until you find a hole that leads out of water. You will find a niche with a corpse and a Gold Idol inside.

Difficulty rating: xxx

Treasure 5 - Gold Coins


Commentary: On the large beach opposite the starting beach, there are Gold Coins hidden behind a large rock near a hostile lizard.

Difficulty rating: x

Treasure 6 - Gold Bar


Commentary: When you encounter the derelict ship, swim towards the end which is lowered where you can climb on top of the ship. Now swim to the side of the ship which looks towards the open ocean. You will be able to notice a hole in the hull. Inside, tucked right in the corner, is a Gold Bar.

Difficulty rating: xxx

Treasure 7 - Silver Coins


Commentary: After you blow a new hole into ship with a torpedo, you will find yourself having to swim through the maze of flooded cabins. From the starting area where you can find the hammer, swim into the doors diagonally opposite from the room with the hammer and then continue forwards. In the last cabin, you will find some Silver Coins once again hidden in the corner.

Difficulty rating: xx

Treasure 8 - Gold Coins


Commentary: Once you get access to the bridge (where you can find the crank), go around the corner into a cabin with a ladder. Go down and continue as far as you can. At the very end near some locked doors, you will find some Gold Coins.

Difficulty rating: xxx

Treasure 9 - Silver Bar


Commentary: This treasure is found in the flooded temple. It's not very hidden but easy to miss. Swim to the left of the entrance and you will find a Silver Bar lying on the floor.

Difficulty rating: xx

Treasure 10 - Gold Coins


Commentary: The final treasure is in the last temple of the level. Right after you climb out of the water, you will find some Gold Coins lying between two broken pillars.

Difficulty rating: x

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