The Pro Book (Beach)
The Pro Book (Beach)
Aktualisiert 3 years ago von TLPadi

Hole 1

The first hole is one of the easiest Holes in all of ProPutt. There are two easy ways to play the hole that lead to a hole in one.

1st way

The first way is a direct path to the hole, start the putt a bit to the right and it will break left-right-left.

The only way you can mess up this line is by playing it a little to short or long and miss the line a bit left or right, in that case you just go for the easy tap in birdie.

2nd Way

The second way to play a easy hole in one on this hole is by playing it a little harder to the right if you play it right it will break from right to left and then a bit left to right. With this line you try to miss the hole a little left and it will break right on the slope and go in the hole if you play it right. With this line you could end up in a bad spot, if you play it too hard and touch the rough on top of the slope. In which case it can run by the hole and leave a difficult birdie putt. If you go for this, you need to have confidence to hit that second putt even if the first is not ideal. This line is easier to pull of than the first way to play! I personally play the second way.


1st way (red) With the first way the misses are not as bad as the misses with the second way so you will score a birdie, with chance of an eagle pretty much every time 2nd way (blue) Easier to pull of consistently, misses are worse. Higher eagle chance.

Hole 2

Very easy hole that pretty much guarantees a birdie. This hole has only one line to play. Play the ball to the right side, it will break left to right and then right to left. Overshooting is ok and guarantees a tap in birdie.

The only way of failing to make a birdie or better is by leaving it way short or miss a tap in.

Hole 3

The third hole is the first par 4 on Beach course. On this hole we will do the first trick shot. Play the first shot between the rough on the left side and the rough from the tree in the middle. This way you will hit the Purple marked area on the Rock and bounce towards the green.

If you hit the rough with your shot it is possible that you will hit the wrong part of the Rock and bounce in the bunker or out of bounds.

It is also possible to play the ball against the tree. Even if you get the line right there is the possibility to go out of bounds if you hit the ball too far or too short if the ball lands on the rough after hitting the Rock. After this you will have short putt that breaks from left to right for eagle.

Hole 4

The 4th Hole is the last Par 3 on this course and also the toughest. There are two ways to play this hole, right side over the big slope or left side over the bump.

1st way (red)

Play it to the right and let it break towards the left, this will usually get it close to the hole or even in the hole. The risk with this way is just to hit the rock in the middle or maybe over/under hitting it a bit.

2nd way (blue)

On the second hole it is way harder to get it really close or get a hole in one. Start the putt a bit to the right side of the pin, it will come back. It is really difficult to get the speed right. In the Comparison on the next page, I have drawn a black line where it is supposed to land.

Misses can range from way short to way long.


1st way (red) Easier to pull off, misses on this are better than on the second one. 2nd way (blue) Difficult to pull off, worse misses, but an incredible feeling when you make it. I personally use the first way.

Hole 5

The fifth hole is an interesting par 4 with two very different ways to play it.

1st way (red)

Play the ball towards the left side of the slope in front of you. If you avoid touching the rough and have the right speed on the ball, then you will have a short second putt. Using this line you could run into trouble with touching the rough on the left side or play it too strong and out of bounds or on top of the slope, it is also possible to hit it a little too hard and hit the rough on the left side after the slope.

2nd way (blue)

The second way to play this hole is to putt against the big rock in the middle of the green, the rock has two sides, the left side makes the ball bounce higher, but it does not go that far and the right side will have a low bounce that rolls further. Therefore if you are playing the left side you will have to play it a bit harder than when you are playing the right side. I usually try to hit the right side of the rock (the side that is further away). With this line the mistakes will be worse than with the first line. Hitting the stone on the right or hit the wrong part of the big rock will result in the ball going out of bounds.


1st way (red) It is possible to get the ball closer than by using the rocks. Less consistent than playing of the rock. 2nd way (blue) More consistent in getting eagles and birdies. Misses can be worse and the probability of the ball going out of bounds is higher. I use the second way.

Hole 6

This hole is the only par 5 on the beach course. It is also the only hole that has three ways to play it.

