API : Project viability study
1 year ago

Hi there,

I'm moderating Pod : Planet of Death.

This is a 1997 sci-fi racing game where the main sport is time attack on the individual levels. Full game runs are possible of course, but usually less popular than regular IL time attack.

I've recently learned the existence of SRC API and after reading some ressources, I'm starting to believe I could achieve some project I've been thinking about for a while.

I would like to recreate some leaderboard layout that the old Pod's record site was offering, and also recreate some kind of cup standing. Attributing points to players, according to their ranks on each IL leaderboards.

  1. Leaderboard layout :

Old site was offering a TOP5 for each track on the same page : http://web.archive.org/web/20010922182550/http://qball.simplenet.com/pod/ghostsio/top5.html

  1. Cup standing :

That same old site was featuring a leaderboard somehow similar to a cup standing. Players would get points according to their rank on each tracks (IL). The point earned would determine their position on this "global ranking".

My question is, can I reproduce those two features using the API and some personal hosting/website ? I've been reading the API ressources, but I'm not experimented with JSON or JS and before diving in, I'd like some expert insight.

I'd need to extract full leaderboards for each IL. Then get "positions" for each "players". Not sure if this is possible, I was not sure reading the "leaderboard" JSON API ressource...

Once I get those datas, I guess I'll find out how to use them to create my own layouts, points standing, etc...

Thanks a lot !