Tutorial coming soon! + Why the Timer starts when it starts.
2 years ago
Nova Scotia, Canada

Hello God Slayers!

Firstly, I'd like to mention I will be developing a guide as soon as possible. Things I will cover include...

-What RNG effects -Item descriptions and how to use them in a speed run -Movement tech -Boss Strategy -Routing Strategy -Skills and how to use them -Story lines and how to use them

Item two, you may be wondering why the timer starts when it starts. When initially routing the game, it became apparent that certain party rolls would not be viable in a speedrun. It was frustrating for myself (and the other only runner I am aware of playing at the time) to jog in the overworld for 45-60 seconds only to discover that the composition of your team was not viable.

To combat this, we decided that runs would start from the training cave that is on the spawn beach. This way you can check your roll and see if it is worth using, which saves a significant amount of time. No one will lose time analyzing their party at the first boss gate.

This also allows for the potential of a diverse strategy for runs as you will be able to look for certain traits, storylines, etc.

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