1st way (blue)

Aim to the point that is furthest to the right of the dark grey rock on the left side of the green. You want the hit the rock in the area, where the rock is marked white. If you get the speed right and hit the rock in the right spot, you will have a but possible difficult second shot that is breaking right to left.

It is possible that you will hit the tree in the middle or the rough on the left hand side, another obstacle is the light grey rock behind the dark grey rock, if you hit it you will usually go out of bounds

It is also possible that you overhit your shot to the left side and play it out of bounds or hit the rock and go out of bounds.

2nd way (red)

On the first shot you want to hit it right of the first tree and left behind the second one. On the second shot aim towards the slope and play the ball all the way up the slope, without getting stuck in the rough. This will get you an easy third shot for eagle.

The only mistakes you can make using that route is play it too far, too short or hit the tree.

3rd way (green)

With the third way you are trying to hit the dark grey rock on the right side. If you hit the right spot with the right speed it will get really close, and leave you a easy second shot.

There are many ways to miss this shot here are just a few examples all ending out of bounds Miss left. Hit the right side of the rock but with not enough speed. Miss right, if you miss right you might get lucky and hit the light grey rock and get it over.


1st way (blue) Can give you a shot for a albatross. Not easy to pull off. Medium risk. 2nd way (red) Gives you an eagle when you don‘t miss any shot by far. Easy to pull off. Low risk. 3rd way (green) Difficult to pull off. Best chance for an albatross. High risk. I decide spontaneous, which shot I play, but mostly I play the second way.

Hole 7

The seventh hole has to ways to play it, one is playing slow and going for a birdie, the other is playing over the rough on the left hand side and getting it close.

1st way (blue)

This is a risky shot that can shift the momentum. Aim to the middle of the left hand rough and play it not too hard. If you pulled it off, you are really close to the hole and have a nice chance for an eagle.

If you try this shot, there is a good chance that you overhit it, leave it short and play it out of bounds or aim a bit too much to the right and hit it in the bunker.

2nd way (red)

Just hit the first shot in the middle of the green and play the second shot on the plateu, if you are on the far right side near the bunkers or even in the right rough after the first shot, don‘t leave the second shot short. Usually you will have an easy third Putt for birdie.

Don‘t play your first shot too short or too far right.


1st way (blue) High risk. If played right results in an easy eagle. Easy to get wrong. 2nd way (red) Very consistent. Eagles are possible with good reads. Low risk. I personally play the second way.

Hole 8

An easy looking hole that can still screw up your intired round.

1st way (blue)

Aim for the left side of the Rock in front of you. If you hit the right side you will get pretty close to the hole. It is really difficult to judge the break on the second shot.

If you play it too hard you can easily land in the bunker or even out of bounds. If you hit the wrong spot on the rock the ball could go out of bounds too.

2nd way (red)

Play the slope. If you are far away on the second play it a bit more towards the slope. If you are close you can try to eagle the hole with a putt breaking left to right.

The only way you can really mess this way up is by hitting the rough, when it comes off the slope.


1st way (blue) Gets you closer to the hole, but is riskier. 2nd way (red) More consistent, you will remember slope, because you will land in similar spots. Low risk. Further away. I personally use the second way.

Hole 9

The last hole on the beach course, with unique design.

1st way (red)

Aim a bit left of the palm tree. You want to get the ball to land right after the downslope ends (where the stone is on the right), then it usually has the right speed to get close to the hole. If you hit it a bit short but on the green it will be a straight second putt, but if you overhit it you will find yourself probability in front of the bunker and a left to right downhill break infront of you.

Don‘t hit the palm tree or leave it short down in the rough.

But don‘t overhit it either or you will end in the bunker or out of bounds. If you hit it really soft then you could end up on the green but more than 30ft away from it.

2nd way (blue)

Try to hit the rough on the left hand side. You need to hit it a bit harder than the other way.

It is easy to play the ball out of bounds to the left on this hole.


1st way (red) More consistent. Easier to hit. 2nd way (blue) Less consistent. High risk – low reward.

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